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WebformWizardAdvancedTest.php in Webform 6.x

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  1. 8.5 tests/src/Functional/Wizard/WebformWizardAdvancedTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\webform\Functional\Wizard;

use Drupal\webform\Entity\Webform;
use Drupal\Core\Serialization\Yaml;
use Drupal\webform\WebformInterface;

 * Tests for webform advanced wizard.
 * @group webform
class WebformWizardAdvancedTest extends WebformWizardTestBase {

   * Webforms to load.
   * @var array
  protected static $testWebforms = [

   * Test webform advanced wizard.
  public function testAdvancedWizard() {
    $webform = Webform::load('test_form_wizard_advanced');

    // Get initial wizard start page (Your Information).

    // Check progress bar is set to 'Your Information'.
      ->assertPattern('#<li data-webform-page="information" class="webform-progress-bar__page webform-progress-bar__page--current"><b>Your Information</b><span></span></li>#');

    // Check progress pages.
      ->assertRaw('1 of 5');

    // Check progress percentage.

    // Check draft button does not exist.
      ->assertNoFieldById('edit-draft', 'Save Draft');

    // Check next button does exist.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-wizard-next', 'Next >');

    // Check first name field does exist.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-first-name', 'John');

    // Create a login user who can save drafts.
    $account = $this

    // Move to next page (Contact Information).
    $edit = [
      'first_name' => 'Jane',
      ->drupalPostForm('/webform/test_form_wizard_advanced', $edit, 'Next >');

    // Check progress bar is set to 'Contact Information'.
      ->assertPattern('#<li data-webform-page="information" class="webform-progress-bar__page webform-progress-bar__page--done"><b>Your Information</b><span></span></li>#');
      ->assertPattern('#<li data-webform-page="contact" class="webform-progress-bar__page webform-progress-bar__page--current"><b>Contact Information</b></li>#');

    // Check progress pages.
      ->assertRaw('2 of 5');

    // Check progress percentage.

    // Check draft button does exist.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-draft', 'Save Draft');

    // Check previous button does exist.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-wizard-prev', '< Previous');

    // Check next button does exist.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-wizard-next', 'Next >');

    // Check email field does exist.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-email', '');

    // Move to previous page (Your Information) while posting data new data
    // via autosave.
    $edit = [
      'email' => '',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, '< Previous');

    // Check progress bar is set to 'Your Information'.
      ->assertPattern('#<li data-webform-page="information" class="webform-progress-bar__page webform-progress-bar__page--current"><b>Your Information</b><span></span></li>#');

    // Check nosave class.

    // Check no nosave attributes.

    // Check progress pages.
      ->assertRaw('1 of 5');

    // Check progress percentage.

    // Check first name set to Jane.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-first-name', 'Jane');

    // Check sex is still set to Male.

    // Change sex from Male to Female.
    $edit = [
      'sex' => 'Female',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save Draft');

    // Check first name set to Jane.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-first-name', 'Jane');

    // Check sex is now set to Female.

    // Move to next page (Contact Information).
      ->drupalPostForm('/webform/test_form_wizard_advanced', [], 'Next >');

    // Check nosave class.

    // Check nosave attributes.

    // Check progress bar is set to 'Contact Information'.
      ->assertCurrentPage('Contact Information', 'contact');

    // Check progress pages.
      ->assertRaw('2 of 5');

    // Check progress percentage.

    // Check email field is now
      ->assertFieldById('edit-email', '');

    // Save draft which saves the 'current_page'.
    $edit = [
      'phone' => '111-111-1111',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save Draft');

    // Complete reload the webform.

