webform_conditional.module in Webform Conditional (Same Page Conditionals) 6
Same filename and directory in other branches
This module adds the ability to have hidden conditional fields on Webforms. It requires the Webform module version 3.x
Currently fields and fieldset can be dependent on Select components.
@author Ted Bowman <ted@tedbow.com>
webform_conditional.moduleView source
* @file
* This module adds the ability to have hidden conditional fields on Webforms. It requires the Webform module version 3.x
* Currently fields and fieldset can be dependent on Select components.
* @author Ted Bowman <ted@tedbow.com>
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
* @param array $form
* @param arrray $form_state
function webform_conditional_form_webform_component_edit_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
//not all types are hideable by this module
if (_webform_conditional_type_is_hideable($form['type']['#value'])) {
$triggerComponents = _webform_conditional_possible_trigger_components($form['nid']['#value'], $form['cid']['#value']);
if (!empty($triggerComponents)) {
//if there are any same page component add function to handle values
array_unshift($form['#submit'], 'webform_condtional_component_edit_submit');
$form['conditional']['#access'] = TRUE;
$form['conditional']['extra']['conditional_component']['#options'] = $form['conditional']['extra']['conditional_component']['#options'] + $triggerComponents;
$default_value = trim($form['conditional']['extra']['conditional_values']['#default_value']);
if (empty($default_value)) {
//no regular conditional values
if (!empty($form['cid']['#value'])) {
$sql = "SELECT extra FROM {webform_component} where nid = %d and cid = %d";
$result = db_query($sql, array(
if ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
//not dealing with a new component
$extra = unserialize($row['extra']);
$default_value = trim(isset($extra['webform_conditional_field_value']) ? $extra['webform_conditional_field_value'] : '');
//don't check for empty b/c 0 could only value
if ($default_value !== '') {
//has existing value from this module
$form['conditional']['extra']['conditional_values']['#default_value'] = $extra['webform_conditional_field_value'];
$form['conditional']['extra']['conditional_component']['#default_value'] = $extra['webform_conditional_cid'] ? $extra['webform_conditional_cid'] : 0;
$form['conditional']['extra']['conditional_operator']['#default_value'] = $extra['webform_conditional_operator'];
* If you a same page component was selected change how it is stored
* @param $form
* @param $form_state
function webform_condtional_component_edit_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$triggerComponents = _webform_conditional_possible_trigger_components($form['nid']['#value'], $form['cid']['#value'], FALSE);
$values = trim($form_state['values']['extra']['conditional_values']);
if (array_key_exists($form_state['values']['extra']['conditional_component'], $triggerComponents)) {
//handle with this module'
//don't check for empty b/c 0 could only value
if ($values !== '') {
$form_state['values']['extra']['webform_conditional_field_value'] = $values;
$form_state['values']['extra']['webform_conditional_cid'] = $form_state['values']['extra']['conditional_component'];
$form_state['values']['extra']['webform_conditional_operator'] = $form_state['values']['extra']['conditional_operator'];
//clear out old values
$form_state['values']['extra']['conditional_component'] = '';
$form_state['values']['extra']['conditional_operator'] = '';
$form_state['values']['extra']['conditional_values'] = '';
* Implements hook_form_alter().
