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private function LibrariesLoad::librariesDetect in X Autoload 7.5

Tries to detect a library and its installed version.


$name: The machine name of a library to return registered information for.

Return value

array|false An associative array containing registered information for the library specified by $name, or FALSE if the library $name is not registered. In addition to the keys returned by libraries_info(), the following keys are contained:

  • installed: A boolean indicating whether the library is installed. Note that not only the top-level library, but also each variant contains this key.
  • version: If the version could be detected, the full version string.
  • error: If an error occurred during library detection, one of the following error statuses: "not found", "not detected", "not supported".
  • error message: If an error occurred during library detection, a detailed error message.

See also



1 call to LibrariesLoad::librariesDetect()
LibrariesLoad::librariesLoad in tests/src/VirtualDrupal/LibrariesLoad.php


tests/src/VirtualDrupal/LibrariesLoad.php, line 117






private function librariesDetect($name) {

  // Re-use the statically cached value of libraries_info() to save memory.
  $library =& $this->librariesInfo
  if ($library === FALSE) {
    return $library;

  // If 'installed' is set, library detection ran already.
  if (isset($library['installed'])) {
    return $library;
  $library['installed'] = FALSE;

  // Check whether the library exists.
  if (!isset($library['library path'])) {
    $library['library path'] = $this->librariesInfo
      ->librariesGetPath($library['machine name']);
  if ($library['library path'] === FALSE || !file_exists($library['library path'])) {
    $library['error'] = 'not found';
    $library['error message'] = t('The %library library could not be found.', array(
      '%library' => $library['name'],
    return $library;

  // Invoke callbacks in the 'pre-detect' group.
    ->librariesInvoke('pre-detect', $library);

  // Detect library version, if not hardcoded.
  if (!isset($library['version'])) {

    // We support both a single parameter, which is an associative array, and an
    // indexed array of multiple parameters.
    if (isset($library['version arguments'][0])) {

      // Add the library as the first argument.
      $library['version'] = call_user_func_array($library['version callback'], array_merge(array(
      ), $library['version arguments']));
    elseif ('libraries_get_version' === $library['version callback']) {
      $library['version'] = $this
        ->librariesGetVersion($library, $library['version arguments']);
    else {
      $library['version'] = $library['version callback']($library, $library['version arguments']);
    if (empty($library['version'])) {
      $library['error'] = 'not detected';
      $library['error message'] = t('The version of the %library library could not be detected.', array(
        '%library' => $library['name'],
      return $library;

  // Determine to which supported version the installed version maps.
  if (!empty($library['versions'])) {
    $version = 0;
    foreach ($library['versions'] as $supported_version => $version_properties) {
      if (version_compare($library['version'], $supported_version, '>=')) {
        $version = $supported_version;
    if (!$version) {
      $library['error'] = 'not supported';
      $library['error message'] = t('The installed version %version of the %library library is not supported.', array(
        '%version' => $library['version'],
        '%library' => $library['name'],
      return $library;

    // Apply version specific definitions and overrides.
    $library = array_merge($library, $library['versions'][$version]);

  // Check each variant if it is installed.
  if (!empty($library['variants'])) {
    foreach ($library['variants'] as $variant_name => &$variant) {

      // If no variant callback has been set, assume the variant to be
      // installed.
      if (!isset($variant['variant callback'])) {
        $variant['installed'] = TRUE;
      else {

        // We support both a single parameter, which is an associative array,
        // and an indexed array of multiple parameters.
        if (isset($variant['variant arguments'][0])) {

          // Add the library as the first argument, and the variant name as the second.
          $variant['installed'] = call_user_func_array($variant['variant callback'], array_merge(array(
          ), $variant['variant arguments']));
        else {
          $variant['installed'] = $variant['variant callback']($library, $variant_name, $variant['variant arguments']);
        if (!$variant['installed']) {
          $variant['error'] = 'not found';
          $variant['error message'] = t('The %variant variant of the %library library could not be found.', array(
            '%variant' => $variant_name,
            '%library' => $library['name'],

  // If we end up here, the library should be usable.
  $library['installed'] = TRUE;

  // Invoke callbacks in the 'post-detect' group.
    ->librariesInvoke('post-detect', $library);
  return $library;