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47 calls to wf_civicrm_api() in Webform CiviCRM Integration 7.4

webform_civicrm_update_6205 in ./webform_civicrm.install
Upgrade for CiviCRM 4.1 compatibility.
webform_civicrm_update_7300 in ./webform_civicrm.install
Note: There are differences in how contact references and relationships work in the 3.x branch. Read the upgrade instructions at
webform_civicrm_webform_autocomplete_options_alter in ./webform_civicrm.module
Implements hook_webform_autocomplete_options()
wf_crm_admin_form::buildContributionTab in includes/
Contribution settings
wf_crm_admin_form::filterCaseSets in includes/
Adjust case role fields to match creator/manager settings for a given case type
wf_crm_admin_form::get_default_contribution_payment_processor_id in includes/
Default value callback
wf_crm_admin_form::handleDynamicCustomField in includes/
When a custom field is saved/deleted in CiviCRM, sync webforms with dynamic fieldsets.
wf_crm_admin_help::custom in includes/
Get help for a custom field
wf_crm_apivalues in includes/
Get the values from an api call
wf_crm_contact_access in includes/
Load contact name if user has permission. Else return FALSE.
wf_crm_contact_search in includes/
Returns a list of contacts based on component settings.
wf_crm_display_name in includes/
Fetch contact display name
wf_crm_find_case_roles in includes/
Returns ids of all contacts who are related to given contact for given case
wf_crm_find_custom_refs in includes/
Returns ids of all contacts who have reference to given contact via given custom field id
wf_crm_find_relations in includes/
Get a contact's relations of certain types
wf_crm_get_case_roles_options in includes/
Returns a list of all case roles
wf_crm_get_custom_ref_options in includes/
Returns a list of all custom CiviCRM fields of type "ContactReference"
wf_crm_user_cid in includes/
Lookup a uf ID from contact ID or vice-versa With no arguments passed in, this function will return the contact_id of the current logged-in user
wf_crm_webform_base::loadContact in includes/
Fetch all relevant data for a given contact Used to load contacts for pre-filling a webform, and also to fill in a contact via ajax
wf_crm_webform_base::saveDrupalFileToCivi in includes/
Copies a drupal file into the Civi file system
wf_crm_webform_base::__get in includes/
Magic method to retrieve otherwise inaccessible properties
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::addOrRemoveMultivaluedData in includes/
Handle adding/removing multivalued data for a contact/activity/etc. Currently used only for groups and tags, but written with expansion in mind.
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::contributionParams in includes/
Format contribution params for transact/pay-later
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::contributionRecur in includes/
Generate recurring contribution and transact the first one
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::createBillingContact in includes/
Create contact 1 if not already existing (required by contribution.transact)
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::createContact in includes/
Create a new contact
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::createDeferredPayment in includes/
Create Pending (Pay Later) Contribution
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::fillHiddenContactFields in includes/
Fill values for hidden ID & CS fields
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::findDuplicateContact in includes/
Search for an existing contact using default strict rule
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processActivities in includes/
Save activity data
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processCases in includes/
Save case data
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processContribution in includes/
Post-processing of contribution This happens during form post-processing
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processGrants in includes/
Save grants
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processMemberships in includes/
Process memberships for a contact Called during webform submission
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processParticipants in includes/
Process event participation for a contact
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processRelationship in includes/
Add/update relationship for a pair of contacts
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::processSharedAddresses in includes/
Process shared addresses
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::saveContactLocation in includes/
Save location data for a contact
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::saveCurrentEmployer in includes/
Save current employer for a contact
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::sendReceipt in includes/
Send receipt
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::submitIPNPayment in includes/
Call IPN payment processor to redirect to payment site
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::submitLivePayment in includes/
Execute payment processor transaction This happens during form validation and sets a form error if unsuccessful
wf_crm_webform_postprocess::updateContact in includes/
Update a contact
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::findCaseClientForDefaultContact in includes/
Function to load default contact (cid1) if default loading is set to case_roles
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::findExistingActivities in includes/
Find activity ids based on url input or "existing activity" settings
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::findExistingCases in includes/
Find case ids based on url input or "existing case" settings
wf_crm_webform_preprocess::findExistingGrants in includes/
Find grant ids based on url input or "existing grant" settings