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README.txt in Workbench Email 7.3

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  1. 7 README.txt

README file for Workbench Email.


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  1. /**
  2. * @file
  3. * README file for Workbench Email.
  4. */
  5. Workbench Email
  7. --------
  8. 1. Introduction
  9. 2. Installation
  10. 2.1 Requirements
  11. 3. Configuration
  12. 4. Using the module
  13. 5. Troubleshooting
  14. 6. Developer notes
  15. 6.1 Database schema
  16. 7. Feature roadmap
  17. ----
  18. 1. Introduction
  19. Workbench Email
  20. ----
  21. 1.1 Concepts
  22. Extends Workbench Moderation by adding the ability to add emails to specific
  23. transitions. Based on those email transitions, the admin can configure
  24. each email's subject / message. Then when the content moves through the
  25. specific transition, if an email transition is already set, the current
  26. content editor has the ability to send email to those specific role based
  27. user(s).
  28. ----
  29. 2. Installation
  30. Install the module and enable it according to Drupal standards.
  31. The module's configuration pages reside at:
  32. - admin/config/workbench/moderation/email-transitions
  33. - admin/config/workbench/moderation/emails
  34. The module depends on workbench moderation and will display help messages if
  35. that module has not been setup correctly.
  36. ----
  37. 2.1 Requirements
  38. Workbench Email requires:
  39. - Workbench Moderation (and dependencies)
  40. - Token
  41. ----
  42. 3. Configuration
  43. Workbench Moderation's configuration section is located at:
  44. - Admin > Configuration > Workbench > Workbench Moderation -> Email Transitions
  45. This section allows the admin to configure email transitions based on
  46. transition states and user roles.
  47. - Admin > Configuration > Workbench > Workbench Moderation -> Emails
  48. Depending on what email transtions have been set, the admin can configure each
  49. transitions subject / message.
  50. ----
  51. 3.3 Checking permissions
  52. In order to use moderate the emails and email transitions, the user must be
  53. given the appropriate role. Navigate to admin/people/permissions and
  54. select Administer Workbench Moderation Emails under Workbench Email for the
  55. appropriate role.
  56. ----
  57. 4. Using the module
  58. Once the module is installed and moderation is enabled for one or more node
  59. types, users with permission may:
  60. * Select the appropriate users that you wish to send an email to when moderated
  61. content is moving through configured email transition.
  62. ----
  63. 5. Troubleshooting
  64. * If users do not see the node form select list that allows them to select the
  65. user(s) they wish to send an email to, check the email transitions and emails
  66. administration pages. If no email transition is defined, no form option will
  67. display. If no email subject / message is defined, the system will display the
  68. following message:
  69. - No email template is set, so no email was sent. Contact your system admin
  70. to resolve this issue.
  71. * If no email templates are available within the administration area
  72. (admin/config/workbench/moderation/emails), then check that you have email
  73. transitions set (admin/config/workbench/moderation/email-transitions).
  74. * If no email transitions are available (transitions show up but no roles
  75. can be selected), then no roles have been associated to the moderation of
  76. content. Check Workbench Moderation readme.txt to figure out the correct
  77. permissions for this.
  78. ----
  79. 6. Developer notes
  80. This is my first drupal contributed module, so I know there is room for
  81. improvements. Emails being sent when content moves through a transition is
  82. something that clients always seem to request but no system has existed that
  83. is easy to configure and can be exported (featured). I know rules, actions,
  84. triggers etc exist but they are cumbersome to configure and export (IMO).
  85. So, I'm curious to see what other people think about this, feel free to
  86. comment :)
  87. ----
  88. 6.1 Database schema
  89. Workbench Email uses two tables to store emails and email transitions.
  90. * workbench_email_transitions
  91. Stores administrator-configured email transitions.
  92. * workbench_emails
  93. Stores administrator-configured subject / message for each email transition
  94. ----
  95. 7. Feature roadmap