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WebformElementFormatTest.php in Webform 8.5

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  1. 6.x tests/src/Functional/Element/WebformElementFormatTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\webform\Functional\Element;

use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\webform\Entity\Webform;
use Drupal\webform\Entity\WebformSubmission;
use Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionInterface;

 * Tests for webform submission webform element custom #format support.
 * @group webform
class WebformElementFormatTest extends WebformElementBrowserTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = [

   * Webforms to load.
   * @var array
  protected static $testWebforms = [

   * Tests element format.
  public function testFormat() {


    /* Format (single) element as HTML and text */


    /** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface $webform */
    $webform = Webform::load('test_element_format');
    $sid = $this

    /** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionInterface $submission */
    $submission = WebformSubmission::load($sid);

    // Check (single) elements item formatted as HTML.
    $body = $this
      ->getMessageBody($submission, 'email_html');
    $elements = [
      'Checkbox (Value)' => 'Yes',
      'Color (Color swatch)' => '<font color="#ffffcc">█</font> #ffffcc',
      'Email (Link)' => '<a href=""></a>',
      'Email confirm (Link)' => '<a href=""></a>',
      'Email multiple (Link)' => '<a href=""></a>, <a href=""></a>, <a href=""></a>',
      'Signature (Status)' => '[signed]',
      'Telephone (Link)' => '<a href="tel:+1 212-333-4444">+1 212-333-4444</a>',
      'URL (Link)' => '<a href=""></a>',
      'Date (Raw value)' => '1942-06-18',
      'Date (Fallback date format)' => '1942-06-18',
      'Date (HTML Date)' => '1942-06-18',
      'Date (HTML Datetime)' => '1942-06-18T00:00:00+1000',
      'Date (HTML Month)' => '1942-06',
      'Date (HTML Time)' => '00:00:00',
      'Date (HTML Week)' => '1942-W25',
      'Date (HTML Year)' => '1942',
      'Date (HTML Yearless date)' => '06-18',
      'Date (Default long date)' => 'Thursday, June 18, 1942 - 00:00',
      'Date (Default medium date)' => 'Thu, 06/18/1942 - 00:00',
      'Date (Default short date)' => '06/18/1942 - 00:00',
      'Time (Value)' => '09:00',
      'Time (Raw value)' => '09:00:00',
    foreach ($elements as $label => $value) {
        ->assertStringContainsString('<b>' . $label . '</b><br />' . $value, $body, new FormattableMarkup('Found @label: @value', [
        '@label' => $label,
        '@value' => $value,

    // Check code format.
      ->assertStringContainsString('<pre class="js-webform-codemirror-runmode webform-codemirror-runmode" data-webform-codemirror-mode="text/x-yaml">message: \'Hello World\'</pre>', $body);

    // Check elements formatted as text.
    $body = $this
      ->getMessageBody($submission, 'email_text');
    $elements = [
      'Checkbox (Value): Yes',
      'Color (Color swatch): #ffffcc',
      'Email (Link):',
      'Email multiple (Link):,,',
      'URL (Link):',
      'Date (Raw value): 1942-06-18',
      'Date (Fallback date format): 1942-06-18',
      'Date (HTML Date): 1942-06-18',
      'Date (HTML Datetime): 1942-06-18T00:00:00+1000',
      'Date (HTML Month): 1942-06',
      'Date (HTML Time): 00:00:00',
      'Date (HTML Week): 1942-W25',
      'Date (HTML Year): 1942',
      'Date (HTML Yearless date): 06-18',
      'Date (Default long date): Thursday, June 18, 1942 - 00:00',
      'Date (Default medium date): Thu, 06/18/1942 - 00:00',
      'Date (Default short date): 06/18/1942 - 00:00',
      'Time (Value): 09:00',
      'Time (Raw value): 09:00:00',
    foreach ($elements as $value) {
        ->assertStringContainsString($value, $body, new FormattableMarkup('Found @value', [
        '@value' => $value,


    /* Format managed file element as HTML and text */

    $sid = $this

    /** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionInterface $submission */
    $submission = WebformSubmission::load($sid);