* Edit Webform
* Add Javascript to describe dependent fields
* Add validation of hidden conditional fields
function webform_conditional_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
//todo: change to look only at beginning of string
static $called_forms = array();
if (strstr($form_id, 'webform_client_form_') && isset($form['submitted'])) {
if (isset($form['#webform_conditional_js'])) {
$nid = $form['details']['nid']['#value'];
if (in_array($nid, $called_forms)) {
else {
$called_forms[] = $nid;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {webform_component} where nid = %d";
$result = db_query($sql, $nid);
while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$rows[$row['cid']] = $row;
foreach ($rows as $row) {
//see if field is on this page
$extra = NULL;
if ($field = _webform_conditional_get_field($form['submitted'], $row['cid']) && !isset($js_fields[$row['form_key']])) {
$extra = unserialize($row['extra']);
$row['extra'] = $extra;
if (isset($extra['webform_conditional_cid']) && $extra['webform_conditional_cid']) {
if (!_webform_conditional_get_field($form['submitted'], $extra['webform_conditional_cid'])) {
//watchdog('webform_conditional', "Error webform, nid=$nid. The field {$row['form_key']} was not hidden because it's dependent field {$extra['webform_conditional_field_key']} was not on the form.", NULL, WATCHDOG_WARNING);
//take into account different systems line breaks
$monitor_field_values = _webform_conditional_convert_textarea_lines_to_array($extra['webform_conditional_field_value']);
if (!isset($js_fields[$rows[$extra['webform_conditional_cid']]['form_key']])) {
$js_fields[$rows[$extra['webform_conditional_cid']]['form_key']]['cid'] = $extra['webform_conditional_cid'];
$cids[] = $extra['webform_conditional_cid'];
$js_fields[$rows[$extra['webform_conditional_cid']]['form_key']]['dependent_fields'][$row['form_key']] = array(
'type' => $row['type'],
'cid' => $row['cid'],
'monitor_cid' => $extra['webform_conditional_cid'],
'monitor_field_key' => $rows[$extra['webform_conditional_cid']]['form_key'],
'monitor_field_value' => $monitor_field_values,
'monitor_field_trigger' => isset($extra['webform_conditional_trigger']) ? $extra['webform_conditional_trigger'] : '',
'operator' => isset($extra['webform_conditional_operator']) ? $extra['webform_conditional_operator'] : "=",
'default_value' => $row['value'],
$cids[] = $row['cid'];
if ($row['type'] != 'fieldset' && _webform_condtional_component_is_conditional($row, $nid)) {
//!empty($extra['webform_conditional_cid']) || ($row['pid'] != 0 && $row['mandatory'] == 1))
//get the reference the form element
$form_element =& _webform_conditional_get_field($form['submitted'], $row['cid']);
$form_element['#after_build'][] = "webform_conditional_element_after_build";
if ($row['mandatory']) {
$form_element['#pre_render'][] = "webform_elment_pre_render_add_required";
if (!empty($js_fields)) {
$cids = array_unique($cids);
//get alls the css_ids to be used on form
$css_ids = _webform_conditional_get_css_ids($cids, $form);
foreach ($js_fields as &$js_field) {
$js_field['css_id'] = $css_ids[$js_field['cid']];
foreach ($js_field['dependent_fields'] as &$dependent_field) {
$dependent_field['css_id'] = $css_ids[$dependent_field['cid']];
//can't add javascript in this function or it will not be added if the form is built from cache. Need to run "after_build" function
$form['#after_build'][] = 'webform_conditional_add_js';
$js_settings = array(
'fields' => $js_fields,
'nid' => $nid,
'showSpeed' => NULL,
//store JavaScript variable for the webform_conditional_add_js function
$form['#webform_conditional_js'] = $js_settings;
* This function is attached to all conditonal elements that are also required
* This resets the #required setting which is removed if a element is hidden
* @param $form_element
* @return boolean
function webform_elment_pre_render_add_required($form_element) {
$form_element['#required'] = TRUE;
return $form_element;
* Determine whether a component is conditional(via this module) by direct trigger or b/c inside a conditional fieldset
* @param array $component Component array
* @param int $nid Node that component belongs to
* @return boolean
function _webform_condtional_component_is_conditional($component, $nid) {
static $form_components;
if (empty($form_components[$nid])) {
//possible to have more than on webform on a page so store with nid
$form_components[$nid] = _webform_conditional_get_all_components($nid, array());
if (!empty($component['extra']['webform_conditional_cid'])) {
//this element doesn't have a direct trigger and is not within a fieldset
return TRUE;
elseif (empty($component['pid'])) {
return FALSE;
//this element is conditional if its fieldset is conditional
return _webform_condtional_component_is_conditional($form_components[$nid][$component['pid']], $nid);
* Change textarea string input to array of lines
* @param string $textarea_value
* @return array
function _webform_conditional_convert_textarea_lines_to_array($textarea_value) {
$textarea_value = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $textarea_value);
$textarea_value = str_replace("\r", "\n", $textarea_value);
return explode("\n", $textarea_value);
* When the form is being built AFTER it is submitted then this function will make components that were hidden not required
* @param $form_element
* @param $form_state
* @return boolean
