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Webform Localization i18n_string integration.


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 * @file
 * Webform Localization i18n_string integration.

 * Provides interface with the i18n_string module.
 * Based in patch
 * by Calin Marian. Further development sponsored by Riot Games.
 * @author German Martin <>

 * Translates the component properties that are translatable.
 * These are found in under 'translated_strings' in the 'extra' array of the
 * component, which is build when the component is inserted / updated, or
 * when all webform strings are updated from
 * admin/config/regional/translate/i18n_string.
 * @param array $element
 *   The FAPI renderable array of the component instance.
 * @param array $component
 *   The component.
function _webform_localization_translate_component(&$element, $component) {
  if (isset($component['extra']['translated_strings']) && is_array($component['extra']['translated_strings'])) {
    $node = !empty($component['nid']) ? node_load($component['nid']) : NULL;
    foreach ($component['extra']['translated_strings'] as $name) {
      $name_list = explode(':', $name);
      $current_element =& $element;
      if (isset($current_element['#format'])) {
        $current_element_format = $current_element['#format'];
      else {
        $current_element_format = I18N_STRING_FILTER_XSS_ADMIN;
      if (strpos($name_list[3], '[') !== FALSE) {

        // The property is deeper in the renderable array, we must extract the
        // the place where it is.
        list($children, $property) = explode(']#', $name_list[3]);

        // Remove the '[' from the begining of the string.
        $children = drupal_substr($children, 1);
        $children_array = explode('][', $children);
        foreach ($children_array as $child) {
          if (isset($current_element[$child])) {
            $current_element =& $current_element[$child];
          else {
      else {

        // Remove the '#' from the begining of the property, for consistency.
        $property = drupal_substr($name_list[3], 1);
      if (strpos($property, '-') !== FALSE) {

        // If property is array, we extract the key from the property.
        list($property, $key) = explode('-', $property, 2);
        if (isset($current_element['#' . $property][$key])) {
          $text = i18n_string($name, $current_element['#' . $property][$key], array(
            'format' => I18N_STRING_FILTER_XSS,
          if (module_exists('token')) {
            $current_element['#' . $property][$key] = webform_replace_tokens($text, $node);
          else {
            $current_element['#' . $property][$key] = $text;
      else {

        // If we are dealing with option groups.
        if (isset($name_list[4]) && strpos($name_list[4], '/-') !== FALSE) {
          $option_group = str_replace('/-', '', $name_list[4]);

          // If it's a element.
          if (isset($name_list[5])) {
            $text = i18n_string($name, $current_element['#' . $property][$option_group][$name_list[5]], array(
              'format' => $current_element_format,
            if (module_exists('token')) {
              $current_element['#' . $property][$option_group][$name_list[5]] = webform_replace_tokens($text, $node);
            else {
              $current_element['#' . $property][$option_group][$name_list[5]] = $text;
          else {

            // If it's a option group we translate the key.
            $text = i18n_string($name, $option_group, array(
              'format' => $current_element_format,
            if (module_exists('token')) {
              $translated_option_group = webform_replace_tokens($text, $node);
            else {
              $translated_option_group = $text;
            if ($translated_option_group != $option_group) {
              _webform_localization_array_key_replace($current_element['#' . $property], $option_group, $translated_option_group);
        else {

          // Else we can treat the property as string.
          if (isset($current_element['#' . $property])) {
            if ($property == 'markup' && $current_element['#type'] == 'markup') {
              $text = i18n_string($name, $current_element['#' . $property], array(
                'format' => $current_element['#format'],
            elseif ($property == 'description') {
              $text = i18n_string($name, $current_element['#' . $property], array(
                'sanitize' => FALSE,
            else {
              $text = i18n_string($name, $current_element['#' . $property], array(
                'sanitize' => FALSE,
            $current_element['#' . $property] = $text;

 * Update / create translation source for all the translatable properties.
 * @param array $component
 *   A webform component.
function webform_localization_component_update_translation_strings(&$component) {

  // Fill in the the default values for the missing properties.
  module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.components');

  // Render the 'render' FAPI array for the component.
  $element = webform_component_invoke($component['type'], 'render', $component, NULL, 'html');

