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6 calls to webform_protected_downloads_file_is_protected() in Webform Protected Downloads 6

theme_webform_protected_downloads_mail_token_file_list in ./webform_protected_downloads.module
Theme function for the file list that may be included in the confirmation mail which is send to the user.
webform_protected_downloads_adjust_upload_form in ./webform_protected_downloads.module
Updates the file listing in an upload form to disable delete, list and private checkboxes of files protected by this module.
webform_protected_downloads_configuration_form in ./
Form callback for the webform configuration subpage
webform_protected_downloads_file_download in ./webform_protected_downloads.module
Implementation of hook_file_download().
webform_protected_downloads_file_set_protected in ./webform_protected_downloads.module
Set the protected status for the given node / file combination
webform_protected_downloads_nodeapi in ./webform_protected_downloads.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().