function webform_conditional_element_after_build($form_element, &$form_state) {
//only do this when the form is being submitted NOT displayed
if (!empty($form_element['#post'])) {
$submitted_values = _webform_conditional_get_submitted_values($form_state);
if (!empty($submitted_values)) {
//load the components into a flattened array
$components = _webform_conditional_get_all_components($form_element['#webform_component']['nid'], $submitted_values);
$was_hidden = _webform_conditional_was_hidden($form_element['#webform_component']['cid'], $components);
if ($was_hidden) {
$form_element['#required'] = FALSE;
_webform_condtional_clear_element_values($form_element, $form_state);
return $form_element;
* For an array of cids return css_ids to be used
* This any component this return the CSS id that Webform creates for the div element that wraps a component
* This will id will be used on the client side to show/hide components
* @param array $cids
* Component cids shown on current page
* @param array $form
* current form
* @return array
* keys = cids, values = css_ids
function _webform_conditional_get_css_ids($cids, $form) {
static $components;
if (!isset($components)) {
$nid = $form['details']['nid']['#value'];
$components = _webform_conditional_get_all_components($nid);
foreach ($cids as $cid) {
$css_id = str_replace("_", "-", $components[$cid]['form_key']);
$parent_cid = $components[$cid]['pid'];
while ($parent_cid) {
$css_id = str_replace("_", "-", $components[$parent_cid]['form_key']) . "--" . $css_id;
$parent_cid = $components[$parent_cid]['pid'];
$css_ids[$cid] = "webform-component-{$css_id}";
drupal_alter('webform_conditional_css_ids', $css_ids, $form);
return $css_ids;
* Function run #after_build on webform. This ensures that Javascript is added even if form is built from cache.
* @param array $form
* @param array $form_state
* @return array
* The form
function webform_conditional_add_js(&$form, $form_state) {
'webform_conditional' => $form['#webform_conditional_js'],
), "setting");
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'webform_conditional') . '/webform_conditional.js');
return $form;
* Get the values submited values from the form_state
* @param $form_state
* From hook_form_alter
* @return
* Array of submitted values
function _webform_conditional_get_submitted_values($form_state) {
//get component tree
if (isset($form_state['storage'])) {
$tree = $form_state['storage']['component_tree']['children'];
else {
$tree = $form_state['webform']['component_tree']['children'];
//get components that are on the current page
if (!empty($form_state['values']['details']['page_num'])) {
$tree = _webform_conditional_get_page_tree($tree, $form_state['values']['details']['page_num']);
//load the submitted values into the component tree
return _webform_conditional_get_submitted_array($tree, $form_state['values']['submitted']);
* Clear the submitted values for an element
* @param $element
function _webform_condtional_clear_element_values(&$element, &$form_state) {
if (!isset($element['#type']) || $element['#type'] == 'markup') {
//markup fields don't have user input to clear
//markup is default
if (isset($element['#value']) && is_array($element['#value'])) {
foreach ($element['#value'] as $key => $value) {
$element['#value'][$key] = '';
else {
$element['#value'] = '';
//handle special cases for certian types
// @todo is possible to just search thru all sub-array just clear value properties - instead of specific logic for fields like "date"
switch ($element['#type']) {
case 'date':
$element['month']['#value'] = '';
$element['day']['#value'] = '';
$element['year']['#value'] = '';
// also must clear value in $form_state['values'] so it is not seen by other functions
$reference_element = FALSE;
$reference_set = FALSE;
//loop thru array_parents to find var to reference under "values"
foreach ($element['#array_parents'] as $key) {
if (!$reference_element) {
$reference_element =& $form_state['values'];
//should always be set but just in case
if (isset($reference_element[$key])) {
$reference_set = TRUE;
$reference_element =& $reference_element[$key];
else {
$reference_set = FALSE;
if ($reference_set) {
if (is_array($reference_element)) {
$reference_element = array();
else {
$reference_element = '';
* Return components of current page only
* @param array $children Nested Component Tree
* @param int $page_num Current page
* @return array components of current page only
function _webform_conditional_get_page_tree($children, $page_num) {
$page_tree = array();
foreach ($children as $cid => $child) {
if ($child['page_num'] == $page_num) {
$page_tree[$cid] = $child;
return $page_tree;
* Convert the nested submit array to a flattened array
* @param array $children Nested component tree
* @param array $submitted Nested submitted values
* @return array flattened submit array
function _webform_conditional_get_submitted_array($children, $submitted) {
if (empty($children)) {
return array();
$submitted_data = array();
foreach ($children as $cid => $child) {
if (array_key_exists($child['form_key'], $submitted)) {
if ($child['type'] != 'fieldset') {
$submitted_data[$cid]['value'] = $submitted[$child['form_key']];
else {
$submitted_data = $submitted_data + _webform_conditional_get_submitted_array($child['children'], $submitted[$child['form_key']]);
return $submitted_data;
* Implements hook_webform_submission_presave().
