You are here in Workflow Extensions 6

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7 views/

Canned, ready-to-customise workflow-related views: 1) Workflow Dashboard: a state transition form for each node that is subject to workflow 2) Workflow History: a customisable view version of the Workflow module's built-in workflow history, node/%/workflow, with extra options such as "edit comment" links.


View source

 * @file
 *  Canned, ready-to-customise workflow-related views:
 *  1) Workflow Dashboard: a state transition form for each node that is subject
 *     to workflow
 *  2) Workflow History: a customisable view version of the Workflow module's
 *     built-in workflow history, node/%/workflow, with extra options such as
 *     "edit comment" links.

 * Implementation of hook_views_default_views().
function workflow_extensions_views_default_views() {
  $view = new view();
  $view->name = 'workflow_dashboard';
  $view->description = 'Workflow dashboard';
  $view->tag = 'workflow extensions';
  $view->view_php = '';
  $view->base_table = 'node';
  $view->is_cacheable = FALSE;
  $view->api_version = 2;
  $view->disabled = FALSE;
  $handler = $view
    ->new_display('default', 'Defaults', 'default');
    ->override_option('fields', array(
    'title' => array(
      'label' => 'Title',
      'alter' => array(
        'alter_text' => 0,
        'text' => '',
        'make_link' => 0,
        'path' => '',
        'link_class' => '',
        'alt' => '',
        'prefix' => '',
        'suffix' => '',
        'target' => '',
        'help' => '',
        'trim' => 0,
        'max_length' => '',
        'word_boundary' => 1,
        'ellipsis' => 1,
        'html' => 0,
        'strip_tags' => 0,
      'empty' => '',
      'hide_empty' => 0,
      'empty_zero' => 0,
      'link_to_node' => 1,
      'exclude' => 0,
      'id' => 'title',
      'table' => 'node',
      'field' => 'title',
      'relationship' => 'none',
      'override' => array(
        'button' => 'Override',
    'sid' => array(
      'label' => 'Current state',
      'alter' => array(
        'alter_text' => 0,
        'text' => '',
        'make_link' => 0,
        'path' => '',
        'link_class' => '',
        'alt' => '',
        'prefix' => '',
        'suffix' => '',
        'target' => '',
        'help' => '',
        'trim' => 0,
        'max_length' => '',
        'word_boundary' => 1,
        'ellipsis' => 1,
        'html' => 0,
        'strip_tags' => 0,
      'empty' => '',
      'hide_empty' => 0,
      'empty_zero' => 0,
      'exclude' => 0,
      'id' => 'sid',
      'table' => 'workflow_node',
      'field' => 'sid',
      'relationship' => 'none',
    'state_change_form' => array(
      'label' => 'State transition form',
      'alter' => array(
        'alter_text' => 0,
        'text' => 'Here you go: [state_change_form]',
        'make_link' => 0,
        'path' => 'node',
        'link_class' => '',
        'alt' => '',
        'prefix' => '',
        'suffix' => '',
        'target' => '',
        'help' => '',
        'trim' => 0,
        'max_length' => '',
        'word_boundary' => 1,
        'ellipsis' => 1,
        'html' => 0,
        'strip_tags' => 0,
      'empty' => '',
      'hide_empty' => 0,
      'empty_zero' => 0,
      'exclude' => 0,
      'id' => 'state_change_form',
      'table' => 'workflow_node',
      'field' => 'state_change_form',
      'relationship' => 'none',
      'override' => array(
        'button' => 'Override',
    ->override_option('sorts', array(
    'nid' => array(
      'order' => 'DESC',
      'id' => 'nid',
      'table' => 'node',
      'field' => 'nid',
      'override' => array(
        'button' => 'Override',
      'relationship' => 'none',
    ->override_option('filters', array(
    'sid' => array(
      'id' => 'sid',
      'table' => 'workflow_node',
      'field' => 'sid',
    ->override_option('access', array(
    'type' => 'perm',
    'perm' => 'access workflow summary views',
    ->override_option('cache', array(
    'type' => 'none',
    ->override_option('items_per_page', 20);
    ->override_option('use_pager', '1');
    ->override_option('style_plugin', 'table');
  $handler = $view
    ->new_display('page', 'Page', 'page_1');
    ->override_option('path', 'workflow-dashboard');
    ->override_option('menu', array(
    'type' => 'normal',
    'title' => 'Workflow dashboard',
    'description' => 'Workflow dashboard',
    'weight' => '0',
    'name' => 'navigation',
    ->override_option('tab_options', array(
    'type' => 'none',
    'title' => '',
    'description' => '',
    'weight' => 0,
    'name' => 'navigation',
  $views[$view->name] = $view;

