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ExistingContactElementTest.php in Webform CiviCRM Integration 8.5


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namespace Drupal\Tests\webform_civicrm\FunctionalJavascript;

use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\Core\Test\AssertMailTrait;

 * Tests submitting a Webform with CiviCRM: existing contact element.
 * @group webform_civicrm
final class ExistingContactElementTest extends WebformCivicrmTestBase {
  use AssertMailTrait;
  private function addcontactinfo() {
    $currentUserUF = $this
    $params = [
      'contact_id' => $currentUserUF['contact_id'],
      'first_name' => 'Maarten',
      'last_name' => 'van der Weijden',
    $utils = \Drupal::service('webform_civicrm.utils');
    $result = $utils
      ->wf_civicrm_api('Contact', 'create', $params);
      ->assertEquals(0, $result['is_error']);
      ->assertEquals(1, $result['count']);
  public function testSubmitWebform() {
      ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('entity.webform.civicrm', [
      'webform' => $this->webform

    // The label has a <div> in it which can cause weird failures here.
      ->waitForField('First Name');

    // The Default Existing Contact Element behaviour is: load logged in User
    // The test here is to check if the fields on the form populate with Contact details belonging to the logged in User:
      ->fieldValueEquals('First Name', 'Maarten');
      ->fieldValueEquals('Last Name', 'van der Weijden');
      ->pageTextContains('New submission added to CiviCRM Webform Test.');

   * Verify if existing contact element is loaded as expected.
  function testRenderingOfExistingContactElement() {
    $childContact = [
      'first_name' => 'Fred',
      'last_name' => 'Pinto',
    $this->childContact = $this
      ->wf_civicrm_api('Relationship', 'create', [
      'contact_id_a' => $this->childContact['id'],
      'contact_id_b' => $this->rootUserCid,
      'relationship_type_id' => "Child of",
      ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('entity.webform.civicrm', [
      'webform' => $this->webform

    // The label has a <div> in it which can cause weird failures here.
      ->selectFieldOption('contact_1_number_of_email', 1);
      ->selectFieldOption("number_of_contacts", 4);
    foreach ([
    ] as $c) {
        ->clickLink("Contact {$c}");

      //Make second contact as household contact.
      if ($c == 2) {
          ->selectFieldOption("{$c}_contact_type", 'Household');
      elseif ($c == 3) {

    // Edit contact element 1.
    $editContact = [
      'title' => 'Primary Contact',
      'selector' => 'edit-webform-ui-elements-civicrm-1-contact-1-contact-existing-operations',
      'widget' => 'Static',
      'description' => 'Description of the static contact element.',
      'hide_fields' => 'Email',

    // Edit contact element 2.
    $editContact = [
      'selector' => 'edit-webform-ui-elements-civicrm-2-contact-1-contact-existing-operations',
      'widget' => 'Static',
      ->editContactElement($editContact, FALSE);

    // Edit contact element 3.
    $editContact = [
      'selector' => 'edit-webform-ui-elements-civicrm-3-contact-1-contact-existing-operations',
      'widget' => 'Autocomplete',
      ->editContactElement($editContact, FALSE);

    // Set a default value for Job title.
      ->elementExists('css', "[data-drupal-selector='edit-webform-ui-elements-civicrm-3-contact-1-contact-job-title-operations'] a.webform-ajax-link")
      ->waitForElementVisible('xpath', '//a[contains(@id, "--advanced")]');
      ->elementExists('xpath', '//a[contains(@id, "--advanced")]')
      ->elementExists('css', '[data-drupal-selector="edit-default"]')
      ->fillField('properties[default_value]', 'Accountant');
      ->pageTextContains('Job Title has been updated');

    // Edit contact element 4.
    $editContact = [
      'selector' => 'edit-webform-ui-elements-civicrm-4-contact-1-contact-existing-operations',
      'widget' => 'Static',
      'default' => 'relationship',
      'default_relationship' => [
        'default_relationship_to' => 'Contact 3',
        'default_relationship' => 'Child of Contact 3',
      ->editContactElement($editContact, FALSE);

    // Visit the webform.