* Check to see if components should have been hidden
* @param object $node
* @param object $submission
function webform_conditional_webform_submission_presave($node, &$submission) {
$components = _webform_conditional_get_all_components($submission->nid, $submission->data);
$cleared_data = array();
foreach ($submission->data as $cid => $value) {
if (!_webform_conditional_was_hidden($cid, $components)) {
$cleared_data[$cid] = $value;
$submission->data = $cleared_data;
* Determine if component should have been hidden on form
* A component can be hidden 1 of 3 ways
* 1. It is hidden b/c of the value of its direct trigger
* 2. It is hidden b/c it's direct trigger is hidden
* 3. It is hidden bc/ it is inside a fieldset is hidden
* @param integer $cid
* @param array $components
* @return boolean TRUE if element should have been hidden
function _webform_conditional_was_hidden($cid, $components) {
$fieldset_hidden = FALSE;
$trigger_hidden = FALSE;
$this_hidden = FALSE;
if (!empty($components[$cid]['extra']['webform_conditional_cid'])) {
//was hidden conditional
foreach ($components as $component) {
if ($component['cid'] == $components[$cid]['extra']['webform_conditional_cid']) {
$trigger_field = $component;
$show_values = _webform_conditional_convert_textarea_lines_to_array($components[$cid]['extra']['webform_conditional_field_value']);
if (is_array($trigger_field['value'])) {
$match_values = array_intersect($show_values, $trigger_field['value']);
if (count($match_values) == 0) {
$matched = FALSE;
else {
$matched = TRUE;
else {
$matched = in_array($trigger_field['value'], $show_values);
$this_hidden = !$matched && $components[$cid]['extra']['webform_conditional_operator'] == "=" || $matched && $components[$cid]['extra']['webform_conditional_operator'] == "!=";
if (!$this_hidden) {
//trigger matched - check if trigger should be shown
if (!empty($trigger_field['extra']['webform_conditional_cid'])) {
$trigger_hidden = _webform_conditional_was_hidden($trigger_field['cid'], $components);
//wasn't hidden conditional - still could have been belonged to a hidden fieldset
if (!empty($components[$cid]['pid'])) {
//this belongs to a fieldset check if it was hidden
$fieldset_hidden = _webform_conditional_was_hidden($components[$cid]['pid'], $components);
//can be hidden 1 of 3 ways
return $this_hidden || $trigger_hidden || $fieldset_hidden;
* @return The types of elements that should be used as a conditional trigger.
function webform_conditional_trigger_types() {
$types = array(
drupal_alter('webform_conditional_trigger_types', $types);
return $types;
* select all the components this component could be dependent on
* for now this is limited to single select
* @param int $nid
* @param int $cid
* @param boolean $return_groups
* @return array:
function _webform_conditional_possible_trigger_components($nid, $cid, $return_groups = TRUE) {
$new_component = empty($cid);
$trigger_types = webform_conditional_trigger_types();
$get_component_types = array_merge($trigger_types, array(
if (!$new_component) {
//** all a fieldset can't be dependent on a field contained in itself(check pid)
$baseComponent = _webform_conditional_get_base_component($nid, $cid);
$sql = "SELECT name, form_key, type, extra,cid, weight,pid FROM {webform_component} WHERE nid = %d and pid <> %d and (cid = %d OR type in (" . db_placeholders($get_component_types, 'varchar') . ")) order by weight ASC ";
$sql_args = array_merge(array(
), $get_component_types);
else {
$baseComponent['cid'] = '';
$sql = "SELECT name, form_key, type, extra,cid, weight,pid FROM {webform_component} WHERE nid = %d and type in (" . db_placeholders($get_component_types, 'varchar') . ") order by weight ASC ";
$sql_args = array_merge(array(
), $get_component_types);
$result = db_query($sql, $sql_args);
$fieldOptions[''] = "";
$currPageNum = 1;
$prePageBreakWeight = -999999999999;
$postPageBreakWeight = 999999999999;
$foundPage = FALSE;
//loop through results to find the correct page that this element is one
while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
if (empty($row['pid'])) {
//get base components on this page - not in a fieldset
if ($postPageBreakWeight == 999999999999) {
if ($baseComponent['cid'] == $row['cid']) {
$foundPage = TRUE;
if ($row['type'] == 'pagebreak') {
if (!$foundPage) {
$prePageBreakWeight = $row['weight'];
$currPage = $row['name'];
else {
$postPageBreakWeight = $row['weight'];
$rows[] = $row;
else {
//all elements that are under fieldsets
$child_element_rows[$row['cid']] = $row;
$currPage = '';
if (!empty($rows)) {
$components = array();
//loop through base components to see if they are after the pagebreak(if any) and before the basecomponent for the particular component
