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12 calls to workflow_get_workflows_by_type() in Workflow 7

workflow_get_creation_state_by_type in ./
Return the ID of the creation state given a content type.
workflow_node_current_state in ./workflow.module
Get the current state of a given node.
workflow_node_insert in ./
Implements hook_node_insert().
workflow_node_load in ./
Implements hook_node_load(). @TODO: Consider replacing with hook_entity_load().
workflow_node_previous_state in ./workflow.module
workflow_node_update in ./
Implements hook_node_update().
workflow_node_view in ./
Implements hook_node_view().
workflow_tab_access in ./workflow.module
Menu access control callback. Determine access to Workflow tab.
workflow_tab_page in ./
Menu callback. Display workflow summary of a node.
workflow_tokens in ./
Implements hook_tokens().
workflow_update_7004 in ./workflow.install
Update contents of table workflow_scheduled_transition for new columns.
_workflow_form_alter in ./
Used to Implement hook_form_alter(). Is now a subfunction of workflow_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter(). This is more performant, since it is called only on form with correct BASE_FORM_ID.