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public function WsData::getData in Web Service Data 7

Retrieve the value for the given data key.

This function retrieves data from the structured array in $this->data using $key as a key. $key should be a string, with the character ':' delimiting the parts of the key. I.E. The key something:someplace with retrive $this->data['something']['someplace'] N.B. This function can be overridden to work with whatever the ->parse function is implemented to return.


string $key [optional]: Data key to load

string $lang [optional]: Language key

Return value

mixed|boolean Returns the requested data, FALSE otherwise.

1 method overrides WsData::getData()
SampleProcessor::getData in modules/wsconfig/wsconfig.api.php
WsData provides a default getData implementation. This function must return a properly structured field array (including language, array of values, field names, etc...).


./wsdata.module, line 171
Main module for wsconfig


Class definition for Web Service data parser


public function getData($key = NULL, $lang = NULL) {
  $return_data = FALSE;
  if (is_array($this->data)) {

    // Paths to load data from
    $paths = array();

    // Split the logic based on whether we have translated data
    // - Return all the data for a given language
    // - Return a key of data for a given language
    // - Return a key of data for all languages
    // First, see if we want a specific language
    if ($this->languages) {
      if (!is_null($lang) and array_key_exists($lang, $this->data)) {
        $paths[$lang] = !empty($key) ? $lang . ':' . $key : $lang;
      else {
        foreach ($this->languages as $lang) {
          $paths[$lang] = !empty($key) ? $lang . ':' . $key : $lang;
    else {
      if (!empty($key)) {
        $paths[$key] = $key;

    // Get the raw data
    $return_data = $this->data;

    // Simplest case, return all data.
    if (empty($paths)) {
      return $return_data;

    // Second simplest case, one specific value
    if (!empty($paths[$key])) {
      $location = explode(':', $paths[$key]);
      foreach ($location as $l) {
        if (isset($return_data[$l])) {
          $return_data = $return_data[$l];
        else {
          $return_data = FALSE;
      return $return_data;

    // Third case, one specific value in a given language
    if (!empty($paths[$lang]) and count($paths) == 1) {
      $location = explode(':', $path[$lang]);
      foreach ($location as $l) {
        if (isset($return_data[$l])) {
          $return_data = $return_data[$l];
        else {
          $return_data = FALSE;

      // Language specific data is always keyed by the language
      $return_data[$lang] = $return_data;
      return $return_data;

    // Lastly, the complicated case. Keyed value for all languages
    if ($this->languages and count($paths) > 1) {
      $keyed_data = array();
      foreach ($paths as $p => $path) {

        // Reset return data
        $return_data = $this->data;
        $location = explode(':', $path);
        foreach ($location as $l) {
          if (isset($return_data[$l])) {
            $return_data = $return_data[$l];
          else {
            $return_data = FALSE;
        $keyed_data[$p] = $return_data;

      // Finally, put the keyed data back into the return data.
      return $keyed_data;
  return $return_data;