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8 calls to xmlsitemap_get_directory() in XML sitemap 7.2

xmlsitemap_check_all_directories in ./xmlsitemap.module
Check all directories.
xmlsitemap_check_directory in ./xmlsitemap.module
Check that the sitemap files directory exists and is writable.
xmlsitemap_clear_directory in ./xmlsitemap.module
Clear Directory.
xmlsitemap_requirements in ./xmlsitemap.install
Implements hook_requirements().
xmlsitemap_settings_form in ./
Form builder; Administration settings form.
xmlsitemap_sitemap_get_file in ./xmlsitemap.module
Return the expected file path for a specific sitemap chunk.
xmlsitemap_sitemap_get_max_filesize in ./xmlsitemap.module
Find the maximum file size of all a sitemap's XML files.
xmlsitemap_sitemap_save in ./xmlsitemap.module
Save changes to an XML sitemap or add a new XML sitemap.