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public function WebformElementViewTest::testView in Webform 8.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.x tests/src/Functional/Element/WebformElementViewTest.php \Drupal\Tests\webform\Functional\Element\WebformElementViewTest::testView()

Test view element.


tests/src/Functional/Element/WebformElementViewTest.php, line 29


Tests for view element.




public function testView() {

  // Check that embedded view is render.
    ->assertRaw('No submissions available.');

  // Check that embedded view can't be edited.
  $admin_webform_account = $this
    'administer webform',
    ->assertRaw("Only users who can 'Administer views' or 'Edit webform source code' can update the view name, display id, and arguments.");

  // Check that embedded view can be edited.
  $admin_views_account = $this
    'administer webform',
    'administer views',
    ->assertNoRaw("Only users who can 'Administer views' or 'Edit webform source code' can update the view name, display id, and arguments.");

  // Check view name validation.
  $edit = [
    'properties[name]' => 'xxx',
    ->drupalPostForm('/admin/structure/webform/manage/test_element_view/element/view/edit', $edit, 'Save');
    ->assertRaw('View <em class="placeholder">xxx</em> does not exist.');

  // Check view display id validation.
  $edit = [
    'properties[display_id]' => 'xxx',
    ->drupalPostForm('/admin/structure/webform/manage/test_element_view/element/view/edit', $edit, 'Save');
    ->assertRaw('View display <em class="placeholder">xxx</em> does not exist.');

  // Check view exposed filter validation.
  $edit = [
    'properties[display_id]' => 'embed_administer',
    ->drupalPostForm('/admin/structure/webform/manage/test_element_view/element/view/edit', $edit, 'Save');
    ->assertRaw('View display <em class="placeholder">embed_administer</em> has exposed filters which will break the webform.');

  // Check view exposed filter validation.
  $edit = [
    'properties[display_id]' => 'embed_administer',
    'properties[display_on]' => 'view',
    ->drupalPostForm('/admin/structure/webform/manage/test_element_view/element/view/edit', $edit, 'Save');
    ->assertNoRaw('View display <em class="placeholder">embed_administer</em> has exposed filters which will break the webform.');