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service webform.message_manager in Webform 6.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.5 \webform.message_manager


9 string references to webform.message_manager
RemotePostWebformHandler::create in src/Plugin/WebformHandler/RemotePostWebformHandler.php
IMPORTANT: Webform handlers are initialized and serialized when they are attached to a webform. Make sure not include any services as a dependency injection that directly connect to the database. This will prevent "LogicException: The database…
template_preprocess_webform_confirmation in includes/
Prepares variables for webform confirmation templates.
WebformEntityReferenceEntityFormatter::create in src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/WebformEntityReferenceEntityFormatter.php
Creates an instance of the plugin.
WebformEntityReferenceLinkFormatter::create in src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/WebformEntityReferenceLinkFormatter.php
Creates an instance of the plugin.
WebformEntitySettingsGeneralForm::create in src/EntitySettings/WebformEntitySettingsGeneralForm.php
Instantiates a new instance of this class.

... See full list



View source
  1. class: Drupal\webform\WebformMessageManager
  2. arguments:
  3. - '@current_user'
  4. - '@config.factory'
  5. - '@entity_type.manager'
  6. - ''
  7. - '@renderer'
  8. - '@messenger'
  9. - '@webform.request'
  10. - '@webform.token_manager'