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12 calls to Utils::wf_crm_apivalues() in Webform CiviCRM Integration 8.5

Utils::wf_crm_format_event in src/Utils.php
Utils::wf_crm_get_campaign_activity_types in src/Utils.php
Get activity types related to CiviCampaign
Utils::wf_crm_get_civi_setting in src/Utils.php
Utils::wf_crm_get_contact_types in src/Utils.php
Get contact types and sub-types Unlike pretty much every other option list CiviCRM wants "name" instead of "id"
Utils::wf_crm_get_events in src/Utils.php
Get list of events.
Utils::wf_crm_get_matching_rules in src/Utils.php
List dedupe rules available for a contact type
Utils::wf_crm_get_relationship_types in src/Utils.php
Get relationship type data
Utils::wf_crm_get_states in src/Utils.php
Get list of states, keyed by abbreviation rather than ID.
Utils::wf_crm_get_surveys in src/Utils.php
Get list of surveys
Utils::wf_crm_get_tags in src/Utils.php
Fetch tags within a given tagset
Utils::wf_crm_state_abbr in src/Utils.php
Match a state/province id to its abbr. and vice-versa
Utils::wf_crm_user_cid in src/Utils.php
Lookup a uf ID from contact ID or vice-versa With no arguments passed in, this function will return the contact_id of the current logged-in user