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EntityLoadHelperTest.php in YAML Content 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\yaml_content\Unit\EntityLoadHelper;

use Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityTypeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Drupal\Tests\yaml_content\Traits\LoadFixturesTrait;
use Drupal\yaml_content\Service\EntityLoadHelper;

 * Test functionality of the EntityLoadHelper class.
 * @coversDefaultClass Drupal\yaml_content\Service\EntityLoadHelper
 * @group yaml_content
class EntityLoadHelperTest extends UnitTestCase {
  use LoadFixturesTrait;

   * A prepared EntityLoadHelper object for testing.
   * @var \Drupal\yaml_content\Service\EntityLoadHelper|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  protected $loadHelper;

   * Mock the EntityLoadHelper class to support test inspections.
   * Mock the EntityLoadHelper class with a configurable list of stubbed methods.
   * @param array|null $stubbed_methods
   *   (Optional) An array of method names to leave active on the mock object.
   *   All other declared methods on the ContentLoader class will be stubbed. If
   *   this argument is omitted all methods are mocked and execute their
   *   original code.
   * @return \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
   *   The mocked ContentLoader object with
  protected function getEntityLoadHelperMock($stubbed_methods = NULL) {

    // Partially mock the ContentLoader for testing specific methods.
    $mock = $this
    return $mock;

   * Test the entity type manager is lazy loaded upon request.
   * @covers ::getEntityTypeManager
  public function testEntityTypeManagerIsLazyLoaded() {
      ->markTestIncomplete('This test has not been implemented yet.');

   * Test the entity field manager is lazy loaded upon request.
   * @covers ::getEntityFieldManager
  public function testEntityFieldManagerIsLazyLoaded() {
      ->markTestIncomplete('This test has not been implemented yet.');

   * Test entityExists uses content data to load matching entities.
   * @covers ::entityExists
   * @covers ::loadEntity
  public function testEntityExistsAttemptsToLoadEntity() {
    $this->loadHelper = $this

    // Prepare arguments to be tested.
    $entity_type = 'text_entity';
    $content_data = [
      'entity' => 'test_entity',
      'type' => 'tester',
      'name' => 'Test Entity',

    // Prepare expectations.
      ->with($entity_type, $content_data);

    // Execute the method.
      ->entityExists($entity_type, $content_data);

   * Test entityExists method returns true when an entity is loaded.
   * @covers ::entityExists
  public function testEntityExistsReturnsTrueWhenAnEntityIsLoaded() {

    // Mock the load helper for testing.
    $this->loadHelper = $this
      ->entityExists('test_entity', []));

   * Test entityExists method returns false when an entity is not loaded.
   * @covers ::entityExists
  public function testEntityExistsReturnsFalseWhenAnEntityIsNotLoaded() {

    // Mock the load helper for testing.
    $this->loadHelper = $this
      ->entityExists('test_entity', []));

   * An entity is searched by UUID first if one is provided.
   * @covers ::loadEntity
  public function testLoadEntityLoadsUuidFirstIfAvailable() {
    $this->loadHelper = $this

    // Prepare the parameters.
    $entity_type = 'test_entity';
    $content_data = [
      'entity' => 'test_entity',
      // Include a UUID property.
      'uuid' => '3c6485e4-69a3-429d-8ab1-3e7df48747bc',
      ->with($entity_type, $content_data['uuid']);

    // Execute the method.
      ->loadEntity($entity_type, $content_data);

   * An entity is not searched by properties if UUID is provided.
   * @covers ::loadEntity
  public function testLoadEntityDoesntSearchTwiceIfUuidIsProvided() {
    $this->loadHelper = $this

    // Prepare the parameters.
    $entity_type = 'test_entity';
    $content_data = [
      'entity' => 'test_entity',
      // Include a UUID property.
      'uuid' => '3c6485e4-69a3-429d-8ab1-3e7df48747bc',

    // Execute the method.
      ->loadEntity($entity_type, $content_data);

   * An entity is not searched by UUID if no UUID is provided.
   * @covers ::loadEntity
  public function testLoadEntityDoesntSearchTwiceIfNoUuidIsProvided() {
    $this->loadHelper = $this

    // Prepare the parameters.
    $entity_type = 'test_entity';

    // Do not include a UUID property.
    $content_data = [
      'entity' => 'test_entity',

    // Execute the method.
      ->loadEntity($entity_type, $content_data);

