You are here in WordPress Migrate 7.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7

View source

 * Override WordPressItemSource, to add additional fields for attachments.
class WordPressAttachmentSource extends WordPressItemSource {

   * List of additional source fields for attachments.
   * @var array
  protected $attachmentFields = array(
    'wp:attachment_url' => 'The URL of the attached file',
    '_wp_attached_file' => 'Local (to WordPress) filespec',
    '_wp_attachment_metadata' => 'Serialized metadata (image size etc.)',

   * Simple initialization.
  public function __construct($filename, $cache_key) {
    parent::__construct($filename, 'attachment', $cache_key);
    $this->fields += $this->attachmentFields;


 * Implementation of WordPressMigration, for attachments
class WordPressAttachment extends WordPressMigration {

   * List of files created directly from IMG tags, to be added to the node's
   * attachment field (if any).
   * @var array
  protected $referencedFiles = array();

   * Set it up
  public function __construct(array $arguments = array()) {

    // Construct the source object.
    $this->source = new WordPressAttachmentSource($this->wxrFile, $this->machineName);
    $this->destination = new MigrateDestinationFile();

    // post_id is the unique ID of items in WordPress
    $this->map = new MigrateSQLMap($this->machineName, array(
      'wp:post_id' => array(
        'type' => 'int',
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'unsigned' => TRUE,
        'description' => 'WordPress post ID',
    ), MigrateDestinationFile::getKeySchema());
      ->addFieldMapping('value', 'wp:attachment_url')
      ->addFieldMapping('destination_file', 'wp:attachment_url')
      ->addFieldMapping('uid', 'dc:creator')
      ->description('Use matching username if any, otherwise current user');
      ->addFieldMapping('timestamp', 'wp:post_date')
      ->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'wp:post_parent')
      ->description('Mapping is handled dynamically');

    // Unmapped destination fields

    // Unmapped source fields
      ->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'pubDate')
      ->description('Use post_date')
      ->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'wp:post_date_gmt')
      ->description('Use post_date')
  protected function fixDestinationFile($value) {
    $url_info = parse_url($value);
    return $url_info['path'];

   * Data manipulations to be performed before migrate module applies mappings.
   * @param stdClass $row
   * @return string
  public function prepareRow($row) {
    $wp_row = $row->xml

    // Skip any of the wrong post type
    if ($wp_row->post_type != 'attachment') {
      $this->skippedItems[] = $wp_row->post_id;
      return FALSE;

    // If incoming date is zero (indicates unpublished content), use the current time
    if ($wp_row->post_date == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
      $wp_row->post_date = time();

    // Sometimes URLs have doubled-up slashes - reduce to a single.
    $pieces = explode('://', $wp_row->{'attachment_url'});
    if (count($pieces) == 1) {
      $wp_row->attachment_url = str_replace('//', '/', $wp_row->attachment_url);
    else {
      $wp_row->attachment_url = $pieces[0] . '://' . str_replace('//', '/', $pieces[1]);

    // Make sure we actually have a URL
    if ($wp_row->attachment_url) {
      return TRUE;
    else {
      return FALSE;

   * Prepare node - called just before file_save().
   * @param stdClass $node
   * @param stdClass $row
  public function prepare(stdClass $file, stdClass $row) {

    // Match creator username to Drupal username if possible; otherwise, use
    // the user that initiated the import
    static $drupal_static_fast;
    if (!isset($drupal_static_fast)) {
      $drupal_static_fast['user_map'] =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
      $drupal_static_fast['default_user'] =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__ . 'DefaultUser');
    $user_map =& $drupal_static_fast['user_map'];
    if (!isset($user_map[$row->{'dc:creator'}])) {
      $user_map[$row->{'dc:creator'}] = db_select('users', 'u')
        ->fields('u', array(
        ->condition('name', $row->{'dc:creator'})
      if (!$user_map[$row->{'dc:creator'}]) {
        $default_user =& $drupal_static_fast['default_user'];
        if (!isset($default_user)) {
          $default_user = db_select('wordpress_migrate', 'wpm')
            ->fields('wpm', array(
            ->condition('filename', $this->wxrFile)
        $user_map[$row->{'dc:creator'}] = $default_user;
    $file->uid = $user_map[$row->{'dc:creator'}];

