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function Utils::wf_civicrm_api in Webform CiviCRM Integration 8.5

Wrapper for all CiviCRM API calls For consistency, future-proofing, and error handling


string $entity: API entity

string $operation: API operation

array $params: API params

Return value

array Result of API call

Overrides UtilsInterface::wf_civicrm_api

6 calls to Utils::wf_civicrm_api()
Utils::wf_crm_apivalues in src/Utils.php
Get the values from an api call
Utils::wf_crm_display_name in src/Utils.php
Fetch contact display name
Utils::wf_crm_get_civi_setting in src/Utils.php
Utils::wf_crm_get_states in src/Utils.php
Get list of states, keyed by abbreviation rather than ID.
Utils::wf_crm_state_abbr in src/Utils.php
Match a state/province id to its abbr. and vice-versa

... See full list


src/Utils.php, line 641
Webform CiviCRM module's common utility functions.






function wf_civicrm_api($entity, $operation, $params) {
  if (!$entity) {
    return [];
  $params += [
    'check_permissions' => FALSE,
  if ($operation == 'transact') {
    $utils = \Drupal::service('webform_civicrm.utils');
    $result = $utils
  else {
    $result = civicrm_api3($entity, $operation, $params);

  // I guess we want silent errors for getoptions b/c we check it for failure separately
  if (!empty($result['is_error']) && $operation != 'getoptions') {
    $bt = debug_backtrace();
    $n = $bt[0]['function'] == 'wf_civicrm_api' ? 1 : 0;
    $file = explode('/', $bt[$n]['file']);
    if (isset($params['credit_card_number'])) {
      $params['credit_card_number'] = "xxxxxxxxxxxx" . substr($params['credit_card_number'], -4);
      ->error('The CiviCRM "@function" API returned the error: "@msg" when called by function "@fn" on line @line of @file with parameters: "@params"', [
      '@function' => $entity . ' ' . $operation,
      '@msg' => $result['error_message'],
      '@fn' => $bt[$n + 1]['function'],
      '@line' => $bt[$n]['line'],
      '@file' => array_pop($file),
      '@params' => print_r($params, TRUE),
  return $result;