   * An entity is searched by properties if no UUID is defined.
   * @covers ::loadEntity
  public function testLoadEntityLoadsByPropertiesIfUuidIsUnavailable() {
    $this->loadHelper = $this

    // Prepare the parameters.
    $entity_type = 'test_entity';

    // Do not include a UUID property.
    $content_data = [
      'entity' => 'test_entity',
      ->with($entity_type, $content_data);

    // Execute the method.
      ->loadEntity($entity_type, $content_data);

   * Test that loadEntity returns false if UUID searching returned no matches.
   * @covers ::loadEntity
  public function testLoadEntityWithUuidReturnsFalseWithNoMatches() {
    $this->loadHelper = $this

    // Prepare the parameters.
    $entity_type = 'test_entity';
    $content_data = [
      'entity' => 'test_entity',
      // Include a UUID property.
      'uuid' => '3c6485e4-69a3-429d-8ab1-3e7df48747bc',

    // Mock that loadByUuid found no matches.

    // Execute the method.
    $actual = $this->loadHelper
      ->loadEntity($entity_type, $content_data);

    // Confirm the return value.

   * Test that loadEntity returns matched entity if UUID searching returned a match.
   * @covers ::loadEntity
  public function testLoadEntityWithUuidReturnsMatchedEntity() {
    $this->loadHelper = $this

    // Prepare the parameters.
    $entity_type = 'test_entity';
    $content_data = [
      'entity' => 'test_entity',
      // Include a UUID property.
      'uuid' => '3c6485e4-69a3-429d-8ab1-3e7df48747bc',

    // Mock that loadByUuid found a match.
    $matched_entity = $this

    // Execute the method.
    $actual = $this->loadHelper
      ->loadEntity($entity_type, $content_data);

    // Confirm the return value.
      ->assertSame($matched_entity, $actual);

   * Test that loadEntity returns false if property searching returned no matches.
   * @covers ::loadEntity
  public function testLoadEntityWithPropertiesReturnsFalseWithNoMatches() {
    $this->loadHelper = $this

    // Prepare the parameters.
    $entity_type = 'test_entity';

    // Do not include a UUID property.
    $content_data = [
      'entity' => 'test_entity',

    // Mock that loadByProperties found no matches.

    // Execute the method.
    $actual = $this->loadHelper
      ->loadEntity($entity_type, $content_data);

    // Confirm the return value.

   * Test that loadEntity returns matched entity if property searching returned a match.
   * @covers ::loadEntity
  public function testLoadEntityWithPropertiesdReturnsMatchedEntity() {
    $this->loadHelper = $this

    // Prepare the parameters.
    $entity_type = 'test_entity';

    // Do not include a UUID property.
    $content_data = [
      'entity' => 'test_entity',

    // Mock that loadByProperties found a match.
    $matched_entity = $this

    // Execute the method.
    $actual = $this->loadHelper
      ->loadEntity($entity_type, $content_data);

    // Confirm the return value.
      ->assertSame($matched_entity, $actual);

   * Test that UUID search only includes the UUID and entity type.
   * @covers ::loadByUuid
  public function testLoadByUuidSearchesByUuidOnly() {
      ->markTestIncomplete('This test has not been implemented yet.');

   * Test loadByUuid returns only the first match.
   * @covers ::loadByUuid
  public function testLoadByUuidReturnsOnlyOneMatch() {
      ->markTestIncomplete('This test has not been implemented yet.');

   * Test loadByUuid returns false if no match is found.
   * @covers ::loadByUuid
  public function testLoadByUuidReturnsFalseIfNoMatchIsFound() {
      ->markTestIncomplete('This test has not been implemented yet.');

   * Test that property search only includes content property values.
   * @covers ::loadByProperties
  public function testLoadByPropertiesSearchesByPropertiesOnly() {
      ->markTestIncomplete('This test has not been implemented yet.');

   * Test loadByProperties returns only the first match.
   * @covers ::loadByProperties
  public function testLoadByPropertiesReturnsOnlyOneMatch() {
      ->markTestIncomplete('This test has not been implemented yet.');

   * Test loadByUuid returns false if no match is found.
   * @covers ::loadByProperties
  public function testLoadByPropertiesReturnsFalseIfNoMatchIsFound() {
      ->markTestIncomplete('This test has not been implemented yet.');

   * Test extractContentProperties returns property attributes.
   * @covers ::extractContentProperties
  public function testExtractContentPropertiesOnlyReturnsProperties() {
    $this->loadHelper = $this

