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README.txt in Workbench Moderation 7

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  1. 7.3 README.txt

README file for Workbench Moderation.


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  1. /**
  2. * @file
  3. * README file for Workbench Moderation.
  4. */
  5. Workbench Moderation
  6. Arbitrary moderation states and unpublished drafts for nodes
  8. --------
  9. 1. Introduction
  10. 1.1 Concepts
  11. 1.1.1 Arbitrary publishing states
  12. 1.1.2 Node revision behavior
  13. 1.1.3 Moderation states and revisions
  14. 2. Installation
  15. 2.1 Requirements
  16. 3. Configuration
  17. 3.1 Configuring states
  18. 3.2 Configuring transitions
  19. 3.3 Checking permissions
  20. 3.3.1 Recommended permissions
  21. 4. Using the module
  22. 5. Troubleshooting
  23. 6. Developer notes
  24. 6.1 Database schema
  25. 6.2 Views integration
  26. 7. Feature roadmap
  27. ----
  28. 1. Introduction
  29. Workbench Moderation
  30. ----
  31. 1.1 Concepts
  32. Workbench Moderation adds arbitrary moderation states to Drupal core's
  33. "unpublished" and "published" node states, and affects the behavior of node
  34. revisions when nodes are published. Moderation states are tracked per-revision;
  35. rather than moderating nodes, Workbench Moderation moderates revisions.
  36. ----
  37. 1.1.1 Arbitrary publishing states
  38. In Drupal, nodes may be either unpublished or published. In typical
  39. configurations, unpublished nodes are accessible only to the user who created
  40. the node and to users with administrative privileges; published nodes are
  41. visible to any visitor. For simple workflows, this allows authors and editors to
  42. maintain drafts of content. However, when content needs to be seen by multiple
  43. people before it is published--for example, when a site has an editorial or
  44. moderation workflow--there are limited ways to keep track of nodes' status.
  45. Workbench Moderation provides moderation states, so that unpublished content may
  46. be reviewed and approved before it gets published.
  47. ----
  48. 1.1.2 Node revision behavior
  49. Workbench Moderation affects the behavior of Drupal’s node revisions. When
  50. revisions are enabled for a particular node type, editing a node creates a new
  51. revision. This lets users see how a node has changed over time and revert
  52. unwanted or accidental edits. Workbench Moderation maintains this revision
  53. behavior: any time a node is edited, a new version is created.
  54. When there are multiple versions of a node--it has been edited multiple times,
  55. and each round of editing has been saved in a revision--there is one "current"
  56. revision. The current revision will always be the revision displayed in the node
  57. editing form when a user goes to edit a piece of content.
  58. In Drupal core, publishing a node makes the current revision visible to site
  59. visitors (in a typical configuration). Once a node is published, its current
  60. revision is always the published version. Workbench Moderation changes this; it
  61. allows you to use an older revision of a node as the published version, while
  62. continuing to edit a newer draft.
  63. @see workbench_moderation-core_revisions.png
  64. @see workbench_moderation-wm_revisions.png
  65. Internally, Workbench Moderation does this by managing the version of the node
  66. stored in the {node} table. Drupal core looks in this table for the "current
  67. revision" of a node. Drupal core equates the "current revision" of a node with
  68. both the editable revision and, if the node is published, the published
  69. revision. Workbench Moderation separates these two concepts; it stores the
  70. published revision of a node in the {node} table, but uses the latest revision
  71. in the {node_revision} table when the node is edited. Workbench Moderation's
  72. treatment of revisions is identical to that of Drupal core until a node is
  73. published.
  74. ----
  75. 1.1.3 Moderation states and revisions
  76. Workbench Moderation maintains moderation states for revisions, rather than for
  77. nodes. Since each revision may reflect a unique version of a node, the state may
  78. need to be revisited when a new revision is created. This also allows users to
  79. track the moderation history of a particular revision, right up through the
  80. point where it is published.
  81. Revisions are a linear; revision history may not fork. This means that only the
  82. latest revision may be edited or moderated.
  83. ----
  84. 2. Installation
  85. Install the module and enable it according to Drupal standards.
  86. After installation, enable moderation on a content type by visiting its
  87. configuration page:
  88. Admin > Structure > Content Types > [edit Article]
  89. In the tab block at the bottom of the form, select the "Publishing options" tab.
  90. In this tab under "Default Options", Workbench Moderation has added a checkbox,
  91. "Enable moderation of revisions". To enable moderation on this node type, check
  92. the boxes labeled "create new revision" (required) and "enable moderation of
  93. revisions", and then save the node type.
  94. ----
  95. 2.1 Requirements
  96. Workbench Moderation may be used independently of other modules in the Workbench
  97. suite, including the "Workbench" module. Unlike the "Workbench" module,
  98. Workbench Moderation does not depend on Views. However, Workbench Moderation
  99. does have Views integration, and it provides two useful views ("My Drafts" and
  100. "Needs Review") that appear in the Workbench. If you wish to use Workbench
  101. Moderation without Workbench, you may override or clone these views and place
  102. them where your users can find them.
  103. Using the "Workbench" module with Workbench Moderation enables the display of
  104. moderation status information and a mini moderation form on node viewing pages.