   * Called after file object is saved - maintain a mapping from the URL on the
   * original WordPress blog to the URI in Drupal.
   * @param stdClass $file
   * @param stdClass $row
  public function complete(stdClass $file, stdClass $row) {

    // Skip if no file entity was saved.
    if (!$file->fid) {

    // Find the parent nid
    $row->{'wp:post_parent'} = $this
      ->handleSourceMigration($this->dependencies, $row->{'wp:post_parent'});

    // Populate the parent node's attachment field, if applicable
    if ($row->{'wp:post_parent'}) {

      // Which migration did it come from, posts or pages?
      $post_migration_name = $this->group
        ->getName() . 'BlogPost';
      $exists = db_select('migrate_status', 'ms')
        ->fields('ms', array(
        ->condition('machine_name', $post_migration_name)
      if (!$exists) {

        // Legacy migrations used BlogEntry.
        $post_migration_name = $this->group
          ->getName() . 'BlogEntry';

      /** @var Migration $post_migration */
      $post_migration = Migration::getInstance($post_migration_name);
      $post_map_row = $post_migration
      if (!empty($post_map_row)) {
        $attachment_field = $this->arguments['blog_attachment_field'];
      else {

        /** @var Migration $page_migration */
        $page_migration = Migration::getInstance($this->group
          ->getName() . 'Page');
        $page_map_row = $page_migration
        if (!empty($page_map_row)) {
          $attachment_field = $this->arguments['page_attachment_field'];
        else {
          $attachment_field = '';
      if ($attachment_field) {
        $parent_node = node_load($row->{'wp:post_parent'});
        if ($parent_node) {
          $file->display = 1;
          $file->description = '';

          // node_load will give us an empty value here, so adding a value with
          // [] will mess things up - remove it.
          if (isset($parent_node->{$attachment_field}[LANGUAGE_NONE]) && !is_array($parent_node->{$attachment_field}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0])) {
          $parent_node->{$attachment_field}[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = (array) $file;

          // Maintain the original update datestamp
          $changed = $parent_node->changed;
            'changed' => $changed,
            ->condition('nid', $parent_node->nid)
          file_usage_add($file, 'file', 'node', $parent_node->nid);

    // Record the attachment, so we can fix up the parent bodies later
    $fields['new_uri'] = parse_url(file_create_url($file->uri), PHP_URL_PATH);
    $fields['new_fid'] = $file->fid;
    if ($row->{'wp:post_parent'}) {
      $fields['parent_nid'] = $row->{'wp:post_parent'};
      'blog_id' => $this->blog
      'original_url' => $row->{'wp:attachment_url'},

    // If media_gallery is enabled, add this image to the user's gallery.
    // Lazy-create the gallery node if it doesn't already exist
    // TODO: Needs generalization, takes for granted blog module
    // TODO: Cache fids to add, do them all at once
    if (module_exists('media_gallery')) {
      global $user;
      $blog_title = t("@name's blog", array(
        '@name' => format_username($user),
      $gallery_nid = db_select('node', 'n')
        ->fields('n', array(
        ->condition('type', 'media_gallery')
        ->condition('title', $blog_title)
      if ($gallery_nid) {
        $gallery_node = node_load($gallery_nid);
      else {
        $gallery_node = new stdClass();
        $gallery_node->type = 'media_gallery';
        $gallery_node->title = $blog_title;
        $gallery_node->uid = $user->uid;
        $gallery_node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE;
      $gallery_node->media_gallery_media[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = array(
        'fid' => $file->fid,

   * Called after all attachments are imported - fix up references to the imported
   * attachments in node bodies.
  public function postImport() {
    migrate_instrument_start('WordPressAttachment postImport');

    // We'd like to just go through nodes with attachments (i.e., loop
    // through wordpress_migrate_attachment), but a node may reference
    // other posts' attachments without having any itself.
    foreach ($this->dependencies as $migration_name) {
      $migration = Migration::getInstance($migration_name);
      $map_table = $migration
      $nids = db_select($map_table, 'be')
        ->fields('be', array(
      foreach ($nids as $nid_row) {
        $node = node_load($nid_row->destid1);
        if ($node && is_array($node->body)) {
          foreach ($node->body as $language => $body) {
            $body = $body[0]['value'];