    // Prepare the parameters.
    $entity_type = 'test_entity';

    // Do not include a UUID property.
    $content_data = [
      'entity' => 'test_entity',
      'type' => 'test_bundle',
      'status' => '1',
      'field_title' => 'Test Title',

    // Mock the categorizeAttributes return value.
    $results = [
      'property' => [
        'entity' => 'test_entity',
        'type' => 'test_bundle',
        'status' => '1',
      'field' => [
        'field_title' => 'Test Title',
      'other' => [],

    // Execute the method.
    $actual = $this->loadHelper
      ->extractContentProperties($entity_type, $content_data);

    // Confirm the return value.
      ->assertSame($results['property'], $actual);

   * Test categorizeAttributes always returns three attribute categories.
   * @covers ::categorizeAttributes
   * @covers ::identifyAttributeType
   * @dataProvider attributeCategorizationProvider
  public function testCategorizeAttributesAlwaysReturnsThreeKeys($entity_type, $content, $expected) {

    // Execute the method.
    $actual = $this->loadHelper
      ->categorizeAttributes($entity_type, $content);

    // Confirm the returned keys.
      ->assertSame(array_keys($expected), array_keys($actual), 'categorizeAttributes method did not return the expected keys.');

   * Test categorizeAttributes identifies properties as expected.
   * @covers ::categorizeAttributes
   * @covers ::identifyAttributeType
   * @dataProvider attributeCategorizationProvider
  public function testCategorizeAttributesProperlyIdentifiesProperties($entity_type, $content, $expected) {

    // Execute the method.
    $actual = $this->loadHelper
      ->categorizeAttributes($entity_type, $content);
      ->assertArrayEquals($expected['property'], $actual['property']);

   * Test categorizeAttributes identifies fields as expected.
   * @covers ::categorizeAttributes
   * @covers ::identifyAttributeType
   * @dataProvider attributeCategorizationProvider
  public function testCategorizeAttributesProperlyIdentifiesFields($entity_type, $content, $expected) {

    // Execute the method.
    $actual = $this->loadHelper
      ->categorizeAttributes($entity_type, $content);
      ->assertArrayEquals($expected['field'], $actual['field']);

   * Test categorizeAttributes identifies "other" attributes as expected.
   * @covers ::categorizeAttributes
   * @covers ::identifyAttributeType
   * @dataProvider attributeCategorizationProvider
  public function testCategorizeAttributesProperlyIdentifiesOther($entity_type, $content, $expected) {

    // Execute the method.
    $actual = $this->loadHelper
      ->categorizeAttributes($entity_type, $content);
      ->assertArrayEquals($expected['other'], $actual['other']);

   * Data provider to test attribute categorization.
  public function attributeCategorizationProvider() {
    $fixture = $this
    $assertions = [];
    foreach ($fixture as $assertion) {
      $assertions[] = [
    return $assertions;

   * Get a mocked entity definition.
   * @param string $entity_type
   *   The identifier for the entity type definition being mocked.
   * @return \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject|ContentEntityTypeInterface
   *   The mock for the entity definition.
  public function getEntityDefinition($entity_type) {
    $definition = $this
      ->loadFixtureContent('entity_definitions', [
    $mock = $this
      ->willReturnCallback(function ($key) use ($definition) {
      return in_array($key, $definition['entity_keys']);
    return $mock;

   * Load fixture data for mapped entity fields.
   * @param $entity_type
   *   The identifier for the entity type field list being loaded.
   * @return array
   *   An array of fields for the specified entity type.
  public function getEntityFields($entity_type) {
    $field_map = $this
      ->loadFixtureContent('field_list', [
    return $field_map;

   * Get a mock for an entity storage handler.
   * @return \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject|EntityStorageInterface
  protected function getEntityStorageMock() {
    $mock = $this
    return $mock;

   * Get a mock for an entity.
   * @return \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject|ContentEntityInterface
  protected function getEntityMock() {
    $mock = $this
    return $mock;

   * Prepare the EntityLoadHelper mock for testing categorizeAttributes.
  protected function setUpCategorizeAttributesTests() {
    $this->loadHelper = $this

    // Mock the getEntityFields return value.

    // Mock the getEntityDefinition return value.



Namesort descending Description
EntityLoadHelperTest Test functionality of the EntityLoadHelper class.