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ServicesResourceWebformTests.test in Webform Service 7.4


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 * Run test cases for the endpoint with no authentication turned on.
class ServicesResourceWebformTests extends ServicesWebTestCase {

  // Class variables
  protected $privilegedUser = NULL;

  // Endpoint details.
  protected $endpoint = NULL;

  // The default webform components.
  protected $form_components = array(
    1 => array(
      'form_key' => 'first_name',
      'type' => 'textfield',
      'name' => 'First Name',
    2 => array(
      'form_key' => 'last_name',
      'type' => 'textfield',
      'name' => 'Last Name',
    3 => array(
      'form_key' => 'email',
      'type' => 'email',
      'name' => 'Email',

   * Implementation of setUp().
  public function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('webform', 'webform_service', 'uuid');
    $edit = $this
    $this->endpoint = new stdClass();
    $this->endpoint->disabled = FALSE;

    /* Edit this to true to make a default endpoint disabled initially */
    $this->endpoint->api_version = 3;
    $this->endpoint->name = $edit['name'];
    $this->endpoint->server = $edit['server'];
    $this->endpoint->path = $edit['path'];
    $this->endpoint->authentication = array(
      'services' => 'services',
    $this->endpoint->server_settings = array(
      'formatters' => array(
        'json' => TRUE,
        'bencode' => TRUE,
        'rss' => TRUE,
        'plist' => TRUE,
        'xmlplist' => TRUE,
        'php' => TRUE,
        'yaml' => TRUE,
        'jsonp' => FALSE,
        'xml' => FALSE,
      'parsers' => array(
        'application/x-yaml' => TRUE,
        'application/json' => TRUE,
        'application/vnd.php.serialized' => TRUE,
        'application/plist' => TRUE,
        'application/plist+xml' => TRUE,
        'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' => TRUE,
        'multipart/form-data' => TRUE,
    $this->endpoint->resources = array(
      'submission' => array(
        'operations' => array(
          'create' => array(
            'enabled' => 1,
          'retrieve' => array(
            'enabled' => 1,
          'update' => array(
            'enabled' => 1,
          'retrieve' => array(
            'enabled' => 1,
          'delete' => array(
            'enabled' => 1,

    // Get all the webform types.
    $types = webform_variable_get('webform_node_types');

    // Iterate through the webform types.
    foreach ($types as $type) {
      $this->endpoint->resources[$type] = array(
        'operations' => array(
          'create' => array(
            'enabled' => 1,
          'retrieve' => array(
            'enabled' => 1,
          'update' => array(
            'enabled' => 1,
          'delete' => array(
            'enabled' => 1,
          'index' => array(
            'enabled' => 1,
        'relationships' => array(
          'submissions' => array(
            'enabled' => 1,
    $this->endpoint->resources['submission'] = array(
      'operations' => array(
        'create' => array(
          'enabled' => 1,
        'retrieve' => array(
          'enabled' => 1,
        'update' => array(
          'enabled' => 1,
        'delete' => array(
          'enabled' => 1,
    $this->endpoint->debug = 1;
    $this->endpoint->export_type = FALSE;
    $endpoint = services_endpoint_load($this->endpoint->name);
      ->assertTrue($endpoint->name == $edit['name'], t('Endpoint successfully created'));

   * Implementation of getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Webform & Submissions'),
      'description' => t('Test the webform resource and submission methods and actions.'),
      'group' => t('Services'),

   * testing node_resource Index
  public function testNewEndpointWebformIndex() {
    $types = webform_variable_get('webform_node_types');

    // Create and log in our privileged user.
    $this->privilegedUser = $this
      'administer services',
      'perform unlimited index queries',

    // Create a set of nodes. The node resource returns 20 returns at a time,
    // so we create two pages and a half worth.
    $nodes = array();
    $count = 50;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
      $node = $this
        'type' => $types[0],
      $nodes[$node->uuid] = $node;

    // Get the content.
    $page_count = ceil(count($nodes) / 20);
    $retrieved_nodes = array();
    for ($page = 0; $page < $page_count; $page++) {
      $responseArray = $this
        ->servicesGet($this->endpoint->path . '/' . $types[0], array(
        'page' => $page,
        ->assertTrue(count($responseArray['body']) <= 20, t('Correct number of items returned'));

