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public function WorkflowTransitionBlock::build in Workflow 8

Builds and returns the renderable array for this block plugin.

If a block should not be rendered because it has no content, then this method must also ensure to return no content: it must then only return an empty array, or an empty array with #cache set (with cacheability metadata indicating the circumstances for it being empty).

Return value

array A renderable array representing the content of the block.

Overrides BlockPluginInterface::build

See also



src/Plugin/Block/WorkflowTransitionBlock.php, line 52


Provides a 'Workflow Transition form' block.




public function build() {
  $form = [];

  // Get the entity for this form.

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */
  if (!($entity = workflow_url_get_entity())) {
    return $form;

  // Get the field name. Avoid error on Node Add page.
  if (!($field_name = workflow_get_field_name($entity))) {
    return $form;

   * Output: generate the Transition Form.

  // Add the WorkflowTransitionForm to the page.
  $form = WorkflowManager::getWorkflowTransitionForm($entity, $field_name, []);
  return $form;