  // Workflow history with editable state transition comments
  $view = new view();
  $view->name = 'workflow_history';
  $view->description = 'Workflow state transition history across all nodes or a single node';
  $view->tag = 'workflow extensions';
  $view->view_php = '';
  $view->base_table = 'node';
  $view->is_cacheable = FALSE;
  $view->api_version = 2;
  $view->disabled = FALSE;

  /* Edit this to true to make a default view disabled initially */
  $handler = $view
    ->new_display('default', 'Defaults', 'default');
    ->override_option('relationships', array(
    'uid' => array(
      'label' => 'State transitioner',
      'required' => 1,
      'id' => 'uid',
      'table' => 'workflow_node_history',
      'field' => 'uid',
      'override' => array(
        'button' => 'Override',
      'relationship' => 'none',
    ->override_option('fields', array(
    'nid' => array(
      'label' => 'Nid',
      'alter' => array(
        'alter_text' => 0,
        'text' => '',
        'make_link' => 0,
        'path' => '',
        'link_class' => '',
        'alt' => '',
        'prefix' => '',
        'suffix' => '',
        'target' => '',
        'help' => '',
        'trim' => 0,
        'max_length' => '',
        'word_boundary' => 1,
        'ellipsis' => 1,
        'html' => 0,
        'strip_tags' => 0,
      'empty' => '',
      'hide_empty' => 0,
      'empty_zero' => 0,
      'link_to_node' => 0,
      'exclude' => 1,
      'id' => 'nid',
      'table' => 'node',
      'field' => 'nid',
      'override' => array(
        'button' => 'Override',
      'relationship' => 'none',
    'hid' => array(
      'label' => 'Hid',
      'alter' => array(
        'alter_text' => 0,
        'text' => '',
        'make_link' => 0,
        'path' => '',
        'link_class' => '',
        'alt' => '',
        'prefix' => '',
        'suffix' => '',
        'target' => '',
        'help' => '',
        'trim' => 0,
        'max_length' => '',
        'word_boundary' => 1,
        'ellipsis' => 1,
        'html' => 0,
        'strip_tags' => 0,
      'empty' => '',
      'hide_empty' => 0,
      'empty_zero' => 0,
      'set_precision' => FALSE,
      'precision' => 0,
      'decimal' => '.',
      'separator' => ',',
      'prefix' => '',
      'suffix' => '',
      'exclude' => 1,
      'id' => 'hid',
      'table' => 'workflow_node_history',
      'field' => 'hid',
      'relationship' => 'none',
    'stamp' => array(
      'label' => 'Date & time',
      'alter' => array(
        'alter_text' => 0,
        'text' => '',
        'make_link' => 0,
        'path' => '',
        'link_class' => '',
        'alt' => '',
        'prefix' => '',
        'suffix' => '',
        'target' => '',
        'help' => '',
        'trim' => 0,
        'max_length' => '',
        'word_boundary' => 1,
        'ellipsis' => 1,
        'html' => 0,
        'strip_tags' => 0,
      'empty' => '',
      'hide_empty' => 0,
      'empty_zero' => 0,
      'date_format' => 'medium',
      'custom_date_format' => '',
      'exclude' => 0,
      'id' => 'stamp',
      'table' => 'workflow_node_history',
      'field' => 'stamp',
      'relationship' => 'none',
      'override' => array(
        'button' => 'Override',
    'title' => array(
      'label' => 'Title',
      'alter' => array(
        'alter_text' => 0,
        'text' => '',
        'make_link' => 0,
        'path' => '',
        'link_class' => '',
        'alt' => '',
        'prefix' => '',
        'suffix' => '',
        'target' => '',
        'help' => '',
        'trim' => 0,