            // If we have the media module, rewrite the img tags to media tags if
            // we can.
            if (module_exists('media')) {
              $this->referencedFiles = array();
              $body = preg_replace_callback('|<img +(.*?)>|i', array(
              ), $body);

              // Add any referenced files to the node's attachment field, if
              // one is configured.
              $migration_arguments = $migration
              if (!empty($migration_arguments['attachment_field'])) {
                $attachment_field = $migration_arguments['attachment_field'];
                foreach ($this->referencedFiles as $file) {
                  $node->{$attachment_field}[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = $file;

            // See if any remaining images can be directly replaced.
            $result = db_select('wordpress_migrate_attachment', 'a')
              ->fields('a', array(
              ->condition('parent_nid', $nid_row->destid1)
            foreach ($result as $row) {
              $body = str_replace($row->original_url, $row->new_uri, $body);
            $node->body[$language][0]['value'] = $body;

          // Maintain the original update datestamp
          $changed = $node->changed;
            'changed' => $changed,
            ->condition('nid', $node->nid)
    migrate_instrument_stop('WordPressAttachment postImport');

   * If we have an image reference, replace it with media tags.
   * @param array $matches
  protected function replaceImgs(array $matches) {

    // Default to the original <img> tag.
    $result = $matches[0];

    // The src parameter is required
    if (preg_match('|src=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]|i', $result, $src_matches)) {
      $src = $src_matches[1];
    else {
      return $result;

    // Strip off any URL parameters.
    if ($question = strpos($src, '?')) {
      $src = substr($src, 0, $question);

    // Get the fid, if any. If none, let the img tag stand
    $fid = db_select('wordpress_migrate_attachment', 'a')
      ->fields('a', array(
      ->condition('original_url', $src)
    if (!$fid) {

      // We have an image that wasn't pulled over as an attachment - if it's not
      // on the existing WordPress site, leave it be; if it is, copy it directly
      // and create the file entity.
      $blog_url = $this->blog
      $prefix_pattern = '|^' . $blog_url . '/|';
      if (preg_match($prefix_pattern, $src)) {
        $file = array(
          'destination_file' => preg_replace($prefix_pattern, '', $src),
          'file_replace' => FILE_EXISTS_RENAME,
        $source = new MigrateFileUri($file);

        // @todo: uid from parent node
        if ($file = $source
          ->processFile($src, 1)) {
          $fid = $file->fid;
        else {
          return $result;
      else {
        return $result;
    else {
      $file = file_load($fid);

    // Extract the width, height, and classes for the media tag, if present
    $attributes = array(
      'class' => 'media-image',
      'typeof' => 'foaf:Image',
      'style' => '',
    if (preg_match('|width=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]|i', $result, $width_matches)) {
      $attributes['width'] = $width_matches[1];
    if (preg_match('|height=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]|i', $result, $height_matches)) {
      $attributes['height'] = $height_matches[1];
    if (preg_match('|title=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]|i', $result, $title_matches)) {
      $attributes['title'] = $title_matches[1];
    if (preg_match('|alt=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]|i', $result, $alt_matches)) {
      $attributes['alt'] = $alt_matches[1];
    if (preg_match('|class=[\'"](.*?)[\'"]|i', $result, $class_matches)) {
      $attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $class_matches[1];

    // Build the media tag
    $img_info = array(
      'type' => 'media',
      'view_mode' => 'media_large',
      'fid' => $fid,
      'attributes' => $attributes,
    $result = '[[' . drupal_json_encode($img_info) . ']]';

    // Track file references so we can add to an attachment field (if any).
    $file->display = 1;
    $file->description = '';
    $this->referencedFiles[] = (array) $file;
    return $result;

   * Remove all attachment records
  public function postRollback() {
      ->condition('blog_id', $this->blog



Namesort descending Description
WordPressAttachment Implementation of WordPressMigration, for attachments
WordPressAttachmentSource Override WordPressItemSource, to add additional fields for attachments.