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11 calls to xmlsitemap_load_all_includes() in XML sitemap 6.2

xmlsitemap_generate_chunk in ./
xmlsitemap_generate_index in ./
Generate the index sitemap.
xmlsitemap_generate_page in ./
Generate one page (chunk) of the sitemap.
xmlsitemap_get_context_info in ./xmlsitemap.module
xmlsitemap_get_current_context in ./xmlsitemap.module
Get the sitemap context of the current request.
xmlsitemap_get_link_info in ./xmlsitemap.module
Returns information about supported sitemap link types.
xmlsitemap_link_save in ./xmlsitemap.module
Saves or updates a sitemap link.
xmlsitemap_sitemap_delete_multiple in ./xmlsitemap.module
Delete multiple XML sitemaps.
xmlsitemap_sitemap_list_form in ./
Render a tableselect list of XML sitemaps for the main admin page.
xmlsitemap_sitemap_save in ./xmlsitemap.module
Save changes to an XML sitemap or add a new XML sitemap.
xmlsitemap_sitemap_uri in ./xmlsitemap.module
Returns the uri elements of an XML sitemap.