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10 string references to webform.theme_manager in Webform 6.x

EmailWebformHandler::create in src/Plugin/WebformHandler/EmailWebformHandler.php
IMPORTANT: Webform handlers are initialized and serialized when they are attached to a webform. Make sure not include any services as a dependency injection that directly connect to the database. This will prevent "LogicException: The database…
WebformAddonsController::create in src/Controller/WebformAddonsController.php
Instantiates a new instance of this class.
WebformAdminConfigFormsForm::create in src/Form/AdminConfig/WebformAdminConfigFormsForm.php
Instantiates a new instance of this class.
WebformComputedTwig::computeValue in src/Element/WebformComputedTwig.php
Compute value.
WebformEntitySettingsGeneralForm::create in src/EntitySettings/WebformEntitySettingsGeneralForm.php
Instantiates a new instance of this class.
WebformSubmission::getData in src/Entity/WebformSubmission.php
Gets the webform submission's data with computed valued.
webform_preprocess_form_element in includes/
Implements hook_preprocess_form_element() for form element templates.
_webform_bootstrap_is_active_theme in modules/webform_bootstrap/webform_bootstrap.module
Determine if Bootstrap is the active theme.
_webform_page_attachments in ./webform.module
Add webform libraries to page attachments.
_webform_token_render_more in ./
Render webform more element (slideouts) for token descriptions.