        'max_length' => '',
        'word_boundary' => 1,
        'ellipsis' => 1,
        'html' => 0,
        'strip_tags' => 0,
      'empty' => '',
      'hide_empty' => 0,
      'empty_zero' => 0,
      'link_to_node' => 1,
      'exclude' => 0,
      'id' => 'title',
      'table' => 'node',
      'field' => 'title',
      'relationship' => 'none',
      'override' => array(
        'button' => 'Override',
    'sid' => array(
      'label' => 'Transitioned to',
      'alter' => array(
        'alter_text' => 0,
        'text' => '',
        'make_link' => 0,
        'path' => '',
        'link_class' => '',
        'alt' => '',
        'prefix' => '',
        'suffix' => '',
        'target' => '',
        'help' => '',
        'trim' => 0,
        'max_length' => '',
        'word_boundary' => 1,
        'ellipsis' => 1,
        'html' => 0,
        'strip_tags' => 0,
      'empty' => '',
      'hide_empty' => 1,
      'empty_zero' => 0,
      'exclude' => 0,
      'id' => 'sid',
      'table' => 'workflow_node_history',
      'field' => 'sid',
      'relationship' => 'none',
      'override' => array(
        'button' => 'Override',
    'name' => array(
      'label' => 'By',
      'alter' => array(
        'alter_text' => 0,
        'text' => '',
        'make_link' => 0,
        'path' => '',
        'link_class' => '',
        'alt' => '',
        'prefix' => '',
        'suffix' => '',
        'target' => '',
        'help' => '',
        'trim' => 0,
        'max_length' => '',
        'word_boundary' => 1,
        'ellipsis' => 1,
        'html' => 0,
        'strip_tags' => 0,
      'empty' => '',
      'hide_empty' => 0,
      'empty_zero' => 0,
      'link_to_user' => 1,
      'overwrite_anonymous' => 0,
      'anonymous_text' => '',
      'exclude' => 0,
      'id' => 'name',
      'table' => 'users',
      'field' => 'name',
      'override' => array(
        'button' => 'Override',
      'relationship' => 'uid',
    'comment' => array(
      'label' => 'Transition comment',
      'alter' => array(
        'alter_text' => 0,
        'text' => '',
        'make_link' => 0,
        'path' => 'workflow-log/[hid]?destination=workflow-history/[nid]',
        'link_class' => '',
        'alt' => 'Edit this comment',
        'prefix' => '',
        'suffix' => '',
        'target' => '',
        'help' => '',
        'trim' => 0,
        'max_length' => '',
        'word_boundary' => 1,
        'ellipsis' => 1,
        'html' => 0,
        'strip_tags' => 0,
      'empty' => '',
      'hide_empty' => 1,
      'empty_zero' => 0,
      'exclude' => 0,
      'id' => 'comment',
      'table' => 'workflow_node_history',
      'field' => 'comment',
      'relationship' => 'none',
      'override' => array(
        'button' => 'Override',
    'edit_comment' => array(
      'label' => 'Edit comment',
      'alter' => array(
        'alter_text' => 0,
        'text' => '',
        'make_link' => 0,
        'path' => '',
        'link_class' => '',
        'alt' => '',
        'prefix' => '',
        'suffix' => '',
        'target' => '',
        'help' => '',
        'trim' => 0,
        'max_length' => '',
        'word_boundary' => 1,
        'ellipsis' => 1,
        'html' => 0,
        'strip_tags' => 0,
      'empty' => '',
      'hide_empty' => 1,
      'empty_zero' => 0,
      'text' => '',
      'exclude' => 0,
      'id' => 'edit_comment',
      'table' => 'workflow_node_history',
      'field' => 'edit_comment',
      'relationship' => 'none',
      'override' => array(
        'button' => 'Override',
    ->override_option('sorts', array(
