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11 calls to wysiwyg_get_editor() in Wysiwyg 7.2

wysiwyg_add_plugin_settings in ./wysiwyg.module
Add settings for external plugins.
wysiwyg_features_rebuild in ./
Implements hook_features_rebuild().
wysiwyg_get_editor_config in ./wysiwyg.module
Return an array of initial editor settings for a Wysiwyg profile.
wysiwyg_get_editor_themes in ./wysiwyg.module
Retrieve available themes for an editor.
wysiwyg_get_plugins in ./wysiwyg.module
Return plugin metadata from the plugin registry.
wysiwyg_load_editor in ./wysiwyg.module
Load an editor library and initialize basic Wysiwyg settings.
wysiwyg_profile_form in ./
Form builder for Wysiwyg profile form.
wysiwyg_profile_overview_submit in ./
Submit callback for Wysiwyg profile overview form.
wysiwyg_profile_overview_validate in ./
Validate callback for Wysiwyg profile overview form.
wysiwyg_update_7204 in ./wysiwyg.install
Remove empty editor profiles and update existing profiles.
_wysiwyg_tinymce_is_v3 in editors/
Check if the installed major version is 3.