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public function WebformLibrariesTest::testLibraries in Webform 6.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.5 tests/src/Functional/WebformLibrariesTest.php \Drupal\Tests\webform\Functional\WebformLibrariesTest::testLibraries()

Tests webform libraries.


tests/src/Functional/WebformLibrariesTest.php, line 29


Tests for webform libraries.




public function testLibraries() {
  $optional_properties = [
    'input_mask' => 'properties[input_mask][select]',
    'international_telephone' => 'properties[international]',
    'international_telephone_composite' => 'properties[phone__international]',
    'word_counter' => 'properties[counter_type]',
    'select2' => 'properties[select2]',

  // Enable choices and jquery.chosen.
  $edit = [
    'excluded_libraries[choices]' => TRUE,
    'excluded_libraries[jquery.chosen]' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPostForm('/admin/structure/webform/config/libraries', $edit, 'Save configuration');

  // Check optional libraries are included.

  // Check optional libraries are properties accessible (#access = TRUE).
  foreach ($optional_properties as $element_name => $input_name) {

  // Exclude optional libraries.
  $edit = [
    'excluded_libraries[ckeditor.fakeobjects]' => FALSE,
    'excluded_libraries[ckeditor.image]' => FALSE,
    'excluded_libraries[]' => FALSE,
    'excluded_libraries[codemirror]' => FALSE,
    'excluded_libraries[choices]' => FALSE,
    'excluded_libraries[jquery.inputmask]' => FALSE,
    'excluded_libraries[jquery.intl-tel-input]' => FALSE,
    'excluded_libraries[jquery.select2]' => FALSE,
    'excluded_libraries[jquery.chosen]' => FALSE,
    'excluded_libraries[jquery.timepicker]' => FALSE,
    'excluded_libraries[jquery.textcounter]' => FALSE,
    ->drupalPostForm('/admin/structure/webform/config/libraries', $edit, 'Save configuration');

  // Check optional libraries are excluded.

  // Check optional libraries are properties hidden (#access = FALSE).
  foreach ($optional_properties as $element_name => $input_name) {

  // Check that status report excludes optional libraries.
    ->assertNoText('CKEditor: Fakeobjects library ');
    ->assertNoText('CKEditor: Image library ');
    ->assertNoText('CKEditor: Link library ');
    ->assertNoText('Code Mirror library ');
    ->assertNoText('jQuery: iCheck library ');
    ->assertNoText('jQuery: Input Mask library ');
    ->assertNoText('jQuery: Select2 library ');
    ->assertNoText('jQuery: Choices library ');
    ->assertNoText('jQuery: Chosen library ');
    ->assertNoText('jQuery: Timepicker library ');
    ->assertNoText('jQuery: Text Counter library ');

  // Issue #2934542: Fix broken Webform.Drupal\webform\Tests\WebformLibrariesTest
  // @see

  // Exclude element types that require libraries.
  $edit = [
    'excluded_elements[webform_rating]' => FALSE,
    'excluded_elements[webform_signature]' => FALSE,
  $this->drupalPostForm('/admin/structure/webform/config/elements', $edit, 'Save configuration');

  // Check that status report excludes libraries required by element types.
  $this->assertNoText('jQuery: Image Picker library');
  $this->assertNoText('jQuery: RateIt library');
  $this->assertNoText('Signature Pad library');

  // Issue #3110478: [Webform 8.x-6.x] Track the D9 readiness state of the
  // Webform module's (optional) dependencies
  // @see
  // Check that choices, chosen, and select2 using webform's CDN URLs.
  // Check that choices, chosen, and select2 using webform's CDN URLs.
  $edit = [
    'excluded_libraries[jquery.select2]' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPostForm('/admin/structure/webform/config/libraries', $edit, 'Save configuration');

  //    $this->assertRaw('');

  // Install chosen and select2 modules.
  //    \Drupal::service('module_installer')->install(['chosen', 'chosen_lib', 'select2']);

  // Check that chosen and select2 using module's path and not CDN.

  //    $this->assertNoRaw('');

  //    $this->assertRaw('/modules/contrib/chosen/css/chosen-drupal.css');