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$postWeight = isset($baseComponent['weight']) ? $baseComponent['weight'] : $postPageBreakWeight;
if ($row['weight'] > $prePageBreakWeight && $row['weight'] <= $postWeight && $row['cid'] != $cid) {
if ($row['type'] == 'fieldset') {
if (!empty($child_element_rows)) {
//add the available components inside this fieldset
_webform_condtional_get_usable_child_elements($components, $row, $child_element_rows, $cid, $currPage, $return_groups);
else {
if (empty($currPage) || !$return_groups) {
$components[$row['cid']] = $row['name'];
else {
$components[$currPage][$row['cid']] = $row['name'];
if (!empty($components)) {
return $components;
else {
//no matching components
return array();
* Gets all child components under $fieldset_component that can be used as triggers for the component - $current_cid
* @param array $components
* @param array $fieldset_component
* @param array $form_components
* @param int $current_cid
* @param string $label
* @param boolean $return_groups
function _webform_condtional_get_usable_child_elements(&$components, $fieldset_component, $form_components, $current_cid, $label, $return_groups = FALSE) {
if ($current_cid == $fieldset_component['cid']) {
return NULL;
//don't add fieldset for now b/c Webform doesn't do this
//$label = "$label--{$row['name']}";
foreach ($form_components as $child) {
if ($child['cid'] == $current_cid) {
if ($child['pid'] == $fieldset_component['cid']) {
if ($child['type'] != 'fieldset' && isset($form_components[$child['cid']]) && (empty($current_cid) || !isset($form_components[$current_cid]) || ($form_components[$current_cid]['pid'] != $child['pid'] || $form_components[$current_cid]['weight'] > $child['weight']))) {
//the child element is not a fieldset AND (it either is not within the same fieldset as excluded component OR it appears lower in the fieldset(weight) then the excluded component)
if ($return_groups && !empty($label)) {
$components[$label][$child['cid']] = $child['name'];
else {
$components[$child['cid']] = $child['name'];
else {
if ($child['type'] == 'fieldset' && (empty($current_cid) || $child['pid'] != $form_components[$current_cid]['pid'])) {
//if child is fieldset and either(no current component or child isn't the fieldset that the current belongs to
_webform_condtional_get_usable_child_elements($components, $child, $form_components, $current_cid, $label, $return_groups);
* Get the top level fieldset that this component belongs too or itself if not inside a fieldset.
* @param $nid
* @param $cid
* @return
* Component as an array.
function _webform_conditional_get_base_component($nid, $cid) {
$components = _webform_conditional_get_all_components($nid);
$component = $components[$cid];
while ($component['pid']) {
$component = $components[$component['pid']];
return $component;
* Get all the Webform Components for a node
* If submitted_data given add to each component
* @param int $nid
* @param array $submitted_data
* @return array
function _webform_conditional_get_all_components($nid, $submitted_data = array()) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {webform_component} where nid = %d";
$result = db_query($sql, $nid);
$components = array();
while ($component = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$component['extra'] = unserialize($component['extra']);
if (!isset($component['extra']['webform_conditional_operator'])) {
$component['extra']['webform_conditional_operator'] = "=";
$components[$component['cid']] = $component;
if (isset($submitted_data[$component['cid']])) {
$components[$component['cid']]['value'] = $submitted_data[$component['cid']]['value'];
return $components;
* Determine if component type is hideable
* Pagebreak and hidden types are not hideable
* @param string $type
* @return boolean
function _webform_conditional_type_is_hideable($type) {
$notHideAble = array(
return !in_array($type, $notHideAble);
* Get field from a list of fields
* @param array $fields
* @param int $cid
* @return array|NULL
function &_webform_conditional_get_field(&$fields, $cid) {
foreach ($fields as $key => &$field) {
if (is_array($fields[$key]) && isset($fields[$key]['#webform_component']) && $fields[$key]['#webform_component']['cid'] == $cid) {
return $field;
foreach ($fields as $key => &$field) {
if (is_array($fields[$key]) && isset($fields[$key]['#type']) && $fields[$key]['#type'] == 'fieldset') {
if ($innerField =& _webform_conditional_get_field($fields[$key], $cid)) {
return $innerField;
$null = NULL;
return $null;
* Implements hook_webform_submission_render_alter().
