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XAutoloadWebTestCase.php in X Autoload 7.4


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namespace Drupal\xautoload\Tests;

class XAutoloadWebTestCase extends \DrupalWebTestCase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'X Autoload web test',
      'description' => 'Test xautoload class loading for an example module.',
      'group' => 'X Autoload',

   * {@inheritdoc}
  function setUp() {

  function testNoCache() {
      ->xautoloadTestWithCacheTypes(array(), TRUE);

  function testApcCache() {
    $cache_types = array(
      'apc' => 'apc',
      'xcache' => 'xcache',
      'wincache' => 'wincache',
      ->xautoloadTestWithCacheTypes($cache_types, TRUE);

   * @param array $cache_types
   *   The autoloader modes that are enabled, e.g.
   *   array('apc' => 'apc', 'xcache' => 'xcache')
   * @param bool $cache_lazy
   *   Whether the "lazy" mode is enabled.
  protected function xautoloadTestWithCacheTypes($cache_types, $cache_lazy) {
    variable_set('xautoload_cache_types', $cache_types);
      ->pass("Set cache types: " . var_export($cache_types, TRUE));
    variable_set('xautoload_cache_lazy', $cache_lazy);
      ->pass("Set cache lazy mode: " . var_export($cache_lazy, TRUE));

    // Enable xautoload.
    ), FALSE);

    // At this time the xautoload_cache_mode setting is not in effect yet,
    // so we have to clear old cached values from APC cache.
    ), FALSE);
    foreach (array(
      'xautoload_test_1' => array(
      'xautoload_test_2' => array(
      'xautoload_test_3' => array(
    ) as $module => $classes) {
      $classes_on_include = in_array($module, array(
        ->xautoloadModuleEnabled($module, $classes, $classes_on_include);
        ->xautoloadModuleCheckJson($module, $cache_types, $cache_lazy, $classes);

   * @param string $module
   * @param string[] $classes
   * @param bool $classes_on_include
  protected function xautoloadModuleEnabled($module, $classes, $classes_on_include) {
    EnvironmentSnapshotMaker::takeSnapshot($module, 'later', $classes);
    $all = EnvironmentSnapshotMaker::getSnapshots($module);
    foreach ($all as $phase => $observations) {
      $when = $phase === 'early' ? 'on drupal_load() during module_enable()' : ($phase === 'later' ? 'after hook_modules_enabled()' : 'at an undefined time');

      // Test the classes of the example module.
      foreach ($classes as $class) {

        // Test that the class was already found in $phase.
          ->assertTrue(isset($observations['class_exists'][$class]), "Class {$class} was checked {$when}.");
        if ($classes_on_include || $phase !== 'early') {
            ->assertTrue($observations['class_exists'][$class], "Class {$class} was found {$when}.");
        else {
            ->assertFalse($observations['class_exists'][$class], "Class {$class} cannot be found {$when}.");

   * @param string $module
   * @param array $cache_types
   *   The autoloader modes that are enabled, e.g.
   *   array('apc' => 'apc', 'xcache' => 'xcache')
   * @param bool $cache_lazy
   *   Whether the "lazy" mode is enabled.
   * @param string[] $classes
  protected function xautoloadModuleCheckJson($module, $cache_types, $cache_lazy, $classes) {
    $path = "{$module}.json";
    $json = $this
    $all = json_decode($json, TRUE);
    if (!is_array($all) || empty($all)) {
        ->fail("{$path} must return a non-empty json array.");
    foreach ($all as $phase => $observations) {
      $when = $phase === 'early' ? 'on early bootstrap' : ($phase === 'boot' ? 'during hook_boot()' : 'at an undefined time');
        ->xautoloadCheckTestEnvironment($observations, $cache_types, $cache_lazy, $when);

      // Test the classes of the example module.
      foreach ($classes as $class) {

        // Test that the class was already found in $phase.
          ->assertTrue($observations['class_exists'][$class], "Class {$class} was found {$when}.");

   * @param array $observations
   * @param array $cache_types
   *   The autoloader modes that are enabled, e.g.
   *   array('apc' => 'apc', 'xcache' => 'xcache')
   * @param bool $lazy
   *   Whether the "lazy" mode is enabled.
   * @param $when
  protected function xautoloadCheckTestEnvironment($observations, $cache_types, $lazy, $when) {

    // Check early-bootstrap variables.
    $label = "{$when}: xautoload_cache_types:";
      ->assertEqualBlock($cache_types, $observations['xautoload_cache_types'], $label);
    $label = "{$when}: xautoload_cache_lazy:";
      ->assertEqualInline($lazy, $observations['xautoload_cache_lazy'], $label);

    // Check registered class loaders.
    $expected = $this
    $actual = $observations['spl_autoload_functions'];
    $label = "{$when}: spl autoload stack:";
      ->assertEqualBlock($expected, $actual, $label);

   * @param string $cache_types
   *   The autoloader modes that are enabled, e.g.
   *   array('apc' => 'apc', 'xcache' => 'xcache')
   * @return string[]
   *   Expected order of class loaders on the spl autoload stack for the given
   *   autoloader mode. Each represented by a string.
  protected function expectedAutoloadStackOrder($cache_types) {
    if (!empty($cache_types['apc']) && extension_loaded('apc') && function_exists('apc_store')) {
      $loader = 'Drupal\\xautoload\\ClassLoader\\ApcClassLoader->loadClass()';
    elseif (!empty($cache_types['wincache']) && extension_loaded('wincache') && function_exists('wincache_ucache_get')) {
      $loader = 'Drupal\\xautoload\\ClassLoader\\WinCacheClassLoader->loadClass()';
    elseif (!empty($cache_types['xcache']) && extension_loaded('Xcache') && function_exists('xcache_get')) {
      $loader = 'Drupal\\xautoload\\ClassLoader\\XCacheClassLoader->loadClass()';
    else {
      $loader = 'Drupal\\xautoload\\ClassFinder\\ClassFinder->loadClass()';
    return array(

   * Assert that a module is disabled.
   * @param string $module
  protected function assertModuleDisabled($module) {
      ->assertFalse(module_exists($module), "Module {$module} is disabled.");

   * Assert that a module is enabled.
   * @param string $module
  protected function assertModuleEnabled($module) {
      ->assertTrue(module_exists($module), "Module {$module} is enabled.");

   * Assert that a class is defined.
   * @param string $class
  protected function assertClassExists($class) {
      ->assertTrue(class_exists($class), "Class '{$class}' must exist.");

   * @param mixed $expected
   * @param mixed $actual
   * @param string $label
  protected function assertEqualBlock($expected, $actual, $label) {
    $label .= 'Expected: <pre>' . var_export($expected, TRUE) . '</pre>' . 'Actual: <pre>' . var_export($actual, TRUE) . '</pre>';
      ->assertEqual($expected, $actual, $label);

   * @param mixed $expected
   * @param mixed $actual
   * @param string $label
  protected function assertEqualInline($expected, $actual, $label) {
    $label .= '<br/>' . 'Expected: <code>' . var_export($expected, TRUE) . '</code><br/>' . 'Actual: <code>' . var_export($actual, TRUE) . '</code>';
      ->assertEqual($expected, $actual, $label);

