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9 calls to workflow_get_name() in Workflow 5.2

theme_workflow_edit_form in ./workflow.module
workflow_deletewf in ./workflow.module
Delete a workflow from the database. Deletes all states, transitions and node type mappings too. Removes workflow state information from nodes participating in this workflow.
workflow_delete_form in ./workflow.module
Create the form for confirmation of deleting a workflow.
workflow_delete_form_submit in ./workflow.module
workflow_form_alter in ./workflow.module
Modify the node form to add the workflow field.
workflow_permissions in ./workflow.module
View workflow permissions by role
workflow_state_add_form in ./workflow.module
Menu callback to create form to add a workflow state.
workflow_tab_form in ./workflow.module
Creates form definition of the workflow editing form.
workflow_token_values in ./workflow.module
Implementation of hook_token_values().