* Remove elements that would not have been show according to the Hidden Conditional Rules
* *** This will look at the current rules for this Webform. If the rules were changed after this submission they will not hide the field that were hidden at the time of submission
* @param array $submission Webform submission to be rendered
function webform_conditional_webform_submission_render_alter(&$submission) {
//load the components into a flattened array
$components = _webform_conditional_get_all_components($submission['#node']->nid, $submission['#submission']->data);
$form_fields = element_children($submission);
_webform_conditional_hide_submission_elements($submission, $components);
* unset submission children
* @param array $submission_children
* @param array $components
function _webform_conditional_hide_submission_elements(&$submission_children, $components) {
foreach ($submission_children as $key => &$child) {
if (element_child($key)) {
if (_webform_conditional_was_hidden($child['#webform_component']['cid'], $components)) {
else {
if ($child['#webform_component']['type'] == 'fieldset') {
_webform_conditional_hide_submission_elements($child, $components);
Name | Description |
webform_conditional_add_js | Function run #after_build on webform. This ensures that Javascript is added even if form is built from cache. |
webform_conditional_element_after_build | When the form is being built AFTER it is submitted then this function will make components that were hidden not required |
webform_conditional_form_alter | |
webform_conditional_form_webform_component_edit_form_alter | Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
webform_conditional_trigger_types | |
webform_conditional_webform_submission_presave | Implements hook_webform_submission_presave(). |
webform_conditional_webform_submission_render_alter | Implements hook_webform_submission_render_alter(). Remove elements that would not have been show according to the Hidden Conditional Rules *** This will look at the current rules for this Webform. If the rules were changed after this submission they… |
webform_condtional_component_edit_submit | If you a same page component was selected change how it is stored |
webform_elment_pre_render_add_required | This function is attached to all conditonal elements that are also required This resets the #required setting which is removed if a element is hidden |
_webform_conditional_convert_textarea_lines_to_array | Change textarea string input to array of lines |
_webform_conditional_get_all_components | Get all the Webform Components for a node If submitted_data given add to each component |
_webform_conditional_get_base_component | Get the top level fieldset that this component belongs too or itself if not inside a fieldset. |
_webform_conditional_get_css_ids | For an array of cids return css_ids to be used This any component this return the CSS id that Webform creates for the div element that wraps a component This will id will be used on the client side to show/hide components |
_webform_conditional_get_field | Get field from a list of fields |
_webform_conditional_get_page_tree | Return components of current page only |
_webform_conditional_get_submitted_array | Convert the nested submit array to a flattened array |
_webform_conditional_get_submitted_values | Get the values submited values from the form_state |
_webform_conditional_hide_submission_elements | unset submission children |
_webform_conditional_possible_trigger_components | select all the components this component could be dependent on for now this is limited to single select |
_webform_conditional_type_is_hideable | Determine if component type is hideable Pagebreak and hidden types are not hideable |
_webform_conditional_was_hidden | Determine if component should have been hidden on form A component can be hidden 1 of 3 ways 1. It is hidden b/c of the value of its direct trigger 2. It is hidden b/c it's direct trigger is hidden 3. It is hidden bc/ it is inside a fieldset is… |
_webform_condtional_clear_element_values | Clear the submitted values for an element |
_webform_condtional_component_is_conditional | Determine whether a component is conditional(via this module) by direct trigger or b/c inside a conditional fieldset |
_webform_condtional_get_usable_child_elements | Gets all child components under $fieldset_component that can be used as triggers for the component - $current_cid |