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webform_service.module in Webform Service 7.4

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  1. 6.3 webform_service.module
  2. 7.3 webform_service.module


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 * Implements hook_library().
function webform_service_library() {
  return array(
    'webform_service' => array(
      'title' => t('Webform Service JavaScript API'),
      'version' => '0.1',
      'js' => array(
        drupal_get_path('module', 'webform_service') . '/js/webform_service_crud.js' => array(),

 * Implements hook_services_resources().
function webform_service_services_resources() {

  // Include our resources.
  require_once "resources/";
  require_once "resources/";

  // Add the resources.
  $resources = array();
  $resources += _webform_resource_definition();
  $resources += _submission_resource_definition();
  return $resources;

 * Determine whether the current user has access to a submission.
function webform_service_submission_access($op = 'view', $args = array()) {

  // Check to make sure they always have a UUID.
  if (empty($args[0])) {
    return services_error(t('Must provide a uuid.'), 404);

  // The create submission access check.
  if ($op == 'create') {

    // Get the webform provided the UUID.
    if (is_array($args[0]) || is_object($args[0])) {
      $webform = (object) $args[0];
    else {
      if (in_array(gettype($args[0]), array(
      ))) {
        $webform = webform_service_resource_load($args[0]);

    // If they can access the node view, then they can create a submission.
    $webform = webform_node_view($webform, 'node');
    return empty($webform['#enabled']);
  else {

    // Get the webform and submission from the uuid.
    $webform = webform_submission_uuid_webform($args[0]);
    $submission = webform_submission_uuid_submission($args[0]);
    return webform_submission_access($webform, $submission, $op);

 * Determine whether the current user can access a node resource.
 * @param $op
 *   One of view, update, create, delete per node_access().
 * @param $args
 *   Resource arguments passed through from the original request.
 * @param $load_node
 *   Function that loads the node.
 * @return bool
 * @see node_access()
function webform_service_resource_access($op = 'view', $type = '', $args = array()) {
  $node = null;
  if (empty($args[0])) {
    return services_error(t('Must provide a uuid.'), 404);
  else {
    if (is_array($args[0]) || is_object($args[0])) {
      $node = (object) $args[0];
    else {
      if (in_array(gettype($args[0]), array(
      ))) {
        $node = webform_service_resource_load($args[0]);
  if ($node) {

    // Return the node resource access.
    $node->type = $type;
    module_load_include('inc', 'services', 'resources/node_resource');
    return _node_resource_access($op, array(
  else {

    // Return a 404.
    return services_error(t('Webform @uuid could not be found', array(
      '@uuid' => $args[0],
    )), 404);

 * Get the field value provided the entity and field name.
 * @param type $entity
 * @param type $field_name
 * @param type $value_name
 * @return string
function webform_service_field_value($entity, $field_name, $value_name = 'value') {
  $items = field_get_items('node', $entity, $field_name);
  if (isset($items[0])) {
    if (isset($items[0][$value_name])) {
      return $items[0][$value_name];
    else {
      return $items[0];
  return '';

 * Returns the data structure for webform components.
function webform_service_get_components($webform) {
  $components = array();
  foreach ($webform['components'] as $cid => $component) {
    if (isset($component['extra']['items'])) {
      $items = preg_split("/\r\n|\n|\r/", $component['extra']['items']);
      $component['extra']['items'] = array();
      foreach ($items as $item) {
        $parts = explode('|', $item);
        $key = $parts[0];
        $value = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : $key;
        $component['extra']['items'][$key] = $value;
    $components[$cid] = $component;
  return $components;

 * Returns the data structure for webform conditionals.
function webform_service_get_conditionals($webform) {
  $conditionals = array();
  foreach ($webform['conditionals'] as $cid => $conditional) {
    $conditionals[$cid] = $conditional;
  return $conditionals;

 * Returns a data structure of a webform object.
function webform_service_get_webform($entity) {
  $webform = array();
  if (isset($entity->webform)) {
    $webform = array(
      'components' => webform_service_get_components($entity->webform),
      'conditionals' => webform_service_get_conditionals($entity->webform),
  return $webform;

 * Returns a single media resource.
 * @param $entity
 *   UUID or the whole object of the media we want to return.
 * @return
 *   Node object or FALSE if not found.
 * @see node_load()
function webform_service_get_resource($entity) {
  $resource = array();
  if (gettype($entity) === 'string') {
    $entity = webform_service_resource_load($entity);
  if ($entity) {
    $uri = services_resource_uri(array(
    $resource = (object) array(
      'uri' => services_resource_uri(array(
      'nid' => $entity->nid,
      'uuid' => $entity->uuid,
      'title' => $entity->title,
      'description' => webform_service_field_value($entity, 'body'),
      'created' => $entity->created,
      'updated' => $entity->changed,
      'submissions' => $uri . '/submissions',
      'webform' => webform_service_get_webform($entity),

