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WebformViewsArgumentTestBase.php in Webform Views Integration 8.5


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namespace Drupal\Tests\webform_views\Kernel\argument;

use Drupal\Tests\webform_views\Kernel\WebformViewsTestBase;

 * Reasonable starting point for testing webform views argument handlers.
abstract class WebformViewsArgumentTestBase extends WebformViewsTestBase {

   * Test argument handler.
   * @param string $argument
   *   Argument to supply to the view when executing it.
   * @param array $expected
   *   Expected output from $this->renderView() for the specified above
   *   argument.
   * @dataProvider providerArgument()
  public function testArgument($argument, $expected) {
    $this->webform = $this
      ->createWebformSubmissions($this->webform_submissions_data, $this->webform);
    $this->view = $this
      ->initView($this->webform, $this->view_handlers);
    $rendered_cells = $this
      ->renderView($this->view, [
      ->assertSame($expected, $rendered_cells, 'Argument works for ' . $argument);

   * Data provider for the ::testArgument() method.
   * You might want to override this method with more specific cases in a child
   * class.
  public function providerArgument() {
    $tests = [];
    foreach ($this->webform_submissions_data as $submission) {
      $element = array_keys($submission);
      $element = reset($element);
      $tests[] = [
    return $tests;



Namesort descending Description
WebformViewsArgumentTestBase Reasonable starting point for testing webform views argument handlers.