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6 calls to workflow_get_transition_id() in Workflow 6.2

workflow_actions_workflow in workflow_actions/workflow_actions.module
Implementation of hook_workflow().
workflow_admin_ui_transition_grid_form in workflow_admin_ui/workflow_admin_ui.module
Form builder. Build the grid of transitions for defining a workflow.
workflow_execute_transition in ./workflow.module
Execute a transition (change state of a node).
workflow_state_delete in ./workflow.module
Delete a workflow state from the database, including any transitions the state was involved in and any associations with actions that were made to that transition.
workflow_transition_add_role in ./workflow.module
Add a role to the list of those allowed for a given transition.
workflow_transition_delete_role in ./workflow.module
Remove a role from the list of those allowed for a given transition.