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Functions in Workflow 6.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
workflow_create ./workflow.module Create a workflow and its (creation) state. 1
workflow_cron ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_cron().
workflow_deletewf ./workflow.module Delete a workflow from the database. Deletes all states, transitions and node type mappings, too. Removes workflow state information from nodes participating in this workflow. 1
workflow_execute_transition ./workflow.module Execute a transition (change state of a node). 4
workflow_field_choices ./workflow.module Get the states current user can move to for a given node. 6
workflow_form_alter ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
workflow_get_all ./workflow.module Get names and IDs of all workflows from the database. 8
workflow_get_name ./workflow.module Given the ID of a workflow, return its name. 7
workflow_get_roles ./workflow.module Get a list of roles. 3
workflow_get_state ./workflow.module Given the ID of a workflow state, return a keyed array representing the state. 3
workflow_get_states ./workflow.module Load workflow states for a workflow from the database. If $wid is not passed, all states for all workflows are given. States that have been deleted are not included. 16
workflow_get_state_name ./workflow.module Given the ID of a state, return its name. 3
workflow_get_transition_id ./workflow.module Get the tid of a transition, if it exists. 6
workflow_get_workflow_for_type ./workflow.module Get ID of a workflow for a node type. 8
workflow_install ./workflow.install Implementation of hook_install().
workflow_is_system_state ./workflow.module Tell caller whether a state is a protected system state, such as the creation state. 2
workflow_load ./workflow.module Load function. 2
workflow_menu ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_menu().
workflow_nodeapi ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
workflow_node_current_state ./workflow.module Get the current state of a given node. 7
workflow_node_form ./workflow.module Form builder. Add form widgets for workflow change to $form. 2
workflow_node_tab_access ./workflow.module Menu access control callback. Determine access to Workflow tab. 1
workflow_perm ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_perm().
workflow_rules_check_state workflow_rules/workflow_rules.module Condition implementation: check state.
workflow_rules_check_state_form workflow_rules/workflow_rules.module Configuration form for check state condition.
workflow_rules_check_state_label workflow_rules/workflow_rules.module Label callback for check state condition.
workflow_rules_check_transition workflow_rules/workflow_rules.module Condition implementation: check state transition.
workflow_rules_check_transition_form workflow_rules/workflow_rules.module Configuration form for check transition condition.
workflow_rules_check_transition_label workflow_rules/workflow_rules.module Label callback for check transition condition.
workflow_rules_events_workflow_arguments workflow_rules/workflow_rules.module Returns arguments for a workflow event. 1
workflow_rules_rules_action_info_alter workflow_rules/workflow_rules.module Implementation of hook_rules_action_info_alter().
workflow_rules_rules_condition_info workflow_rules/workflow_rules.module Implementation of hook_condition_info().
workflow_rules_rules_data_type_info workflow_rules/workflow_rules.module Implementation of hook_rules_data_type_info().
workflow_rules_rules_event_info workflow_rules/workflow_rules.module Implementation of hook_rules_event_info().
workflow_schema ./workflow.install Implementation of hook_schema().
workflow_select_given_state_action workflow_actions/workflow_actions.module Implementation of a Drupal action. Move a node to a specified state.
workflow_select_given_state_action_form workflow_actions/workflow_actions.module Configuration form for "Change workflow state of post to new state" action.
workflow_select_given_state_action_submit workflow_actions/workflow_actions.module Submit handler for "Change workflow state of post to new state" action configuration form.
workflow_select_next_state_action workflow_actions/workflow_actions.module Implementation of a Drupal action. Move a node to the next state in the workfow.
workflow_state_delete ./workflow.module Delete a workflow state from the database, including any transitions the state was involved in and any associations with actions that were made to that transition. 2
workflow_state_save ./workflow.module Add or update a workflow state to the database. 2
workflow_tab_form ./ Form builder. Allow workflow state change and scheduling from workflow tab. 1
workflow_tab_form_submit ./ Submit handler for the form on the workflow tab.
workflow_tab_page ./ Menu callback. Display workflow summary of a node. 1
workflow_theme ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_theme().
workflow_token_list ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_token_list().
workflow_token_values ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_token_values().
workflow_transition ./workflow.module Validate target state and either execute a transition immediately or schedule a transition to be executed later by cron. 3
workflow_transition_add_role ./workflow.module Add a role to the list of those allowed for a given transition. 1
workflow_transition_allowed ./workflow.module See if a transition is allowed for a given role. 3


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