  // Parse the renderable array to find the translatable properties and
  // update / create translation source for them.
  $component['extra']['translated_strings'] = _webform_localization_component_translation_parse($element, $component);

  // Render the 'display' FAPI array for the component.
  $element = webform_component_invoke($component['type'], 'display', $component, NULL, 'html');

  // Parse the renderable array to find the translatable properties and
  // update / create translation source for them.
  $component['extra']['translated_strings'] = array_merge($component['extra']['translated_strings'], array_diff(_webform_localization_component_translation_parse($element, $component), $component['extra']['translated_strings']));

 * Parse a component renderable array to find the translatable properties.
 * Create / update or remove translation source for translatable properties
 * of a webform component.
 * @param array $element
 *   The renderable array to be parsed.
 * @param array $component
 *   The component which was rendered.
 * @return array
 *   An array of translatabled webform properties.
function _webform_localization_component_translation_parse($element, $component) {
  $translated_properies = array();
  if (!isset($element['#parents'])) {
    $element['#parents'] = array();
  $element['#translatable'][] = 'placeholder';
  if (isset($element['#translatable']) && is_array($element['#translatable'])) {
    foreach ($element['#translatable'] as $key) {
      if (!empty($element['#' . $key]) || !empty($element['#attributes'][$key])) {
        if (isset($element['#parents']) && count($element['#parents'])) {
          $property = '[' . implode('][', $element['#parents']) . ']#' . $key;
        else {
          $property = '#' . $key;
        $element_key = '';
        if ($key == 'placeholder' && !empty($element['#attributes']['placeholder'])) {
          $element_key = $element['#attributes']['placeholder'];
        elseif ($key != 'placeholder' && !empty($element['#' . $key])) {
          $element_key = $element['#' . $key];
        if (is_array($element_key)) {

          // If the translatable property is an array, we translate the
          // children.
          foreach ($element_key as $elem_key => $elem_value) {

            // If the child if an array, we translate the elements.
            if (is_array($elem_value)) {
              foreach ($elem_value as $k => $v) {
                $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($component['nid'], $component['cid'], $property, '/-' . $elem_key . '/-', $k);
                $translated_properies[] = $name;
                i18n_string($name, $v, array(
                  'update' => TRUE,
              $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($component['nid'], $component['cid'], $property, '/-' . $elem_key . '/-');
              $translated_properies[] = $name;
              i18n_string($name, $elem_key, array(
                'update' => TRUE,
            else {

              // If the child is not an array.
              $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($component['nid'], $component['cid'], $property . '-' . $elem_key);
              $translated_properies[] = $name;
              i18n_string($name, $elem_value, array(
                'update' => TRUE,
        else {

          // If the translatable property is not an array,
          // it can be treated as a string.
          $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($component['nid'], $component['cid'], $property);
          $translated_properies[] = $name;
          i18n_string($name, $element_key, array(
            'update' => TRUE,

  // Recursevly call the function on the children, after adding the children
  // name to its #parents array.
  foreach (element_children($element) as $child) {
    $element[$child]['#parents'] = $element['#parents'];
    $element[$child]['#parents'][] = $child;

    // Add the translated propertied to the list.
    $translated_properies = array_merge($translated_properies, _webform_localization_component_translation_parse($element[$child], $component));
  return $translated_properies;

 * Utility function to create i18n string name.
 * Additional arguments can be passed to add more depth to context
 * @param int $node_identifier
 *   webform nid.
 * @return string
 *   i18n string name grouped by nid or uuid if module is available.
function webform_localization_i18n_string_name($node_identifier) {
  if (module_exists('uuid') and !uuid_is_valid($node_identifier)) {
    $node_identifier = current(entity_get_uuid_by_id('node', array(
  $name = array(
  $args = func_get_args();

  // Remove $node_identifier from args.
  foreach ($args as $arg) {
    $name[] = $arg;
  return implode(':', $name);

