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8 calls to webform_protected_downloads_get_configuration() in Webform Protected Downloads 6

webform_protected_downloads_component_delete_access in ./webform_protected_downloads.module
Custom access callback that checks wheather a webform component can be deleted
webform_protected_downloads_configuration_form in ./
Form callback for the webform configuration subpage
webform_protected_downloads_download_page in ./
Displays the download page
webform_protected_downloads_form_alter in ./webform_protected_downloads.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter(). Doc says that $form_state is passed by reference, but that generates warnings: warning: Parameter 2 to webform_protected_downloads_form_alter() expected to be a reference, value given in /includes/ on…
webform_protected_downloads_process_submissions in ./webform_protected_downloads.module
Process unprocessed webform submissions
webform_protected_downloads_send_mail in ./webform_protected_downloads.module
Send mail to the user with a valid hash so that he can access the download page
webform_protected_downloads_session_update in ./
Create or update the session info used to grant access and keep track of access expiration
webform_protected_downloads_set_configuration in ./webform_protected_downloads.module
Set the configuration for the given node