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public static function WorkbenchAccessManager::checkTree in Workbench Access 8

Checks that an entity belongs to a user section or its children.


\Drupal\workbench_access\Entity\AccessSchemeInterface $scheme: Access scheme.

array $entity_sections: The section assignments for the entity. An array of section ids.

array $user_sections: The section assignments for the user. An array of section ids.

return boolean.

Overrides WorkbenchAccessManagerInterface::checkTree

4 calls to WorkbenchAccessManager::checkTree()
AccessControlHierarchyBase::checkEntityAccess in src/AccessControlHierarchyBase.php
Responds to request for node access.
Menu::alterForm in src/Plugin/AccessControlHierarchy/Menu.php
Alters the selection options provided for an access control field.
Taxonomy::alterForm in src/Plugin/AccessControlHierarchy/Taxonomy.php
Alters the selection options provided for an access control field.
TaxonomyHierarchySelection::getReferenceableEntities in src/Plugin/EntityReferenceSelection/TaxonomyHierarchySelection.php
Gets the list of referenceable entities.


src/WorkbenchAccessManager.php, line 90


Defines a class for interacting with content and fields.




public static function checkTree(AccessSchemeInterface $scheme, array $entity_sections, array $user_sections) {
  $list = array_flip($user_sections);
  foreach ($entity_sections as $section) {

    // Simple check first: is there an exact match?
    if (isset($list[$section])) {
      return TRUE;

    // Check for section on the tree.
    // Static cache to prevent looping on each request.
    if (!isset(self::$tree[$scheme
      ->id()])) {
        ->id()] = $scheme
    foreach (self::$tree[$scheme
      ->id()] as $id => $info) {
      if (isset($list[$section]) && isset($info[$section])) {
        return TRUE;

      // Recursive check for parents.
      if (!empty($info[$section]['parents'])) {
        $parents = array_flip($info[$section]['parents']);

        // Check for parents.
        foreach ($list as $uid => $data) {
          if (isset($parents[$uid])) {
            return TRUE;
  return FALSE;