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public function WebformEmailProviderTest::testEmailProvider in Webform 8.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.x tests/src/Functional/WebformEmailProviderTest.php \Drupal\Tests\webform\Functional\WebformEmailProviderTest::testEmailProvider()

Test webform email provider.


tests/src/Functional/WebformEmailProviderTest.php, line 15


Tests for webform email provider.




public function testEmailProvider() {

  // Revert system.mail back to  php_mail.
    ->set('interface.default', 'php_mail')

  /** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformEmailProviderInterface $email_provider */
  $email_provider = \Drupal::service('webform.email_provider');

  // Check Default PHP mailer is enabled because we manually changed the
  // system.mail configuration.
    ->assertRaw('Provided by the php_mail mail plugin.');
    ->assertNoRaw("Webform PHP mailer: Sends the message as plain text or HTML, using PHP's native mail() function.");
    ->assertRaw('Default PHP mailer: Sends the message as plain text, using PHP\'s native mail() function.');

  // Check Webform PHP mailer enabled after email provider check.
    ->assertRaw('Provided by the Webform module.');
    ->assertRaw("Webform PHP mailer: Sends the message as plain text or HTML, using PHP's native mail() function.");


  // Mail System.


  // Install mailsystem.module.

  // Check Mail System: Default PHP mailer after mailsystem.module installed.
    ->assertRaw('Provided by the Mail System module.');
    ->assertNoRaw("Webform PHP mailer: Sends the message as plain text or HTML, using PHP's native mail() function.");
    ->assertRaw('Default PHP mailer: Sends the message as plain text, using PHP\'s native mail() function.');

  // Check Webform PHP mailer enabled after mailsystem module uninstalled.
    ->assertRaw("Webform PHP mailer: Sends the message as plain text or HTML, using PHP's native mail() function.");

  // Uninstall mailsystem.module.


  // SMTP.


  // Install smtp.module.

  // Check Webform: Default PHP mailer after smtp.module installed
  // but still turned off.
    ->assertRaw('Provided by the Webform module.');

  // Turn on the smtp.module via the UI.
  // @see webform_form_smtp_admin_settings_alter()
    ->drupalPostForm('/admin/config/system/smtp', [
    'smtp_on' => TRUE,
  ], 'Save configuration');

  // Check SMTP: Default PHP mailer after smtp.module turned on.
    ->assertNoRaw('Provided by the SMTP module.');