    // Check progress bar is still set to 'Contact Information'.
      ->assertCurrentPage('Contact Information', 'contact');

    // Move to last page (Your Feedback).
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'Next >');

    // Check progress bar is set to 'Your Feedback'.
      ->assertCurrentPage('Your Feedback', 'feedback');

    // Check previous button does exist.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-wizard-prev', '< Previous');

    // Check next button is labeled 'Preview'.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-preview-next', 'Preview');

    // Check submit button does exist.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-submit', 'Submit');

    // Move to preview.
    $edit = [
      'comments' => 'This is working fine.',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Preview');

    // Check progress bar is set to 'Preview'.
      ->assertCurrentPage('Preview', WebformInterface::PAGE_PREVIEW);

    // Check progress pages.
      ->assertRaw('4 of 5');

    // Check progress percentage.

    // Check preview values.
      ->assertRaw('<label>First Name</label>');
      ->assertRaw('<label>Last Name</label>');
      ->assertRaw('<a href=""></a>');
      ->assertRaw('<a href="tel:111-111-1111">111-111-1111</a>');
      ->assertRaw('<div class="webform-element webform-element-type-textarea js-form-item form-item js-form-type-item form-item-comments js-form-item-comments form-no-label" id="test_form_wizard_advanced--comments">');
      ->assertRaw('This is working fine.');

    // Submit the webform.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'Submit');

    // Check progress bar is set to 'Complete'.
      ->assertCurrentPage('Complete', WebformInterface::PAGE_CONFIRMATION);

    // Check progress pages.
      ->assertRaw('5 of 5');

    // Check progress percentage.

    /* Custom wizard settings (using advanced wizard) */

    // Check global next and previous button labels.
      ->set('settings.default_wizard_next_button_label', '{global wizard next}')
      ->set('settings.default_wizard_prev_button_label', '{global wizard previous}')
      ->drupalPostForm('/webform/test_form_wizard_advanced', [], '{global wizard next}');

    // Check progress bar.

    // Check previous button.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-wizard-prev', '{global wizard previous}');

    // Check next button.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-wizard-next', '{global wizard next}');

    // Add 'webform_actions' element.
      ->setElementProperties('actions', [
      '#type' => 'webform_actions',
      '#wizard_next__label' => '{webform wizard next}',
      '#wizard_prev__label' => '{webform wizard previous}',
      '#preview_next__label' => '{webform preview next}',
      '#preview_prev__label' => '{webform preview previous}',

    // Check webform next and previous button labels.
      ->drupalPostForm('/webform/test_form_wizard_advanced', [], '{webform wizard next}');

    // Check previous button.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-actions-wizard-prev', '{webform wizard previous}');

    // Check next button.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-actions-wizard-next', '{webform wizard next}');

    // Check custom next and previous button labels.
    $elements = Yaml::decode($webform
    $elements['contact']['#next_button_label'] = '{elements wizard next}';
    $elements['contact']['#prev_button_label'] = '{elements wizard previous}';
      ->set('elements', Yaml::encode($elements));
      ->drupalPostForm('/webform/test_form_wizard_advanced', [], '{webform wizard next}');

    // Check previous button.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-actions-wizard-prev', '{elements wizard previous}');

    // Check next button.
      ->assertFieldById('edit-actions-wizard-next', '{elements wizard next}');

    // Check webform next and previous button labels.
      'wizard_progress_bar' => FALSE,
      'wizard_progress_pages' => TRUE,
      'wizard_progress_percentage' => TRUE,
    ] + $webform

    // Check no progress bar.

    // Check progress pages.
      ->assertRaw('1 of 5');

    // Check progress percentage.

    // Check global complete labels.
      'wizard_progress_bar' => TRUE,
    ] + $webform
      ->set('settings.default_wizard_confirmation_label', '{global complete}')
      ->assertRaw('{global complete}');

    // Check webform complete label.
      'wizard_progress_bar' => TRUE,
      'wizard_confirmation_label' => '{webform complete}',
    ] + $webform
      ->assertRaw('{webform complete}');

    // Check webform exclude complete.
      'wizard_confirmation' => FALSE,
    ] + $webform

    // Check complete label.

    // Check complete is missing from confirmation page.
      ->assertNoRaw('{webform complete}');



Namesort descending Description
WebformWizardAdvancedTest Tests for webform advanced wizard.