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11 calls to workflow_load_multiple() in Workflow 7.2

workflow_access_features_export_options in workflow_access/
Implements hook_features_export_options().
workflow_actions_trigger_info in workflow_actions/workflow_actions.module
Implements hook_trigger_info().
workflow_admin_ui_edit_form_validate in workflow_admin_ui/
Validate the workflow edit/add form.
workflow_admin_ui_type_map_form in workflow_admin_ui/
Page builder. Show a maintenance table for type mapping.
workflow_get_workflows in ./
Get all workflows.
workflow_get_workflow_names in ./workflow.module
Get an options list for workflows (to show in a widget).
workflow_get_workflow_state_names in ./workflow.module
Get an options list for workflow states (to show in a widget).
workflow_views_handler_filter_sid::expose_form in workflow_views/handlers/
Options form subform for exposed filter options.
workflow_views_handler_filter_sid::get_value_options in workflow_views/handlers/
Child classes should be used to override this function and set the 'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function or static public method to generate these values.
_workflow_test_entity_workflow_crud in ./
Test functions.
_workflow_test_metadata in ./