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WorkspacePermissionsTest.php in Workspace 8

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  1. 8.2 tests/src/Functional/WorkspacePermissionsTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\workspace\Functional;

use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
use Drupal\multiversion\Entity\WorkspaceInterface;
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;

 * Tests permission controls on workspaces.
 * @group workspace
 * @runTestsInSeparateProcesses
 * @preserveGlobalState disabled
class WorkspacePermissionsTest extends BrowserTestBase {
  use WorkspaceTestUtilities;
  public static $modules = [

   * Verifies that a user can create but not edit a workspace.
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException
  public function testCreateWorkspace() {
    $editor = $this
      'access administration pages',
      'administer site configuration',

    // Login as a limited-access user and create a workspace.
    $session = $this
      ->assertEquals(200, $session
    $page = $session
      ->fillField('label', 'Bears');
      ->fillField('machine_name', 'bears');
      ->hasContent('Bears (bears)');

    // Now edit that same workspace; We shouldn't be able to do so, since
    // we don't have edit permissions.

    /** @var EntityTypeManagerInterface $etm */
    $etm = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager');

    /** @var WorkspaceInterface $bears */
    $entity_list = $etm
      'label' => 'Bears',
    $bears = current($entity_list);
      ->assertEquals(403, $session

    // @todo add Deletion checks once there's a UI for deletion.

   * Verifies that a user can create and edit only their own workspace.
  public function testEditOwnWorkspace() {
    $permissions = [
      'access administration pages',
      'administer site configuration',
    $editor1 = $this

    // Login as a limited-access user and create a workspace.
      ->createWorkspaceThroughUI('Bears', 'bears');

    // Now edit that same workspace; We should be able to do so.
    $bears = $this
    $session = $this
      ->assertEquals(200, $session
    $page = $session
      ->fillField('label', 'Bears again');
      ->fillField('machine_name', 'bears');
      ->hasContent('Bears again (bears)');

    // Now login as a different user and ensure they don't have edit access,
    // and vice versa.
    $editor2 = $this
    $session = $this
      ->createWorkspaceThroughUI('Packers', 'packers');
    $packers = $this
      ->assertEquals(200, $session
      ->assertEquals(403, $session

   * Verifies that a user can edit any workspace.
  public function testEditAnyWorkspace() {
    $permissions = [
      'access administration pages',
      'administer site configuration',
    $editor1 = $this

    // Login as a limited-access user and create a workspace.
      ->createWorkspaceThroughUI('Bears', 'bears');

    // Now edit that same workspace; We should be able to do so.
    $bears = $this
    $session = $this
      ->assertEquals(200, $session
    $page = $session
      ->fillField('label', 'Bears again');
      ->fillField('machine_name', 'bears');
      ->hasContent('Bears again (bears)');

    // Now login as a different user and ensure they don't have edit access,
    // and vice versa.
    $admin = $this
      ->drupalCreateUser(array_merge($permissions, [
    $session = $this
      ->createWorkspaceThroughUI('Packers', 'packers');
    $packers = $this
      ->assertEquals(200, $session
      ->assertEquals(200, $session



Namesort descending Description
WorkspacePermissionsTest Tests permission controls on workspaces.