 * Delete translation source for all the translatable properties.
 * Process components matching webforms configuration.
function webform_localization_delete_all_strings() {
  $query = db_select('webform_component', 'wc');
    ->condition('wl.expose_strings', 0, '=');
    ->innerJoin('webform_localization', 'wl', 'wc.nid = wl.nid');
  $components = $query
  foreach ($components as $component) {
    $component = (array) $component;
    $component['extra'] = unserialize($component['extra']);
    $component['extra'] = serialize($component['extra']);
    drupal_write_record('webform_component', $component, array(

 * Remove translation source for all the translatable properties.
 * @param array $component
 *   A webform component array.
function webform_localization_component_delete_translation_strings($component) {
  if (isset($component['extra']['translated_strings'])) {
    foreach ($component['extra']['translated_strings'] as $name) {

 * Update / create translation source for general webform properties.
 * @param array $properties
 *   The form_state values that have been saved.
function webform_localization_update_translation_strings($properties) {
  $options = array(
    'update' => TRUE,
    'translate' => FALSE,
  if (!empty($properties['confirmation']['value'])) {
    $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($properties['nid'], 'confirmation');
    $confirmationOptions = $options + array(
      'format' => I18N_STRING_FILTER_XSS,
    if (isset($properties['confirmation']['format'])) {
      if (i18n_string_allowed_format($properties['confirmation']['format'])) {
        $confirmationOptions['format'] = $properties['confirmation']['format'];
      else {
        drupal_set_message(t('The string @name could not be refreshed with the text format @format because it is not allowed for translation.', array(
          '@name' => $name,
          '@format' => $properties['confirmation']['format'],
        )), 'warning', FALSE);
    i18n_string($name, $properties['confirmation']['value'], $confirmationOptions);
  if (!empty($properties['preview_message']['value'])) {
    $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($properties['nid'], 'preview_message');
    $confirmationOptions = $options + array(
      'format' => I18N_STRING_FILTER_XSS,
    if (isset($properties['preview_message']['format'])) {
      if (i18n_string_allowed_format($properties['preview_message']['format'])) {
        $confirmationOptions['format'] = $properties['preview_message']['format'];
      else {
        drupal_set_message(t('The string @name could not be refreshed with the text format @format because it is not allowed for translation.', array(
          '@name' => $name,
          '@format' => $properties['preview_message']['format'],
        )), 'warning', FALSE);
    i18n_string($name, $properties['preview_message']['value'], $confirmationOptions);
  if (!empty($properties['submit_text'])) {
    $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($properties['nid'], 'submit_text');
    i18n_string($name, $properties['submit_text'], $options);

  // Allow to translate the redirect url if it's not set to none or the
  // default confirmation page.
  if (!in_array($properties['redirect_url'], array(
  ))) {
    $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($properties['nid'], 'redirect_url');
    i18n_string($name, $properties['redirect_url'], $options);

 * Translate general webform properties.
 * @param object $node
 *   A node object.
function webform_localization_translate_strings(&$node, $update = FALSE) {
  $options = array(
    'update' => $update,
  if (!array_key_exists('nid', $node->webform)) {
    $node->webform['nid'] = $node->nid;
  $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($node->webform['nid'], 'confirmation');
  $confirmationOptions = $options + array(
    'format' => I18N_STRING_FILTER_XSS,
  if (in_array($node->webform['redirect_url'], array(
  )) && isset($node->webform['confirmation_format'])) {
    if (i18n_string_allowed_format($node->webform['confirmation_format'])) {
      $confirmationOptions['format'] = $node->webform['confirmation_format'];
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t('The string @name could not be refreshed with the text format @format because it is not allowed for translation.', array(
        '@name' => $name,
        '@format' => $node->webform['confirmation_format'],
      )), 'warning', FALSE);
  $node->webform['confirmation'] = i18n_string($name, $node->webform['confirmation'], $confirmationOptions);
  $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($node->webform['nid'], 'preview_message');
  if (isset($node->webform['preview_message_format'])) {
    if (i18n_string_allowed_format($node->webform['preview_message_format'])) {
      $confirmationOptions['format'] = $node->webform['preview_message_format'];
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t('The string @name could not be refreshed with the text format @format because it is not allowed for translation.', array(
        '@name' => $name,
        '@format' => $node->webform['preview_message_format'],
      )), 'warning', FALSE);
  $node->webform['preview_message'] = i18n_string($name, $node->webform['preview_message'], $confirmationOptions);
  $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($node->webform['nid'], 'submit_text');
  $node->webform['submit_text'] = i18n_string($name, $node->webform['submit_text'], $options);

