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10 calls to xmlrpc_error() in xmlrpc 8

xmlrpc_clear_error in ./
Clears any previously-saved errors.
xmlrpc_errno in ./
Returns the last XML-RPC client error number.
xmlrpc_error_msg in ./
Returns the last XML-RPC client error message.
xmlrpc_server_call in ./
Dispatches an XML-RPC request and any parameters to the appropriate handler.
xmlrpc_server_error in ./
Throws an XML-RPC error.
xmlrpc_server_method_signature in ./
Returns one method signature for a function.
xmlrpc_server_multicall in ./
Dispatches multiple XML-RPC requests.
_xmlrpc in ./
Performs one or more XML-RPC requests.
_xmlrpc_example_server_add in xmlrpc_example/xmlrpc_example.module
This is the callback for the xmlrpc_example.add method.
_xmlrpc_example_server_subtract in xmlrpc_example/xmlrpc_example.module
This is the callback for the xmlrpc_example.subtract xmlrpc method.