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31 calls to wf_crm_apivalues() in Webform CiviCRM Integration 7.4

webform_civicrm_webform_autocomplete_options_alter in ./webform_civicrm.module
Implements hook_webform_autocomplete_options()
webform_civicrm_webform_submission_load in ./webform_civicrm.module
Implements hook_webform_submission_load(). Add CiviCRM contact info to submission objects.
wf_crm_admin_form::buildActivityTab in includes/
Activity settings
wf_crm_admin_form::buildCaseTab in includes/
Case settings FIXME: This is exactly the same code as buildGrantTab. More utilities and less boilerplate needed.
wf_crm_admin_form::buildGrantTab in includes/
Grant settings FIXME: This is nearly the same code as buildCaseTab. More utilities and less boilerplate needed.
wf_crm_admin_form::buildOptionsTab in includes/
Configure additional options
wf_crm_admin_form::buildParticipantTab in includes/
Event participant settings
wf_crm_admin_form::rebuildData in includes/
Build $this->data array for webform settings; called while rebuilding or post-processing the admin form.
wf_crm_field_options in includes/
Get options for a specific field
wf_crm_format_event in includes/
wf_crm_get_campaign_activity_types in includes/
Get activity types related to CiviCampaign
wf_crm_get_contact_types in includes/
Get contact types and sub-types Unlike pretty much every other option list CiviCRM wants "name" instead of "id"
wf_crm_get_relationship_types in includes/
Get relationship type data
wf_crm_get_surveys in includes/
Get list of surveys
wf_crm_user_cid in includes/
Lookup a uf ID from contact ID or vice-versa With no arguments passed in, this function will return the contact_id of the current logged-in user
wf_crm_webform_ajax::county in includes/
Populate a county list based on chosen state
wf_crm_webform_base::findCaseForContact in includes/
Find a case matching criteria
wf_crm_webform_base::findMemberships in includes/
Get memberships for a contact
wf_crm_webform_base::getFileInfo in includes/
Retrieve info needed for pre-filling a webform file field
wf_crm_webform_base::getMembershipTypeField in includes/
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::addOrRemoveMultivaluedData in includes/
Handle adding/removing multivalued data for a contact/activity/etc. Currently used only for groups and tags, but written with expansion in mind.
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processActivities in includes/
Save activity data
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processCases in includes/
Save case data
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processGrants in includes/
Save grants
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processMemberships in includes/
Process memberships for a contact Called during webform submission
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::validateThisPage in includes/
Recursive validation callback for webform page submission
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::findExistingActivities in includes/
Find activity ids based on url input or "existing activity" settings
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::findExistingGrants in includes/
Find grant ids based on url input or "existing grant" settings
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::loadParticipants in includes/
Load participant data for a contact
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::populateExistingEntity in includes/
Populate existing entity data
_webform_edit_civicrm_contact in includes/
Implements _webform_edit_component().