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12 calls to _workflow_info_fields() in Workflow 7.2

theme_workflow_history_table in ./
Theme entire workflow history table.
Workflow::isDeletable in includes/Entity/Workflow.php
Returns if the Workflow may be deleted.
WorkflowState::count in includes/Entity/WorkflowState.php
Returns the number of entities with this state.
WorkflowState::deactivate in includes/Entity/WorkflowState.php
Deactivate a Workflow State, moving existing nodes to a given State.
workflow_access_node_access_records in workflow_access/workflow_access.module
Implements hook_node_access_records().
workflow_actions_trigger_info in workflow_actions/workflow_actions.module
Implements hook_trigger_info().
workflow_get_field_name in ./workflow.module
Determines the Workflow field_name of an entity. If an entity has more workflows, only returns the first one.
workflow_get_workflows_by_type in ./workflow.module
Get a specific workflow, given a Node type. Only one workflow is possible per node type.
workflow_menu_alter in ./workflow.module
Implements hook_menu_alter().
workflow_tab_access in ./workflow.module
Menu access control callback. Determine access to Workflow tab.
workflow_views_entity_info_alter in workflow_views/workflow_views.module
Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
_workflow_tokens_get_transition in ./
Helper function to get the Transition.