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public function ReplicatorManager::replicate in Workspace 8

Perform the replication from the source to target workspace.


\Drupal\workspace\WorkspacePointerInterface $source: The workspace to replicate from.

\Drupal\workspace\WorkspacePointerInterface $target: The workspace to replicate to.

mixed $task: Optional information that defines the replication task to perform.

Return value

\Drupal\replication\Entity\ReplicationLog The replication log entry.

Overrides ReplicatorInterface::replicate


src/ReplicatorManager.php, line 88


Provides the Replicator manager.




public function replicate(WorkspacePointerInterface $source, WorkspacePointerInterface $target, $task = NULL, Replication $replication = NULL) {
  if ($replication === NULL) {

    // Create replication entity to Deploy changes from $source to $target.
    $replication = Replication::create([
      'name' => t('Deploy from @source to @target', [
        '@source' => $source
        '@target' => $target
      'source' => $source,
      'target' => $target,

  // @todo Use here $replication->setDocIds() to set selected UUIDs when we'll
  // have implemented the way users can select changes for next deployment.
  // It is assumed a caller of replicate will set this static variable to
  // FALSE if they wish to proceed with replicating content upstream even in
  // the presence of conflicts. If the caller wants to make sure no conflicts
  // are replicated to the upstream, set this value to TRUE.
  // By default, the value is FALSE so as not to break the previous
  // behavior.
  // @todo Use a sequence index instead of boolean? This will allow the
  // caller to know there haven't been additional conflicts.
  $is_aborted_on_conflict = drupal_static('workspace_is_aborted_on_conflict', FALSE);

  // Abort updating the Workspace if there are conflicts.
  $initial_conflicts = $this->conflictTracker
  if ($is_aborted_on_conflict && $initial_conflicts) {
    return $this
      ->replicationLog($source, $target, $task);

  // Derive a pull replication task from the Workspace we are acting on.
  $pull_task = $this
    ->getWorkspace(), 'pull_replication_settings');

  // Set selected for deployment UUIDs.
  $doc_ids = $replication
  if (is_array($doc_ids) && !empty($doc_ids)) {

  // Pull in changes from $target to $source to ensure a merge will complete.
    ->update($target, $source, $pull_task);

  // Automatically derive settings from the workspace if no task sent.
  // @todo Refactor to eliminate obscurity of having an optional parameter
  // and automatically setting the parameter's value.
  if ($task === NULL) {

    // Derive a push replication task from the Workspace we are acting on.
    $task = $this
      ->getWorkspace(), 'push_replication_settings');

  // Set selected for deployment UUIDs.
  if (is_array($doc_ids) && !empty($doc_ids)) {

  // Push changes from $source to $target.
    ->queueReplication($replication, $task);
  return $this
    ->replicationLog($source, $target, $task, TRUE);