      // Store the returned node IDs.
      foreach ($responseArray['body'] as $node) {
        if (isset($retrieved_nodes[$node->uuid])) {
            ->fail(t('Duplicate node @uuid returned.', array(
            '@uuid' => $node->uuid,
        $retrieved_nodes[$node->uuid] = TRUE;
          ->assertTrue($nodes[$node->uuid]->title == $node->title, t('Successfully received Node info'), 'NodeResource: Index');

    // We should have got all the nodes.
    $expected_nids = array_keys($nodes);
    $retrieved_nids = array_keys($retrieved_nodes);
      ->assertEqual($expected_nids, $retrieved_nids, t('Retrieved all nodes'));

    // The n+1 page should be empty.
    $responseArray = $this
      ->servicesGet($this->endpoint->path . '/' . $types[0], array(
      'page' => $page_count + 1,
      ->assertEqual(count($responseArray['body']), 0, t('The n+1 page is empty'));

    // Adjust the pager size.
    $responseArray = $this
      ->servicesGet($this->endpoint->path . '/' . $types[0], array(
      'pagesize' => 40,
      ->assertTrue(count($responseArray['body']) == 40, t('Correct number of items returned'));

    // Swap to user that can only use the default pager size.
    $this->lessPrivilegedUser = $this
      'administer services',
    $responseArray = $this
      ->servicesGet($this->endpoint->path . '/' . $types[0], array(
      'pagesize' => 40,
      ->assertTrue(count($responseArray['body']) == 20, t('Correct number of items returned'));

   * testing node_resource Get
  public function testNewEndpointWebformGet() {
    $types = webform_variable_get('webform_node_types');

    // Create and log in our privileged user.
    $this->privilegedUser = $this
      'administer services',
    $node = $this
      'type' => $types[0],

    // Get the endpoint.
    $endpoint = $this->endpoint->path . '/' . $types[0];
    $responseArray = $this
      ->servicesGet($endpoint . '/' . $node->uuid);
      ->assertTrue($node->title == $responseArray['body']->title, t('Successfully received Webform'), 'Webform: Retrieve');

    //Verify node not found.
    $responseArray = $this
      ->servicesGet($endpoint . '/1234');
      ->assertTrue($responseArray['code'] == '404', t('Successfully was rejected to non existent webform'), 'Webform: Retrieve');

   * Create a new webform.
   * @param type $components
   * @return type
  public function createForm($components = array()) {
    $response = array();
    if ($this->privilegedUser) {
      $types = webform_variable_get('webform_node_types');

      // Get the endpoint.
      $endpoint = $this->endpoint->path . '/' . $types[0];
      $responseArray = $this
        ->servicesPost($endpoint, array(
        'title' => 'testing',
        'body' => array(
          LANGUAGE_NONE => array(
              'value' => 'testing body',
        'name' => $this->privilegedUser->name,
        'language' => LANGUAGE_NONE,
        'webform' => array(
          'components' => $components,
      $response = $responseArray['body'];
    return $response;

   * Testing webform Create.
  public function testEndpointWebformCreate() {

    // Create and log in our privileged user.
    $this->privilegedUser = $this
      'administer services',
      'bypass node access',
    $components = $this->form_components;

    // Create the form.
    $form = $this
      ->assertTrue(isset($form->uuid), t('Webform was successfully created'), 'Webform: Create');
    $webform = webform_service_resource_load($form->uuid);
      ->assertTrue($webform->title = 'testing', t('Title was the same'), 'Webform: Create');
      ->assertTrue($webform->body = 'testing body', t('Body was the same'), 'Webform: Create');

    // Now make sure the webform was created.
      ->assertTrue(!empty($webform->webform), t('Webform created.'), 'Webform: Create');
      ->assertTrue(!empty($webform->webform['components']), t('Components created.'), 'Webform: Create');
      ->assertTrue(count($webform->webform['components']) === 3, t('Number of components created.'), 'Webform: Create');
    foreach ($components as $cid => $component) {
        ->assertTrue(!empty($webform->webform['components'][$cid]), 'Component was created', 'Webform: Create');
        ->assertTrue($webform->webform['components'][$cid]['form_key'] == $component['form_key'], t('Components match.'), 'Webform: Create');

   * Testing webform Update.
  public function testEndpointWebformUpdate() {

    // Create and log in our privileged user.
    $this->privilegedUser = $this
      'administer services',
      'bypass node access',

    // Create the form.
    $components = $this->form_components;
    $form = $this
    $webform = webform_service_resource_load($form->uuid);

    // Make sure we start with 3 components.
      ->assertTrue(count($webform->webform['components']) == 3);