  105. ----
  106. 3. Configuration
  107. Workbench Moderation's configuration section is located at:
  108. Admin > Configuration > Workbench > Workbench Moderation
  109. This administration section provides tabs to configure states, transitions, and
  110. to check whether your permissions are configured to enable full use of
  111. moderation features.
  112. ----
  113. 3.1 Configuring states
  114. Workbench Moderation provides three default moderation states: "Draft", "Needs
  115. Review", and "Published". The Draft and Published states are required. You can
  116. edit, add, and remove states at:
  117. Admin > Configuration > Workbench > Workbench Moderation > States
  118. ----
  119. 3.2 Configuring transitions
  120. Workbench Moderation also provides transitions between these three states. You
  121. can add and remove transitions at:
  122. Admin > Configuration > Workbench > Workbench Moderation > Transitions
  123. ----
  124. 3.3 Checking permissions
  125. In order to use moderation effectively, users need a complex set of permissions.
  126. If non-administrative users encounter access denied (403) errors or fail to see
  127. notifications about moderation states, the "Check permissions" tab can help you
  128. determine what permissions are missing. Visit:
  129. Admin > Configuration > Workbench > Workbench Moderation > Check Permissions
  130. Select a Drupal role, an intended moderation task, and the relevant node types,
  131. and Workbench Moderation will give you a report of possible missing permissions.
  132. Permissions configuration depends heavily on your configuration, so the report
  133. may flag permissions as missing even when a particular role has enough access to
  134. perform a particular moderation task.
  135. ----
  136. 3.3.1 Recommended permissions
  137. For reference, these are the permission sets recommended by the "Check
  138. Permissions" tab:
  139. Author:
  140. Node:
  141. access content
  142. view own unpublished content
  143. view revisions
  144. create [content type] content
  145. edit own [content type] content
  146. Workbench Moderation:
  147. view moderation messages
  148. use workbench_moderation my drafts tab
  149. Editor:
  150. Node:
  151. access content
  152. view revisions
  153. revert revisions
  154. edit any [content type] content
  155. Workbench:
  156. view all unpublished content
  157. Workbench Moderation:
  158. view moderation messages
  159. view moderation history
  160. use workbench_moderation my drafts tab
  161. use workbench_moderation needs review tab
  162. Moderator:
  163. Node:
  164. access content
  165. view revisions
  166. edit any [content type] content
  167. Workbench:
  168. view all unpublished content
  169. Workbench Moderation:
  170. view moderation messages
  171. view moderation history
  172. use workbench_moderation needs review tab
  173. Publisher
  174. Node:
  175. access content
  176. view revisions
  177. revert revisions
  178. edit any [content type] content
  179. Workbench:
  180. view all unpublished content
  181. Workbench Moderation:
  182. view moderation messages
  183. view moderation history
  184. use workbench_moderation needs review tab
  185. unpublish live revision
  186. ----
  187. 4. Using the module
  188. Once the module is installed and moderation is enabled for one or more node
  189. types, users with permission may:
  190. * Use the "Moderate" node tab to view moderation history and navigate versions.
  191. When the Workbench module is enabled, users with permission may also:
  192. * See messages about moderation state when visiting a moderated node.
  193. * Moderate content from the "View Draft" page.
  194. ----
  195. 5. Troubleshooting
  196. * If users get access denied (403) errors when creating, editing, moderating, or
  197. reverting moderated content, the "Check Permissions" tab in Workbench
  198. Moderation's administration section can help diagnose what access is missing.
  199. See heading 3.3 in this README.
  200. * If you're building Views of moderation records, keep in mind that for a single
  201. node, there will be multiple revisions, and for each revision, there may be
  202. multiple moderation records. This means it will be very easy to end up with a
  203. View that shows particular nodes or revisions more than once. Try adding the
  204. "Workbench Moderation: Current" filter, or using Views' "Use grouping" option
  205. (under the "Advanced settings" heading on the view editing page).
  206. ----
  207. 6. Developer notes
  208. Workbench Moderation does not have a mature API.
  209. ----
  210. 6.1 Database schema
  211. Workbench Moderation uses three tables to track content moderation states.
  212. * workbench_moderation_states
  213. Stores administrator-configured moderation states.
  214. * workbench_moderation_transitions
  215. Stores administrator-configured transitions between moderation states. These
  216. are simply pairs of moderation states: a "from" state and a "to" state.
  217. * workbench_moderation_node_history
  218. Stores individual moderation records related to each node revision. Each
  219. record stores the nid and vid of a node, the original moderation state and the
  220. new moderation state, the uid of the user who did the moderation, and a
  221. timestamp.
  222. ----
  223. 6.2 Views integration
  224. Workbench Moderation provides Views integration so that site builders may
  225. include moderation information in node and node revision views.
  226. * Filters, fields, sorts, and arguments are provided for moderation record data.
  227. * A relationship is provided from moderation records to the user who made the
  228. moderation change.
  229. * A "content type is moderated" filter is provided on for nodes to help in
  230. creating lists of only moderated content.
  231. ----
  232. 7. Feature roadmap
  233. * Allow configuration of 'Draft' and 'Published' states.