  // Return the resource.
  return $resource;

 * Provided a submission in external format, this parses it to what webform expects.
 * @param type $webform
 * @param type $submission
function webform_service_parse_submission($webform, $submission) {
  global $user;

  // Make sure the submission and webforms are objects.
  $webform = (object) $webform;
  $submission = (object) $submission;

  // If the submission data was bundled within the submission, pull it out.
  if (isset($submission->submission)) {
    $submission = (object) $submission->submission;

  // Normalize the submission data.
  $data = array();
  foreach ($submission->data as $cid => $values) {
    $data[$cid] = $values['values'];

  // Setup the submission object.
  $submission_obj = (object) array(
    'nid' => !empty($submission->nid) ? $submission->nid : $webform->nid,
    'uid' => !empty($submission->uid) ? $submission->uid : $user->uid,
    'submitted' => !empty($submission->submitted) ? $submission->submitted : REQUEST_TIME,
    'remote_addr' => !empty($submission->remote_addr) ? $submission->remote_addr : ip_address(),
    'is_draft' => 0,
    'data' => $data,

  // Add the submission ID if it is provided.
  if (!empty($submission->sid)) {
    $submission_obj->sid = $submission->sid;

  // Add the uuid value if provided.
  if (!empty($submission->uuid)) {
    $submission_obj->uuid = $submission->uuid;

  // Add the completed value if provided.
  if (!empty($submission->completed)) {
    $submission_obj->completed = $submission->completed;

  // Add the modified value if provided. Will eventually be overridden if doing an update.
  if (!empty($submission->modified)) {
    $submission_obj->modified = $submission->modified;

  // Allow other modules to modify the submission.
  drupal_alter('webform_service_submission', $submission_obj, $submission);
  return $submission_obj;

 * Returns a single submission provided the uuid.
 * @param string The submission UUID.
function webform_service_get_submission_by_uuid($uuid) {
  $webform = webform_submission_uuid_webform($uuid);
  $submission = webform_submission_uuid_submission($uuid);
  return webform_service_get_submission($webform, $submission);

 * Returns a single submission resource.
 * @param object The webform node object.
 * @param array The submission array.
function webform_service_get_submission($webform, $submission) {
  $return = array();

  // If the webform and submission exist.
  if ($webform && $submission) {

    // Get the components and establish the values.
    $components = webform_service_get_components($webform->webform);

    // Get the submitted values from this submission.
    $values = array();
    foreach ($components as $cid => $component) {
      $values[$cid] = array(
        'form_key' => $component['form_key'],
        'cid' => $component['cid'],
        'type' => $component['type'],
      if (isset($submission->data[$component['cid']])) {
        $values[$cid]['values'] = $submission->data[$component['cid']];

    // Load the user account.
    $account = user_load($submission->uid);
    $submissionHasUuid = isset($submission->uuid);

    // The return for this submission.
    $return = array(
      'sid' => $submission->sid,
      'uuid' => $submissionHasUuid ? $submission->uuid : NULL,
      'uri' => $submissionHasUuid ? services_resource_uri(array(
      )) : NULL,
      'webform' => services_resource_uri(array(
      'user' => $account->uuid,
      'submitted' => $submission->submitted,
      'data' => $values,
  return $return;

 * Retrieve all submissions for a webform.
function webform_service_submission_index($uuid, $page, $page_size, $parameters) {
  global $user;
  if ($webform = webform_service_resource_load($uuid)) {

    // Establish the index by setting the default nid filter, and then using any
    // additional parameters when getting the submissions.
    $index = array();
    module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.submissions');

    // Set appropriate parameters as filters to get submissions.
    $parameters['nid'] = $webform->nid;

    // First check if we have access to all
    if (user_access('access all webform results')) {

      // don't filter anything extra
    else {
      if (user_access('access own webform submissions')) {
        $parameters['uid'] = $user->uid;
      else {
        return services_error(t('User @userid does not have access to submissions', array(
          '@userid' => $user->uid,
        )), 401);

    // Get the submissions, then iterate over each and load it onto the index.
    $submissions = webform_get_submissions($parameters);
    foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
      $index[] = webform_service_get_submission($webform, $submission);
    return $index;
  else {
    return services_error(t('@uuid could not be found', array(
      '@uuid' => $uuid,
    )), 404);

