webform-confirm-email-results-submissions.tpl.php in Webform Confirm Email Address 7
Result submissions page.
Available variables:
- $node: The node object for this webform.
- $submissions: The Webform submissions array.
- $total_count: The total number of submissions to this webform.
- $pager_count: The number of results to be shown per page.
- is_submissions: The user is viewing the node/NID/submissions page.
- $confirmed_form: filter for confirmed/unconfirmed/all submissions
- $table: The table[] array consists of three keys:
- $table['#header']: Table header.
- $table['#rows']: Table rows.
- $table['#operation_total']: Maximum number of operations in the operation column.
templates/webform-confirm-email-results-submissions.tpl.phpView source
* @file
* Result submissions page.
* Available variables:
* - $node: The node object for this webform.
* - $submissions: The Webform submissions array.
* - $total_count: The total number of submissions to this webform.
* - $pager_count: The number of results to be shown per page.
* - is_submissions: The user is viewing the node/NID/submissions page.
* - $confirmed_form: filter for confirmed/unconfirmed/all submissions
* - $table: The table[] array consists of three keys:
* - $table['#header']: Table header.
* - $table['#rows']: Table rows.
* - $table['#operation_total']: Maximum number of operations in the operation column.
if (isset($confirmed_form)) {
print render($confirmed_form);
if (count($table['#rows'])) {
print theme('webform_results_per_page', array(
'total_count' => $total_count,
'pager_count' => $pager_count,
print render($table);
else {
print t('There are no submissions for this form. <a href="!url">View this form</a>.', array(
'!url' => url('node/' . $node->nid),
if ($is_submissions) {
print theme('links', array(
'links' => array(
'webform' => array(
'title' => t('Go back to the form'),
'href' => 'node/' . $node->nid,
if ($pager_count) {
print theme('pager', array(
'limit' => $pager_count,