    // Check managed file element formatted as HTML.
    $body = $this
      ->getMessageBody($submission, 'email_html');
    $elements = [
      'File (Value)' => $this
        ->getSubmissionFileUrl($submission, 'managed_file_value'),
      'File (Raw value)' => $this
        ->getSubmissionFileUrl($submission, 'managed_file_raw'),
      'File (File)' => '<div><span class="file file--mime-text-plain file--text"><a href="' . $this
        ->getSubmissionFileUrl($submission, 'managed_file_file') . '" type="text/plain; length=43">managed_file_file.txt</a></span>',
      'File (Link)' => '<span class="file file--mime-text-plain file--text"><a href="' . $this
        ->getSubmissionFileUrl($submission, 'managed_file_link') . '" type="text/plain; length=43">managed_file_link.txt</a></span>',
      'File (File ID)' => $submission
      'File (File name)' => 'managed_file_name.txt',
      'File (File base name (no extension))' => 'managed_file_basename',
      'File (File extension)' => 'txt',
      'File (URL)' => $this
        ->getSubmissionFileUrl($submission, 'managed_file_url'),
    foreach ($elements as $label => $value) {

      // @todo Remove once Drupal 9.1.x is only supported.
      if (floatval(\Drupal::VERSION) >= 9.1) {
        $value = str_replace('; length=43', '', $value);
        ->assertStringContainsString('<b>' . $label . '</b><br />' . $value, $body, new FormattableMarkup('Found @label: @value', [
        '@label' => $label,
        '@value' => $value,

    // Check managed file element formatted as text.
    $body = $this
      ->getMessageBody($submission, 'email_text');
    $elements = [
      'File (Value): ' . $this
        ->getSubmissionFileUrl($submission, 'managed_file_value'),
      'File (Raw value): ' . $this
        ->getSubmissionFileUrl($submission, 'managed_file_raw'),
      'File (File): ' . $this
        ->getSubmissionFileUrl($submission, 'managed_file_file'),
      'File (Link): ' . $this
        ->getSubmissionFileUrl($submission, 'managed_file_link'),
      'File (File ID): ' . $submission
      'File (File name): managed_file_name.txt',
      'File (URL): ' . $this
        ->getSubmissionFileUrl($submission, 'managed_file_url'),
      'File (File mime type)' => 'text/plain',
      'File (File size (Bytes))' => '43',
      'File (File content (Base64))' => 'dGhpcyBpcyBhIHNhbXBsZSB0eHQgZmlsZQppdCBoYXMgdHdvIGxpbmVzCg==',
    foreach ($elements as $value) {
        ->assertStringContainsString($value, $body, new FormattableMarkup('Found @value', [
        '@value' => $value,


    /* Format multiple element as HTML and text */


    /** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface $webforms */
    $webforms = Webform::load('test_element_format_multiple');
    $sid = $this
    $webforms_submission = WebformSubmission::load($sid);

    // Check elements (single) item formatted as HTML.
    $body = $this
      ->getMessageBody($webforms_submission, 'email_html');
    $elements = [
      'Text field (Comma)' => 'Loremipsum, Oratione, Dixisset',
      'Text field (Semicolon)' => 'Loremipsum; Oratione; Dixisset',
      'Text field (And)' => 'Loremipsum, Oratione, and Dixisset',
      'Text field (Ordered list)' => '<ol><li>Loremipsum</li><li>Oratione</li><li>Dixisset</li></ol>',
      'Text field (Unordered list)' => '<ul><li>Loremipsum</li><li>Oratione</li><li>Dixisset</li></ul>',
      'Checkboxes (Comma)' => 'One, Two, Three',
      'Checkboxes (Semicolon)' => 'One; Two; Three',
      'Checkboxes (And)' => 'One, Two, and Three',
      'Checkboxes (Ordered list)' => '<ol><li>One</li><li>Two</li><li>Three</li></ol>',
      'Checkboxes (Unordered list)' => '<ul><li>One</li><li>Two</li><li>Three</li></ul>',
      'Checkboxes (Checklist (☑/☐))' => '<span style="font-size: 1.4em; line-height: 1em">☑</span> One<br /><span style="font-size: 1.4em; line-height: 1em">☑</span> Two<br /><span style="font-size: 1.4em; line-height: 1em">☑</span> Three<br />',
    foreach ($elements as $label => $value) {
        ->assertStringContainsString('<b>' . $label . '</b><br />' . $value, $body, new FormattableMarkup('Found @label: @value', [
        '@label' => $label,
        '@value' => $value,