    // Add a new component.
    $webform->webform['components'][] = array(
      'form_key' => 'middle_name',
      'type' => 'textfield',
      'name' => 'Middle Name',

    // Get the endpoint.
    $endpoint = $this->endpoint->path . '/' . $webform->type . '/' . $webform->uuid;
    $responseArray = $this
      ->servicesPut($endpoint, (array) $webform);
    $response = $responseArray['body'];

    // Make sure we have 4 comonents now.
      ->assertTrue(count($response->webform['components']) == 4);
      ->assertTrue($response->webform['components'][4]['form_key'] == 'middle_name');
      ->assertTrue($response->webform['components'][4]['name'] == 'Middle Name');
      ->assertTrue($response->webform['components'][4]['type'] == 'textfield');

    // Now edit the name of an existing field.
    $webform = webform_service_resource_load($form->uuid, TRUE);
    $webform->webform['components'][2]['name'] = 'Testing';
    $responseArray = $this
      ->servicesPut($endpoint, (array) $webform);
    $response = $responseArray['body'];

    // Make sure the name updates.
      ->assertTrue($response->webform['components'][2]['name'] == 'Testing');

   * Testing webform Delete.
  public function testEndpointWebformDelete() {

    // Create and log in our privileged user.
    $this->privilegedUser = $this
      'administer services',
      'bypass node access',

    // Create the form.
    $components = $this->form_components;
    $form = $this
    $webform = webform_service_resource_load($form->uuid);

    // Delete the created webform.
    $endpoint = $this->endpoint->path . '/' . $webform->type . '/' . $webform->uuid;

    // Now verify it was deleted.
    $webform = webform_service_resource_load($form->uuid, TRUE);

   * Test creating submissions on a webform.
  public function testEndpointSubmission() {

    // Create and log in our privileged user.
    $this->privilegedUser = $this
      'administer services',
      'bypass node access',

    // Create the form.
    $components = $this->form_components;
    $form = $this
    $webform = webform_service_resource_load($form->uuid);

    // Create and login a new user.
      'access own webform submissions',
      'edit own webform submissions',
      'delete own webform submissions',
      'access own webform results',

    // Set the endpoint...
    $endpoint = $this->endpoint->path . '/submission';
    $submissions = array();

    // Add 10 submissions.
    for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
      $rand = rand(0, 1000000);
      $data1 = array(
        'values' => array(
          'first' . $rand,
      $data2 = array(
        'values' => array(
          'last' . $rand,
      $data3 = array(
        'values' => array(
          'email' . $rand . '',
      $response = $this
        ->servicesPost($endpoint, array(
        'webform' => $webform->uuid,
        'submission' => array(
          'data' => array(
            1 => $data1,
            2 => $data2,
            3 => $data3,
      $response = $response['body'];
        ->assertTrue($response['data'][1]['values'] == $data1['values']);
        ->assertTrue($response['data'][2]['values'] == $data2['values']);
        ->assertTrue($response['data'][3]['values'] == $data3['values']);

    // Now get some submissions and update them.
    $endpoint = $this->endpoint->path . '/webform/' . $webform->uuid . '/submissions';
    $indexResponse = $this
    $indexResponse = $indexResponse['body'];

    // Iterate through 3 submissions and update them to make sure they update.
    for ($index = 2; $index < 5; $index++) {

      // Get the resource for this index.
      $resource = $indexResponse[$index];

      // Set the crud endpoint.
      $crud = $this->endpoint->path . '/submission/' . $resource['uuid'];

      // The get endpoint.
      $getResponse = $this
      $getResponse = $getResponse['body'];
        ->assertTrue($getResponse['sid'] == $resource['sid']);

      // Update the resource.
      $data1 = array(
        'values' => array(
          'First ' . $index,
      $data2 = array(
        'values' => array(
          'Last ' . $index,
      $data3 = array(
        'values' => array(
          'email' . $index . '',
      $resource['data'] = array(
        1 => $data1,
        2 => $data2,
        3 => $data3,
      $updateResponse = $this
        ->servicesPut($crud, $resource);
      $updateResponse = $updateResponse['body'];
        ->assertTrue($updateResponse['data'][1]['values'] == $data1['values']);
        ->assertTrue($updateResponse['data'][2]['values'] == $data2['values']);
        ->assertTrue($updateResponse['data'][3]['values'] == $data3['values']);



Namesort descending Description
ServicesResourceWebformTests Run test cases for the endpoint with no authentication turned on.