    // Check if static title is displayed.
      ->pageTextContains('Primary Contact');
      ->pageTextContains('Description of the static contact element');

    //Make sure email field is not loaded.

    // Check if "None Found" text is present in the static element.
      ->elementTextContains('css', '[id="edit-civicrm-2-contact-1-fieldset-fieldset"]', '- None Found -');

    // Check if c4 contains the text for "create new".
      ->elementTextContains('css', '[id="edit-civicrm-4-contact-1-fieldset-fieldset"]', '+ Create new +');

    // Enter contact 3.
      ->fillContactAutocomplete('token-input-edit-civicrm-3-contact-1-contact-existing', 'Maarten');
      ->assertFieldValue('edit-civicrm-3-contact-1-contact-job-title', 'Accountant');

    // Check if related contact is loaded on c4.
      ->elementTextContains('css', '[id="edit-civicrm-4-contact-1-fieldset-fieldset"]', 'Fred Pinto');

   * Test Tokens in Email.
  public function testTokensInEmail() {

    //Create 2 meeting activities for the contact.
    $actID1 = $this->utils
      ->wf_civicrm_api('Activity', 'create', [
      'source_contact_id' => $this->rootUserCid,
      'activity_type_id' => "Meeting",
      'target_id' => $this->rootUserCid,
    $actID2 = $this->utils
      ->wf_civicrm_api('Activity', 'create', [
      'source_contact_id' => $this->rootUserCid,
      'activity_type_id' => "Meeting",
      'target_id' => $this->rootUserCid,
      ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('entity.webform.civicrm', [
      'webform' => $this->webform

    // Enable Email address
      ->selectFieldOption('contact_1_number_of_email', 1);
      ->selectFieldOption('civicrm_1_contact_1_email_location_type_id', 'Main');
      ->selectFieldOption('activity_number_of_activity', 2);
    $email = [
      'to_mail' => '[webform_submission:values:civicrm_1_contact_1_email_email:raw]',
      'body' => 'Existing Contact - [webform_submission:values:civicrm_1_contact_1_contact_existing]. Activity 1 ID - [webform_submission:activity-id:1]. Activity 2 ID - [webform_submission:activity-id:2]. Webform CiviCRM Contacts IDs - [webform_submission:contact-id:1]. Webform CiviCRM Contacts Links - [webform_submission:contact-link:1].',
    $civicrm_handler = $this
      ->elementExists('css', '[data-webform-key="webform_civicrm"] a.tabledrag-handle');

    // Move up to be the top-most handler.
      ->sendKeyPress($civicrm_handler, 38);
      ->pressButton('Save handlers');
      ->toUrl('canonical', [
      'query' => [
        'activity1' => $actID1,
        'activity2' => $actID2,
      ->fillField('First Name', 'Frederick');
      ->fillField('Last Name', 'Pabst');
      ->fillField('Email', '');
      ->pageTextContains('New submission added to CiviCRM Webform Test.');
    $sent_email = $this
    $cidURL = Url::fromUri('internal:/civicrm/contact/view', [
      'absolute' => TRUE,
      'query' => [
        'reset' => 1,
        'cid' => $this->rootUserCid,

    // Check if email was sent to contact 1.
      ->assertStringContainsString('', $sent_email[0]['to']);

    // Verify tokens are rendered correctly.
      ->assertStringContainsString('Existing Contact - Frederick Pabst.', $sent_email[0]['body']);
      ->assertStringContainsString("Activity 1 ID - {$actID1}", $sent_email[0]['body']);
      ->assertStringContainsString("Activity 2 ID - {$actID2}", $sent_email[0]['body']);
      ->assertStringContainsString("Webform CiviCRM Contacts IDs - {$this->rootUserCid}", $sent_email[0]['body']);
      ->assertStringContainsString($cidURL, $sent_email[0]['body']);



Namesort descending Description
ExistingContactElementTest Tests submitting a Webform with CiviCRM: existing contact element.