  // Allow to translate the redirect url if it's not set to none or the
  // default confirmation page.
  if (!in_array($node->webform['redirect_url'], array(
  ))) {
    $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($node->webform['nid'], 'redirect_url');
    $node->webform['redirect_url'] = i18n_string($name, $node->webform['redirect_url'], $options);

 * Update / create translation source for webform email properties.
 * @param array $properties
 *   The form_state values that have been saved.
function webform_localization_emails_update_translation_string($properties) {
  $nid = $properties['node']->webform['nid'];
  $eid = $properties['eid'];
  if (!empty($properties['subject_custom'])) {
    $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'subject_custom');
    i18n_string($name, $properties['subject_custom'], array(
      'update' => TRUE,

  // Allow to translate the mail recipients if not based on a component.
  if (!empty($properties['email']) && !is_numeric($properties['email'])) {
    $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'email');
    i18n_string($name, $properties['email'], array(
      'update' => TRUE,
  if (!empty($properties['from_name_custom'])) {
    $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'from_name_custom');
    i18n_string($name, $properties['from_name_custom'], array(
      'update' => TRUE,
  if (!empty($properties['template'])) {
    $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'template');
    i18n_string($name, $properties['template'], array(
      'update' => TRUE,

 * Update / create translation source for webform email properties.
 * @param array $emails
 *   An array of webform emails.
 * @param int $nid
 *   The node Id of the webform.
function webform_localization_emails_translation_string_refresh($emails, $nid) {
  foreach ($emails as $email) {
    $eid = $email['eid'];
    if (!empty($email['subject']) && $email['subject'] != 'default') {
      $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'subject_custom');
      i18n_string($name, $email['subject'], array(
        'update' => TRUE,

    // Allow to translate the mail recipients if not based on a component.
    if (!empty($email['email']) && !is_numeric($email['email'])) {
      $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'email');
      i18n_string($name, $email['email'], array(
        'update' => TRUE,
    if (!empty($email['from_name']) && $email['from_name'] != 'default') {
      $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'from_name_custom');
      i18n_string($name, $email['from_name'], array(
        'update' => TRUE,
    if (!empty($email['template']) && $email['template'] != 'default') {
      $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'template');
      i18n_string($name, $email['template'], array(
        'update' => TRUE,

 * Translate webform email properties.
 * @param object $node
 *   A node object.
function webform_localization_email_translate_strings(&$node) {
  $nid = $node->webform['nid'];
  foreach ($node->webform['emails'] as $eid => &$email) {
    if (!empty($email['subject']) && $email['subject'] != 'default') {
      $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'subject_custom');
      $email['subject'] = i18n_string($name, $email['subject']);

    // Allow to translate the mail recipients if not based on a component.
    if (!empty($email['email']) && !is_numeric($email['email'])) {
      $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'email');
      $email['email'] = i18n_string($name, $email['email']);
    if (!empty($email['from_name']) && $email['from_name'] != 'default') {
      $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'from_name_custom');
      $email['from_name'] = i18n_string($name, $email['from_name']);
    if (!empty($email['template']) && $email['template'] != 'default') {
      $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'template');
      $email['template'] = i18n_string($name, $email['template'], array(
        'sanitize' => FALSE,

 * Remove translation source for webform email properties.
 * @param int $eid
 *   A webform email Id.
 * @param int $nid
 *   A node Id.
function webform_localization_emails_delete_translation_string($eid, $nid) {
  $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'subject_custom');
  $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'from_name_custom');
  $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($nid, 'email', $eid, 'template');

 * Translate general webform properties.
 * @param object $node
 *   A node object.
function webform_localization_delete_translate_strings($node) {
  $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($node->webform['nid'], 'confirmation');
  $name = webform_localization_i18n_string_name($node->webform['nid'], 'submit_text');
  foreach ($node->webform['emails'] as $eid => $value) {
    webform_localization_emails_delete_translation_string($eid, $node->nid);

