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Functions in Workflow 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
workflow_is_system_state ./workflow.module Tell caller whether a state is a protected system state, such as the creation state. 2
workflow_menu ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_menu().
workflow_ng_events_argument_workflow_state contrib/workflow_workflow_ng/workflow_workflow_ng.module 1
workflow_nodeapi ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi(). Summary of nodeapi ops we can see (Drupal 4.7):
workflow_node_current_state ./workflow.module Get the current state of a given node. 5
workflow_node_form ./workflow.module Add the actual form widgets for workflow change to the passed in form. 2
workflow_overview ./workflow.module Create the main workflow page, which gives an overview of workflows and workflow states. 1
workflow_perm ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_perm().
workflow_permissions ./workflow.module View workflow permissions by role 1
workflow_state_add_form ./workflow.module Menu callback to create form to add a workflow state. 1
workflow_state_add_form_submit ./workflow.module
workflow_state_add_form_validate ./workflow.module
workflow_state_create ./workflow.module Legacy code for workflow_state_create().
workflow_state_delete ./workflow.module Delete a workflow state from the database, including any transitions the state was involved in and any associations with actions that were made to that transition. 2
workflow_state_delete_form ./workflow.module Create the form for confirmation of deleting a workflow state. 1 1
workflow_state_delete_form_submit ./workflow.module
workflow_state_save ./workflow.module Add or update a workflow state to the database. 3
workflow_tab_form ./workflow.module 1
workflow_tab_form_submit ./workflow.module
workflow_tab_page ./workflow.module 1
workflow_token_list ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_token_list()
workflow_token_values ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_token_values()
workflow_transition_add_role ./workflow.module Add a role to the list of those allowed for a given transition. Add the transition if necessary. 1
workflow_transition_allowed ./workflow.module See if a transition is allowed for a given role. 3
workflow_transition_delete ./workflow.module Delete a transition (and any associated actions). 1
workflow_transition_delete_role ./workflow.module Remove a role from the list of those allowed for a given transition. 1
workflow_transition_grid_form ./workflow.module Build the grid of transitions for defining a workflow. 1
workflow_types_delete ./workflow.module 1
workflow_types_form ./workflow.module 1
workflow_types_form_submit ./workflow.module
workflow_types_save ./workflow.module Save mapping of workflow to node type. E.g., "the story node type is using the Foo workflow." 1
workflow_update ./workflow.module Save a workflow's name in the database. 1
workflow_update_1 ./workflow.install
workflow_update_2 ./workflow.install
workflow_update_3 ./workflow.install
workflow_update_4 ./workflow.install
workflow_update_5 ./workflow.install
workflow_update_6 ./workflow.install
workflow_update_transitions ./workflow.module Update the transitions for a workflow. 1
workflow_views_arguments ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_views_arguments()
workflow_views_tables ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_views_tables()
workflow_workflow ./workflow.module Implementation of hook_workflow().
workflow_workflow_ng_configuration contrib/workflow_workflow_ng/workflow_workflow_ng.module
workflow_workflow_ng_events_workflow_arguments contrib/workflow_workflow_ng/workflow_workflow_ng.module 1
workflow_workflow_ng_event_info contrib/workflow_workflow_ng/workflow_workflow_ng.module
workflow_workflow_ng_workflow contrib/workflow_workflow_ng/workflow_workflow_ng.module
_workflow_creation_state ./workflow.module 3
_workflow_fix_seq ./workflow.install 1
_workflow_node_to_state ./workflow.module Put a node into a state. No permission checking here; only call this from other functions that know what they're doing. 1
_workflow_write_history ./workflow.module 2


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