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XlsTest.php in Excel Serialization 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\xls_serialization\Unit\Encoder;

use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Drupal\xls_serialization\Encoder\Xls;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\File;

 * Tests the XLS encoder.
 * @group xls_serialization
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\xls_serialization\Encoder\Xls
class XlsTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * @covers ::supportsEncoding
  public function testSupportsEncoding() {
    $encoder = new Xls();

   * @covers ::encode
  public function testEncode() {
    $data = [
        'foo' => 'bar',
        'biz' => 'baz',
        'foo' => 'bar1',
        'biz' => 'baz1',
        'foo' => 'bar2',
        'biz' => 'baz2',
    $encoder = new Xls();
    $encoded = $encoder
      ->encode($data, 'xlsx');

    // Load the file and verify the data.
    $file = $this
    $sheet = $file

    // Verify headers.
      ->assertEquals('foo', $sheet
      ->getCellByColumnAndRow(1, 1)
      ->assertEquals('biz', $sheet
      ->getCellByColumnAndRow(2, 1)

    // Verify some of the data.
      ->assertEquals('bar1', $sheet
      ->getCellByColumnAndRow(1, 3)
      ->assertEquals('baz2', $sheet
      ->getCellByColumnAndRow(2, 4)

   * Tests metadata.
   * @covers ::encode
  public function testEncodeMetaData() {

    // Test metadata.
    $style_plugin = new \stdClass();
    $style_plugin->options = [
      'xls_settings' => [
        'xls_format' => 'Excel2007',
        'metadata' => [
          'creator' => 'J Author',
          'last_modified_by' => 'That one guy, down the hall?',
          'created' => 1320998400,
          'modified' => 1355299200,
          'title' => 'A fantastic title. The best title.',
          'description' => 'Such a great description. Everybody is saying.',
          'subject' => 'This spreadsheet is about numbers.',
          'keywords' => 'testing xls spreadsheets',
          'category' => 'test category',
          'manager' => 'J Q Manager',
          'company' => 'Drupal',
          'custom_properties' => [
            'foo' => 'bar',
            'biz' => [
            'baz' => [
    $context['views_style_plugin'] = $style_plugin;
    $encoder = new Xls();
    $encoded = $encoder
      ->encode([], 'xlsx', $context);
    $file = $this
      ->loadXlsFile($encoded, 'xlsx');
    $metadata = $style_plugin->options['xls_settings']['metadata'];
    $properties = $file
      ->assertEquals($metadata['creator'], $properties
      ->assertEquals($metadata['last_modified_by'], $properties
      ->assertEquals($metadata['created'], $properties
      ->assertEquals($metadata['modified'], $properties
      ->assertEquals($metadata['title'], $properties
      ->assertEquals($metadata['description'], $properties
      ->assertEquals($metadata['subject'], $properties
      ->assertEquals($metadata['keywords'], $properties
      ->assertEquals($metadata['category'], $properties
      ->assertEquals($metadata['manager'], $properties
      ->assertEquals($metadata['company'], $properties

    // Verify custom properties.
      ->assertEquals('bar', $properties
      ->assertEquals('12345.12', $properties
      ->assertEquals('1320998400', $properties

   * Helper function to retrieve an xls object for a xls file.
   * @param object $xls
   *   The xls file contents.
   * @param string $format
   *   The format the xls file is in. Defaults to 'xls'.
   * @return \PHPExcel
   *   The excel object.
  protected function loadXlsFile($xls, $format = 'xls') {

    // PHPExcel only supports files, so write the xls to a temporary file.
    $xls_file = @tempnam(File::sysGetTempDir(), 'phpxltmp.' . $format);
    file_put_contents($xls_file, $xls);
    return IOFactory::load($xls_file);



Namesort descending Description
XlsTest Tests the XLS encoder.