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private function XBBCodeStandardTest::getTags in Extensible BBCode 4.0.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 standard/tests/src/Kernel/XBBCodeStandardTest.php \Drupal\Tests\xbbcode_standard\Kernel\XBBCodeStandardTest::getTags()

Data provider that generates test input/output for standard tags.

Return value

string[][] Array of arrays, each array consisting of two strings:

  • The filter input.
  • The expected filter output.
1 call to XBBCodeStandardTest::getTags()
XBBCodeStandardTest::testTags in standard/tests/src/Kernel/XBBCodeStandardTest.php
Test all of the tags installed by this module.


standard/tests/src/Kernel/XBBCodeStandardTest.php, line 92


Test the standard tags provided by XBBCode.




private function getTags() : array {
  $input = $this

  // Add a long run of backslashes to check for backtracking.
  $input .= str_repeat('\\', 128);

  // Add a pathological mix of raw and encoded characters.
  $input .= '<>&&amp;&quot;&amp;amp;amp;quot;&gt;';

  // Mask any existing tag names that happen to be generated.
  $names = [
  $replacement = mb_strtolower($this
  $input = preg_replace('/(\\[\\/?)(' . implode('|', $names) . ')(?!\\w+)/', '$0' . $replacement, $input);

  // Also mask any list item delimiters.
  $input = str_replace('[*]', '[**]', $input);
  $content = Html::escape($input);

  // The option must escape square brackets.
  $option = preg_replace('/[\\[\\]\\\\]/', '\\\\$0', $input);

  // If the option starts with a quote, add a backslash.
  if (preg_match('/^[\'\\"]/', $option)) {
    $option = '\\' . $option;

  // Attribute has escaped quotes.
  // Also, all semicolons must be part of character entities.
  $style = Html::escape(str_replace(';', '', $input));
  $tags[] = [
    "<p style=\"text-align:{$style}\">{$content}</p>",
  $tags[] = [
  $tags[] = [
    "<span style=\"color:{$style}\">{$content}</span>",
  $tags[] = [
    "<span style=\"font-family:{$style}\">{$content}</span>",
  $tags[] = [
  $tags[] = [
    "<a href=\"{$content}\" title=\"{$content}\">{$content}</a>",
  $tags[] = [
  $tags[] = [
    "<span style=\"font-size:{$style}\">{$content}</span>",
  $tags[] = [
  $tags[] = [
  $tags[] = [
  $tags[] = [
    "<span style=\"text-decoration:underline\">{$content}</span>",
  $tags[] = [
  try {

    // Exhaustively test cases here.
    $width = random_int(0, 1000);
    $height = random_int(0, 1000);
  } catch (\Exception $e) {

    // Chosen by fair dice roll. Guaranteed to be random.
    $width = 4;
    $height = 4;
  $tags[] = [
    "<img src=\"{$content}\" alt=\"{$content}\" style=\"width:{$width}px;height:{$height}px;\" />",
  $tags[] = [
    "[img width={$width} height={$height}]{$input}[/img]",
    "<img src=\"{$content}\" alt=\"{$content}\" style=\"width:{$width}px;height:{$height}px;\" />",
  $tags[] = [
    "<img src=\"{$content}\" alt=\"{$content}\" style=\"width:{$width}px;\" />",
  $tags[] = [
    "[img width={$width}]{$input}[/img]",
    "<img src=\"{$content}\" alt=\"{$content}\" style=\"width:{$width}px;\" />",
  $tags[] = [
    "<img src=\"{$content}\" alt=\"{$content}\" style=\"height:{$height}px;\" />",
  $tags[] = [
    "[img height={$height}]{$input}[/img]",
    "<img src=\"{$content}\" alt=\"{$content}\" style=\"height:{$height}px;\" />",

  // Tables have an extra backslash level, which is applied first.
  $cell = preg_replace('/[\'\\",\\\\]/', '\\\\$0', $input);
  $header = preg_replace('/[\\s\\[\\]\\\\]/', '\\\\$0', $cell);
  $attribute = preg_replace('/[\'\\"\\s\\[\\]\\\\]/', '\\\\$0', $input);
  $headers = "~{$header}0,\\ {$header}1,!{$header}2,#{$header}3";
  if (preg_match('/^[\'\\"]/', $headers[0])) {
    $headers = '\\' . $headers;
    $attribute = '\\' . $attribute;
  $row = implode(',', array_fill(0, 4, $cell));
  $output_row = <<<DOC
  <td style="text-align:left">{<span class="php-variable">$content</span>}</td>
  <td>{<span class="php-variable">$content</span>}</td>
  <td style="text-align:center">{<span class="php-variable">$content</span>}</td>
  <td style="text-align:right">{<span class="php-variable">$content</span>}</td>
  $table_body = str_repeat("{$row}\n", 5);
  $output = str_repeat($output_row, 5);
  $table = <<<DOC
<table class="responsive-enabled" data-striping="1">
  <caption>{<span class="php-variable">$content</span>}-caption</caption>
      <th>{<span class="php-variable">$content</span>}0</th>
      <th>{<span class="php-variable">$content</span>}1</th>
      <th>{<span class="php-variable">$content</span>}2</th>
      <th>{<span class="php-variable">$content</span>}3</th>
    {<span class="php-variable">$output</span>}
  $tags[] = [
    "[table header={$headers} caption={$attribute}-caption]\n{$table_body}[/table]",
  return $tags;