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function WorkbenchModerationFilesTestCase::testModeratedFileField in Workbench Moderation 7

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  1. 7.3 tests/workbench_moderation.files.test \WorkbenchModerationFilesTestCase::testModeratedFileField()


tests/workbench_moderation.files.test, line 56
Tests for using file fields with workbench_moderation.module.


@file Tests for using file fields with workbench_moderation.module.


function testModeratedFileField() {

  // Create a new node with an uploaded file.
  $file = $this
  $edit = array(
    'title' => $this
    'files[' . $this->field_name . '_' . LANGUAGE_NONE . '_0]' => drupal_realpath($file->uri),
    ->drupalPost("node/add/{$this->content_type}", $edit, t('Save'));

  // Get the new node.
  $node = $this
  $nid = $node->nid;

  // Publish the node via the moderation form.
  $moderate = array(
    'state' => workbench_moderation_state_published(),
    ->drupalPost("node/{$nid}/moderation", $moderate, t('Apply'));

  // Update the node; remove the first file and add a second file.
  $file = $this
  $edit = array(
    'title' => $this
      ->randomName(10) . '_second',
    'files[' . $this->field_name . '_' . LANGUAGE_NONE . '_0]' => drupal_realpath($file->uri),
    ->drupalPost("node/{$nid}/edit", array(), t('Remove'));
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

  // Load the published node.
  $published = node_load($nid, NULL, TRUE);

  // Check for a published revision.
    ->assertTrue(isset($published->workbench_moderation['published']), t('Workbench moderation has published revision'));

  // Load the draft revision.
  $draft = clone $published;
  $draft = workbench_moderation_node_current_load($draft);

  // Check that the draft revision is different from the published revision.
    ->assertNotEqual($published->vid, $draft->vid, t('Workbench moderation loads second revision'));

  // Check that the original file is present on the published revision.
  $published_file = (object) $published->{$this->field_name}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0];
    ->assertFileExists($published_file, t('File is present on published revision'));

  // Check that the second file is present on the draft revision.
  $draft_file = (object) $draft->{$this->field_name}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0];
    ->assertFileExists($draft_file, t('File is present on draft revision'));
    ->assertNotEqual($published_file->uri, $draft_file->uri, t('File on published revision is different from file on draft revision'));