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public function WebformElementCaptchaTest::testCaptcha in Webform 6.x

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  1. 8.5 tests/src/Functional/Element/WebformElementCaptchaTest.php \Drupal\Tests\webform\Functional\Element\WebformElementCaptchaTest::testCaptcha()

Test CAPTCHA element.


tests/src/Functional/Element/WebformElementCaptchaTest.php, line 29


Tests for CAPTCHA element.




public function testCaptcha() {

  // Check default title and description.
    ->assertRaw('<label for="edit-captcha-response" class="js-form-required form-required">Math question</label>');
    ->assertRaw('Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.');

  // Check CAPTCHA element custom title and description.
    ->assertRaw('<label for="edit-captcha-response--4" class="js-form-required form-required">{captcha_math_title}</label>');

  // Check CAPTCHA image refresh link.
    ->assertLink('Get new captcha!');

  // Enable CAPTCHA admin mode.
    ->set('administration_mode', TRUE)

  // Login root user.

  // Check add CAPTCHA element text.
    ->assertRaw('CAPTCHA should be added as an element to this webform.');

  // Check replace CAPTCHA element text.
    ->assertRaw('Untrusted users will see a CAPTCHA element on this webform.');

  // Install the Webform UI.

  // Check add CAPTCHA element text.
    ->assertRaw('Add CAPTCHA element to this webform for untrusted users.');

  // Check replace CAPTCHA element text.
    ->assertRaw('Untrusted users will see a CAPTCHA element on this webform.');

  // Disable replace CAPTCHA admin mode.
    ->set('third_party_settings.captcha.replace_administration_mode', FALSE)

  // Check add CAPTCHA not replaced.
    ->assertNoRaw('Add CAPTCHA element to this webform for untrusted users.');
    ->assertRaw('Place a CAPTCHA here for untrusted users.');

  // Enabled replace CAPTCHA admin mode and exclude the CAPTCHA element.
    ->set('element.excluded_elements', [
    'captcha' => 'captcha',
    ->set('third_party_settings.captcha.replace_administration_mode', FALSE)

  // Check add CAPTCHA is still not replaced.
    ->assertNoRaw('Add CAPTCHA element to this webform for untrusted users.');
    ->assertRaw('Place a CAPTCHA here for untrusted users.');