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6 calls to workflow_get_sid_label() in Workflow 7.2

views_handler_argument_workflow_state::summary_name in workflow_views/handlers/
Overrides the behavior of summary_name().
views_handler_argument_workflow_state::title in workflow_views/handlers/
Overrides the behavior of title(). Get the user-friendly version of the workflow state.
workflow_search_api_property_workflow_state_getter_callback in workflow_search_api/workflow_search_api.module
Getter callback for workflow state defined in workflow_search_api_entity_property_info_alter.
workflow_state_formatter in ./workflow.module
Creates a form element to show the current value of a Workflow state.
workflow_vbo_given_state_action in workflow_vbo/actions/
Implements a Drupal action. Move a node to a specified state in the workflow.
workflow_views_handler_field_sid::render in workflow_views/handlers/
Render the field.