    // Check elements formatted as text.
    $body = $this
      ->getMessageBody($webforms_submission, 'email_text');
    $elements = [
      'Text field (Comma): Loremipsum, Oratione, Dixisset',
      'Text field (Semicolon): Loremipsum; Oratione; Dixisset',
      'Text field (And): Loremipsum, Oratione, and Dixisset',
      'Text field (Ordered list):
1. Loremipsum
2. Oratione
3. Dixisset',
      'Text field (Unordered list):
- Loremipsum
- Oratione
- Dixisset',
      'Checkboxes (Comma): One, Two, Three',
      'Checkboxes (Semicolon): One; Two; Three',
      'Checkboxes (And): One, Two, and Three',
      'Checkboxes (Ordered list):
1. One
2. Two
3. Three',
      'Checkboxes (Unordered list):
- One
- Two
- Three',
      'Checkboxes (Checklist (☑/☐)):
☑ One
☑ Two
☑ Three',
    foreach ($elements as $value) {
        ->assertStringContainsString($value, $body, new FormattableMarkup('Found @value', [
        '@value' => $value,


    /* Format element using tokens */


    /** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformInterface $webform_format_token */
    $webform_format_token = Webform::load('test_element_format_token');
    $sid = $this
    $webform_format_token_submission = WebformSubmission::load($sid);

    // Check elements tokens formatted as HTML.
    $body = $this
      ->getMessageBody($webform_format_token_submission, 'email_html');
    $elements = [
      'default:' => 'one, two, three',
      'comma:' => 'one, two, three',
      'semicolon:' => 'one; two; three',
      'and:' => 'one, two, and three',
      'ul:' => '<ul><li>one</li><li>two</li><li>three</li></ul>',
      'ol:' => '<ol><li>one</li><li>two</li><li>three</li></ol>',
      'raw:' => '1, 2, 3',
    foreach ($elements as $label => $value) {
        ->assertStringContainsString('<h3>' . $label . '</h3>' . $value . '<hr />', $body, new FormattableMarkup('Found @label: @value', [
        '@label' => $label,
        '@value' => $value,

    // Check elements tokens formatted as text.
    $body = $this
      ->getMessageBody($webform_format_token_submission, 'email_text');
    $elements = [
      "default:\none, two, three",
      "comma:\none, two, three",
      "semicolon:\none; two; three",
      "and:\none, two, and three",
      "ul:\n- one\n- two\n- three",
      "ol:\n1. one\n2. two\n3. three",
      "raw:\n1, 2, 3",
    foreach ($elements as $value) {
        ->assertStringContainsString($value, $body, new FormattableMarkup('Found @value', [
        '@value' => $value,

    // Check element default format item global setting.
      ->set('format.checkboxes.item', 'raw')
    $body = $this
      ->getMessageBody($webform_format_token_submission, 'email_text');
      ->assertStringContainsString("default:\n1, 2, 3", $body);

    // Check element default format items global setting.
      ->set('format.checkboxes.items', 'and')
    $body = $this
      ->getMessageBody($webform_format_token_submission, 'email_text');
      ->assertStringContainsString("default:\n1, 2, and 3", $body);

   * Get webform email message body for a webform submission.
   * @param \Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionInterface $submission
   *   A webform submission.
   * @param string $handler_id
   *   The webform email handler id.
   * @return string
   *   The webform email message body for a webform submission.
  protected function getMessageBody(WebformSubmissionInterface $submission, $handler_id = 'email_html') {

    /** @var \Drupal\webform\Plugin\WebformHandlerMessageInterface $message_handler */
    $message_handler = $submission
    $message = $message_handler
    $body = (string) $message['body'];
    return $body;

   * Get submission element's file URL.
   * @param \Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionInterface $submission
   *   A webform submission.
   * @param string $element_key
   *   The element key.
   * @return string
   *   A submission element's file URL.
  protected function getSubmissionFileUrl(WebformSubmissionInterface $submission, $element_key) {
    $fid = $submission
    $file = File::load($fid);
    return file_create_url($file



Namesort descending Description
WebformElementFormatTest Tests for webform submission webform element custom #format support.