public function XmlSitemapLinkStorage::delete in XML sitemap 2.x
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8 src/XmlSitemapLinkStorage.php \Drupal\xmlsitemap\XmlSitemapLinkStorage::delete()
Delete a specific sitemap link from the database.
If a visible sitemap link was deleted, this will automatically set the regenerate needed flag.
string $entity_type: A string with the entity type.
string $entity_id: Entity ID to be deleted.
string $langcode: (optional) The language code for the link that should be deleted. If omitted, links for that entity will be removed in all languages.
Return value
int The number of links that were deleted.
Overrides XmlSitemapLinkStorageInterface::delete
- src/
XmlSitemapLinkStorage.php, line 271
- XmlSitemapLinkStorage
- XmlSitemap link storage service class.
public function delete($entity_type, $entity_id, $langcode = NULL) {
$conditions = [
'type' => $entity_type,
'id' => $entity_id,
if ($langcode) {
$conditions['language'] = $langcode;
return $this