 * Update i18n string contexts if uuid module is enabled/disabled.
function webform_localization_uuid_update_strings($disabling_uuid = FALSE) {
  $old_ids = db_query('SELECT distinct type FROM {i18n_string} WHERE textgroup = :webform', array(
    ':webform' => 'webform',
  variable_set('webform_localization_using_uuid', !$disabling_uuid);
  if (empty($old_ids)) {
  if (!$disabling_uuid) {
    $old_context_ids = entity_get_uuid_by_id('node', array(
  else {

    // entity_get_id_by_uuid() do not work properly on hook_disable.
    $old_context_ids = webform_localization_get_id_by_uuid('node', array(
  foreach ($old_context_ids as $old_id => $new_id) {
    $old_context = 'webform:' . $old_id . ':*';
    $new_context = 'webform:' . $new_id . ':*';
    i18n_string_install_update_context($old_context, $new_context);

 * Helper function that retrieves entity IDs by their UUIDs.
 * @param string $entity_type
 *   The entity type we should be dealing with.
 * @param array $uuids
 *   An array of UUIDs for which we should find their entity IDs. If $revision
 *   is TRUE this should be revision UUIDs instead.
 * @return array
 *   Array of entity IDs keyed by their UUIDs. If $revision is TRUE revision
 *   IDs and UUIDs are returned instead.
function webform_localization_get_id_by_uuid($entity_type, $uuids) {
  if (empty($uuids)) {
    return array();
  $info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
  $table = $info['base table'];
  $id_key = $info['entity keys']['id'];

  // The uuid key is not available at hook_disable.
  $core_info = uuid_get_core_entity_info();
  $uuid_key = $core_info['node']['entity keys']['uuid'];

  // Get all UUIDs in one query.
  return db_select($table, 't')
    ->fields('t', array(
    ->condition($uuid_key, array_values($uuids), 'IN')

 * Helper function to replace an array key and its content.
 * @param array $array
 *   Array To process.
 * @param string $old_key
 *   Array key to be replaced.
 * @param string $new_key
 *   The new array key.
function _webform_localization_array_key_replace(&$array, $old_key, $new_key) {
  $keys = array_keys($array);
  $values = array_values($array);
  foreach ($keys as $k => $v) {
    if ($v == $old_key) {
      $keys[$k] = $new_key;
  $array = array_combine($keys, $values);

 * Helper function to convert select / grid strings to array.
 * @param string $string_array
 *   Array To process.
 * @return array
 *   Processed array.
function _webform_localization_string_to_key($string_array) {
  $key_array = array();
  $items = explode("\n", trim($string_array));
  foreach ($items as $item) {
    $item_data = explode('|', $item);
    if (isset($item_data[1]) && isset($item_data[0])) {
      $key_array[$item_data[0]] = $item_data[1];
    elseif (isset($item_data[1]) && !isset($item_data[0])) {
      $key_array[$item_data[0]] = '';
  return $key_array;


Namesort descending Description
webform_localization_component_delete_translation_strings Remove translation source for all the translatable properties.
webform_localization_component_update_translation_strings Update / create translation source for all the translatable properties.
webform_localization_delete_all_strings Delete translation source for all the translatable properties.
webform_localization_delete_translate_strings Translate general webform properties.
webform_localization_emails_delete_translation_string Remove translation source for webform email properties.
webform_localization_emails_translation_string_refresh Update / create translation source for webform email properties.
webform_localization_emails_update_translation_string Update / create translation source for webform email properties.
webform_localization_email_translate_strings Translate webform email properties.
webform_localization_get_id_by_uuid Helper function that retrieves entity IDs by their UUIDs.
webform_localization_i18n_string_name Utility function to create i18n string name.
webform_localization_translate_strings Translate general webform properties.
webform_localization_update_translation_strings Update / create translation source for general webform properties.
webform_localization_uuid_update_strings Update i18n string contexts if uuid module is enabled/disabled.
_webform_localization_array_key_replace Helper function to replace an array key and its content.
_webform_localization_component_translation_parse Parse a component renderable array to find the translatable properties.
_webform_localization_string_to_key Helper function to convert select / grid strings to array.
_webform_localization_translate_component Translates the component properties that are translatable.