 * Return an array of optionally paged nids based on a set of criteria.
 * @param array $params
 *   - $page (int) Page number of results to return (in pages of 20).
 *   - $search (string  A keyword being searched for.
 *   - $page_size (int) The number of items to be returned.
 * @param $function
 *   The function (as a string) called to get the index we want.
 * @param $query
 *   The entity field query.
 * @return
 *   An array of node objects.
function webform_service_resource_index($type, $result) {
  $items = array();
  if (!empty($result['node'])) {
    $entities = entity_load('node', array_keys($result['node']));
    foreach ($entities as $entity) {
      $item = webform_service_get_resource($entity);
      if ($item) {
        $items[] = $item;
  return $items;

 * Load a resource provided its uuid.  Much like node_load, but with uuid's...
 * @param type $uuid
 * @return type
function webform_service_resource_load($uuid, $reset = FALSE) {
  $webforms =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if ($reset || empty($webforms[$uuid])) {
    $entity = entity_uuid_load('node', array(
    ), array(), $reset);
    $webforms[$uuid] = reset($entity);
  return empty($webforms[$uuid]) ? NULL : $webforms[$uuid];

 * Sets the default values for a new webform.
 * @param type $webform
 * @param type $defaults
function webform_service_set_webform_values(&$webform, $values, $force_set = FALSE) {
  foreach ($values as $param => $value) {
    if (is_array($value)) {
      if (!isset($webform[$param])) {
        $webform[$param] = array();
      webform_service_set_webform_values($webform[$param], $value, $force_set);
    else {
      if (!$force_set || !isset($webform[$param])) {
        $webform[$param] = $value;

 * Prepares a webform object to be created or updated.
 * @param type $webform
function webform_service_webform_prepare($webform, &$node = null) {

  // Cast the webform node to an array.
  $webform = (array) $webform;

  // If the node is defined, then update the base level params.
  if ($node) {
    foreach ($webform['webform'] as $param => $value) {
      if (!is_array($value)) {
        $node->webform[$param] = $value;

  // Set the default webform values.
  webform_service_set_webform_values($webform['webform'], webform_node_defaults(), TRUE);

  // We now need to iterate through the components.
  if (!empty($webform['webform']['components'])) {

    // Include the components.
    module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.components');
    $weight = 0;
    foreach ($webform['webform']['components'] as &$component) {

      // Make sure they provide a type.
      if (!empty($component['type'])) {

        // Make sure the component has some required values if it doesn't already exist.
        if (empty($component['cid'])) {
          $component['pid'] = empty($components['pid']) ? 0 : $components['pid'];
          $component['form_key'] = $component['form_key'];
          $component['weight'] = empty($components['weight']) ? $weight++ : $components['weight'];

        // Update the node component.
        if ($node) {
          if (empty($component['cid'])) {
            $cid = max(array_keys($node->webform['components'])) + 1;
            $component['nid'] = $node->nid;
          else {
            $cid = $component['cid'];
          $node->webform['components'][$cid] = $component;

  // Return the new webform.
  return $webform;

 * Implements hook_node_submit
function webform_service_node_submit($node, $form, &$form_state) {
  $break = TRUE;

 * The number of objects to return.
 * @param int $page_size
function webform_service_validate_parameters(&$page_size) {

  // Setting the default limit for the number of objects we would like to allow
  // to be returned on a single page.
  $default_pagesize = variable_get("services_node_index_page_size", 20);

  // If the user doesn't have access to make unlimited queries and the page size
  // request is over the default then reset the page size to the default limit.
  if (!user_access('perform unlimited index queries') && $page_size > $default_pagesize) {
    $page_size = $default_pagesize;


Namesort descending Description
webform_service_field_value Get the field value provided the entity and field name.
webform_service_get_components Returns the data structure for webform components.
webform_service_get_conditionals Returns the data structure for webform conditionals.
webform_service_get_resource Returns a single media resource.
webform_service_get_submission Returns a single submission resource.
webform_service_get_submission_by_uuid Returns a single submission provided the uuid.
webform_service_get_webform Returns a data structure of a webform object.
webform_service_library Implements hook_library().
webform_service_node_submit Implements hook_node_submit
webform_service_parse_submission Provided a submission in external format, this parses it to what webform expects.
webform_service_resource_access Determine whether the current user can access a node resource.
webform_service_resource_index Return an array of optionally paged nids based on a set of criteria.
webform_service_resource_load Load a resource provided its uuid. Much like node_load, but with uuid's...
webform_service_set_webform_values Sets the default values for a new webform.
webform_service_submission_access Determine whether the current user has access to a submission.
webform_service_submission_index Retrieve all submissions for a webform.
webform_service_validate_parameters The number of objects to return.
webform_service_webform_prepare Prepares a webform object to be created or updated.