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protected property WordPressCommentSource::$fields in WordPress Migrate 7

List of available source fields.

Type: array


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Support for migrating comments from a WordPress blog into Drupal.


Implementation of MigrateSource, to handle migrating comments from WordPress XML dumps.


protected $fields = array(
  'post_id' => 'Unique ID of the item the comment is attached to',
  'comment_id' => 'Unique ID of the comment',
  'comment_author' => 'Name of comment author',
  'comment_author_email' => 'Email address of comment author',
  'comment_author_url' => 'URL of comment author',
  'comment_author_IP' => 'IP address from which comment was posted',
  'comment_date' => 'Date of comment (what timezone?)',
  'comment_date_gmt' => 'Date of comment (GMT)',
  'comment_content' => 'Body of comment',
  'comment_approved' => '1/0/spam - spam comments will not be imported',
  'comment_type' => '?',
  'comment_parent' => 'comment_id (?) of parent comment',
  'comment_user_id' => 'WordPress user ID of commenter (?)',