    'hid' => array(
      'order' => 'DESC',
      'id' => 'hid',
      'table' => 'workflow_node_history',
      'field' => 'hid',
      'relationship' => 'none',
    ->override_option('arguments', array(
    'nid' => array(
      'default_action' => 'default',
      'style_plugin' => 'default_summary',
      'style_options' => array(
        'count' => 1,
        'override' => 0,
        'items_per_page' => '25',
      'wildcard' => 'all',
      'wildcard_substitution' => 'All',
      'title' => 'Workflow history for "%1"',
      'breadcrumb' => '',
      'default_argument_type' => 'php',
      'default_argument' => '',
      'validate_type' => 'none',
      'validate_fail' => 'ignore',
      'break_phrase' => 0,
      'not' => 0,
      'id' => 'nid',
      'table' => 'node',
      'field' => 'nid',
      'validate_user_argument_type' => 'uid',
      'validate_user_roles' => array(
        '2' => 0,
        '3' => 0,
      'relationship' => 'none',
      'default_options_div_prefix' => '',
      'default_argument_fixed' => '',
      'default_argument_user' => 0,
      'default_argument_php' => '  return arg(1);',
      'validate_argument_node_type' => array(
        'page' => 0,
        'resume' => 0,
        'simplenews' => 0,
        'story' => 0,
      'validate_argument_node_access' => 0,
      'validate_argument_nid_type' => 'nid',
      'validate_argument_vocabulary' => array(
        '1' => 0,
        '3' => 0,
      'validate_argument_type' => 'tid',
      'validate_argument_transform' => 0,
      'validate_user_restrict_roles' => 0,
      'validate_argument_node_flag_name' => '*relationship*',
      'validate_argument_node_flag_test' => 'flaggable',
      'validate_argument_node_flag_id_type' => 'id',
      'validate_argument_user_flag_name' => '*relationship*',
      'validate_argument_user_flag_test' => 'flaggable',
      'validate_argument_user_flag_id_type' => 'id',
      'validate_argument_php' => '',
      'override' => array(
        'button' => 'Override',
    ->override_option('filters', array(
    'hid' => array(
      'operator' => '>',
      'value' => array(
        'value' => '0',
        'min' => '',
        'max' => '',
      'group' => '0',
      'exposed' => FALSE,
      'expose' => array(
        'operator' => FALSE,
        'label' => '',
      'id' => 'hid',
      'table' => 'workflow_node_history',
      'field' => 'hid',
      'override' => array(
        'button' => 'Override',
      'relationship' => 'none',
    ->override_option('access', array(
    'type' => 'perm',
    'perm' => 'access workflow summary views',
    ->override_option('cache', array(
    'type' => 'none',
    ->override_option('title', 'Workflow history');
    ->override_option('items_per_page', 100);
    ->override_option('use_pager', '1');
    ->override_option('style_plugin', 'table');
  $handler = $view
    ->new_display('page', 'Page', 'page_1');
    ->override_option('path', 'workflow-history');
    ->override_option('menu', array(
    'type' => 'normal',
    'title' => 'Workflow history',
    'description' => 'Workflow history',
    'weight' => '0',
    'name' => 'navigation',
    ->override_option('tab_options', array(
    'type' => 'none',
    'title' => '',
    'description' => '',
    'weight' => 0,
    'name' => 'navigation',
  $handler = $view
    ->new_display('block', 'Block', 'block_1');
    ->override_option('block_description', 'Workflow history across all nodes or just the currently viewed node');
    ->override_option('block_caching', -1);
  $views[$view->name] = $view;
  return $views;
